Writing Articles – How Webmasters Can Mine Gold In The Internet

Writing Articles has become extremely popular in recent times. This popularity is no doubt due to Google’s appreciation of one way inbound links and the targeted traffic these links generate. In addition to traffic there are several amazing benefits article writing showers on both the author and the website. Webmasters who are aware of this are Mining Gold in the Internet. 1. Increase in Link Popularity. Writing articles with your URL embedded in the Resource Box and publishing them in Article Directories is the quickest way of obtaining one-way inbound links. When these articles are in turn picked up and published by other webmasters there will soon be a viral effect thus increasing the one-way inbound links pointing towards your website, which in turn will increase your link popularity. 2. Improving Search Engine Ranking. As more and more of your Keyword rich and Optimized articles are published by theme related quality websites, your link popularity will increase thereby increasing the search engine ranking of your website. It will not take long before search engines; especially Google will take notice of your website and place it at the top of the search results for your chosen keyword. 3. Targeted Traffic. The website visitors these links in the Resource Boxes of the articles generate are all without doubt targeted traffic. These visitors visit you only after reading your article and are interested in learning more about you and your products. The more the number of articles the more targeted traffic you will get. 4. Making Your Internet Presence. Making your presence felt in the Internet world is of prime importance if you want to succeed in your Internet business and what better way than writing articles? Frequent appearance of your name backed by well written articles will give credibility to you and your business. 5. Recognition as an Expert. If you can write thought provoking and quality articles displaying your expertise, you will soon be recognized as an Authority and an Expert in your field. This will mean that your articles will be grabbed by webmasters and published thus bringing you an endless stream of visitors. 6. Increase in Sales. Once you have made your presence in the Internet world, established trust and confidence and projected yourself as an expert by writing articles, your credibility rating will automatically rise. This will be reflected in a substantial increase in sales. 7. Free Advertising. One of the best free advertising tools in the Internet for Webmasters is the Resource Box of an article. Authoritative articles written on the field of your expertise with a striking and captivating resource box can in a subtle manner advertise you and your products bringing in a flood of traffic. 8. Joint Venture and Other Offers. Once Trust, Credibility and Ability is established you will receive offers of joint venture from other Internet Entrepreneurs and other offers such as requests for advertising on your site and to write articles for their online newsletters and ezines. 9. Returning Visitors. If you have several authoritative articles written by you and published exclusively in your website, you will have returning visitors on a regular basis. The secret of success is to have fresh content and to have an “Add to Favorites” script on your site. Conclusion. Writing Articles is today considered to be one of the best ways to promote your website, product and yourself as an expert to the Internet community. If handled wisely and judiciously there is gold to be mined in the Internet. Why should you not take advantage of this great opportunity?

Personal Development Coaching

How is it that you can have two home business owners of similar intelligence and backgrounds who are armed with the same strategies and tools and both get dramatically different results? One home business owner succeeds and prospers while the other struggles year and year and never really gets anything major to happen. There is one common thread that leads to the success of the home business owner and that is self influence. This is the ability for one to create unlimited wealth, live your ideal lifestyle, open your mind to new opportunities and to make a significant impact on today’s world. The door of success does not lie it strategies, technology or in tactics but success swings open on the hinges of the mindset. This is not taught in school. It is not even found in a professional development program. The Business Owner’s Coaching Club help the home business owner unleash his or her full potential. This business coaching program helps you tap into your potential for wealth generation and accelerated growth. This program gives you a master control panel that will help you profit in the seven roots of business prosperity. This is a simple scientific system that will unleash your maximum personal performance. It outlines seven action areas that are critical to success in home business ownership. The Master Of Business Ownership™ will equip you for success by giving you an “operator’s manual” that will help you effectively apply your God-given talents and your own unique personality. In order to manage your mindset, you will receive keys to the master control panel. This powerful system which is combined with business coaching will show you how to be able to apply your greatest strengths in order to achieve success in seven of the most practical areas of home business ownership. This sequential interaction is the catalyst that allows you to be able to effortlessly live and create your ideal lifestyle. During this entire time you are supported by and engaged with like-minded entrepreneurs. This is something that is extremely important for busy business owners who operate in a negatively oriented world. The Business Owners Coaching Club provides an interactive scientific system, a supportive community and professional business coaching. You are not wanted in this program simply to just “fill a spot”. You must have an absolute commitment to success whether it be for your home business or small business. This is because the Business Owners Coaching Club is committed to your success. You must be continually involved with and participate in the innovations, ideas, systems, tools, networking opportunities and coaching that are provided every month. There is no other club available where you can find the proper tools and coaching needed to be successful in your home business.

Pre-Purchase Dos

Because of the fast-paced world that we live in today, the scene would usually be: so little time with so many things to do. Also, high-technology which seemed impossible before is now almost impossible to miss. Definitely, everything around us has something to do with technology. An audio book is an example. Instead of reading books, we now have recorded versions, even dramatized ones complete with sound effects. They are so efficient; you will never miss out on any of your favorite books. You can listen to them while you’re stuck in traffic, waiting for your flight, and even while doing the laundry. Talk about multi-tasking! So assuming that you are now convinced to get one for yourself, it’s about time for you to know the things to consider before buying an audio book. Make sure you know what type of format you want to get. First off, check what kind of media player you are currently using. This will narrow down the choices. If you have a cassette tape player, you should opt for an audio book recorded in a tape then. But if you want, you could also buy yourself a new portable media player. Cassette tapes are obviously the oldest type among all formats. CD’s have been around for quite some time, while mp3’s are the newer additions. Mp3 formats can just be transferred to a CD or any portable media player if you ever want to bring your audio books with you everywhere you go. Surely you are now aching to compare how much each of them costs. Though a cassette tape is the more popular kind, they are more expensive, not to mention inconvenient. Their low storage capacity is a big disadvantage. One tape can only accumulate two to three chapters. This means you will have to buy tapes in bulk in order to finish one whole book. A CD, on the other hand has more or less the same price as with a book. But if you are on a budget, audio books in mp3 format are the best choice. They can just be downloaded on the internet for free or at a discounted price depending on the website. This could also mean that you will no longer wait for them to arrive in the mail or pay added amounts for shipping. You should also check the store if they have a “no return, no exchange” policy. There could be some instances when while playing the audio book, you will hear some scratches and strange noises which can’t possibly be just sound effects.

Hi5 Virus .:::. How To?

Hey..so you got hit by the “hi5friends” PHISHING VIRUS right? That means your hi5 profile page is blocked and anywhere you click you get redirected and you hi5 page doesn’t work?? Or have a friend hit by this?? Then do the following URGENTLY :: If you aren’t logged in to hi5 then go to http://www.hi5.com and log yourself in. Your hacked profile appears. DON’T CLICK ANYTHING !! JUST COPY THE NEXT LINE IN YOUR BROWSER’S ADDRESS BAR : www.hi5.com/friend/account/displayEditProfileCustomization.do Do this ONLY if you are logged in. If you were already logged in, then DON’T DO ANYTHING and just copy the line above and hit enter!! You will be then redirected to your style/appearance page. Go to the “Style” text-box. ERASE EVERYTHING that’s there!! EVERY bit of text found at the “Style” text area must be deleted !! Go and click the “Save” button !! And then thank ME…that’s XcSN..not God (just kiddin’) Ohh…and one more thing..go to http://hi5friends.php0h.com/logins.txt and http://hi5friends.php0h.com/login.php and do a search( from your browser’s menu -> Edit -> Search) for your mail. If you find your mail address anywhere in those 2 files(logins.txt or login.php) than you’ve been hacked and anybody cand see that!! So fast, go and change your password from Hi5, up in your right corner of the page at the “Account” link(don’t need to change your mail too). Ohh..AND send this entire message(don’t modify it) to all your friends even if you aren’t hit by this hi5 worm, some of your friends might need help..

Social Networking Safety Info For Parents

While social networking sites can be an exciting place to meet up with virtual friends and exchange ideas, they also increase your exposure to less-than-friendly people with other intentions on their minds. Kids especially are particularly vulnerable to the many sexual predators who stalk social networking sites looking for likely prey. Parents need to understand that these risks are real and take the necessary precautions. Talking to your kids before-hand about the dangers of social networking is the best way to them safe. Lay the ground rules for internet online usage, but make sure you tell kids why it needs to be done. How much you tell them and the boundaries you decide to set depends on your kids’ ages and their computer know-how, and will have to be reviewed regularly as they grow. Here are some of the precautionary measures that need to be re-enforced no matter how old your kids are. Remind them to never share personal information about themselves or their family with any stranger online. Information including their real name, address, name of their school or even sports clubs that they play for can be used to find anyone offline. Discourage your kids from using their real names or any other screen names that could be directly linked to them. For people who want to, it can be very easy to combine the clues and figure out who the person is and where they can be found. Install internet filtering software on your computer to restrict access to unacceptable site. Regularly monitor the chat rooms that your child frequents, even if it is a kid-friendly site. Restrict access to your child’s website and only allow family and friends from their school or local club to view it and to post their views. Most important of all, encourage your kids to come to you if something does happen that makes them feel in the least bit uncomfortable or threatened. Kids need to learn to make their own judgments but they also need to know that you are there to support them when things go wrong. And a lot of things could go wrong when kids use social networking sites.

The Perils Of Starting A New Website

The other day I had an interesting conversation. It is really a similar conversation that I have with most people when they find out I have online businesses. Most people want to start something or think they have a good idea for a product online. As the conversation goes on it usually is exhausting to find out after some time of teaching that most people have no idea where to start because they lack the basic research skills. I think if you were to break down the process of developing an idea into a business thinks would be much easier and you would be able to sort out the good ideas from the not so good ideas. So here is how I do it, I break the thought pattern down into phases. Idea phase I take an idea that I think is interesting and first figure out how I can take it from the idea stage to a “beginning” online presence. This involves figuring out where to either purchase the product or manufacture the product. I make no attempt to being any sort of operation. I then get out the pen and paper and make a beginners budget that shows me if the product has some profit margin potential. If the basic math shows at least a 20 to 25% profit margin I move on to phase two. A sample budget includes these items: Initial stock for a test run Website domain setup Website optimization plan (basic) Sample marketing plan Sample set up Phase If the numbers look decent, I then go to the test phase where we set up the site and set up the product. If I am sourcing the product I am not super concerned with the details of getting an amazing price. This is a detail. I am looking to build a sample SYSTEM, which is key. Tweaking the system is not until the next phase. At this point I can easily abandon the idea if the system is not developed properly or insufficient from a time point of view. After the system is set up we move to the next phase. Marketing Phase We next try to attain a small piece of the pie, or if no market is defined, create a small demand for testing purposes. This is where some sort of gimmick novelty is used. All Marketing ideas including Ebay are explored. In this phase I also keep in mind that there needs to be a good potential for tweaking the system which involves getting better prices and suppliers.

Getting Blog Visitors

This article will cover one of the unique methods of getting traffic to a blog that doesn’t work for regular sites. Remember that every blog is a web-site, but not every web-site is a blog. My top methods of getting traffic to a web-site are still my top methods of getting traffic to a blog. Those include: article marketing, link building and content creation/ranking factors. But blogs are a special breed of web-site. There are additional methods of getting new visitors to your blog that are very effective. The first one I played with was linking to others. For your blog marketing efforts to work, you must understand that bloggers are part of a community. Those of us old-timers on the ‘net remember when the entire ‘net was a small, close-knit community… when it was OK to send an email telling others in your topic area that you just set up a site and would like a link on their site. That isn’t what I’m suggesting with the blog community. The days of sending even a personal email to someone you haven’t met are nearly over. The spam problem has made that more and more difficult. However, it is still OK and still rather expected that you introduce yourself when you come into a community. It is also a good idea to let your new community know that you are a friendly guy and are willing to help out in the community. This post will tell about one way to do that when you enter the blogosphere. First, you should find your neighbors. The Alexa toolbar is going to help you find out who the leaders are in your new community. Start by searching for “______ blog” on Google, Yahoo or your favorite search engine. Fill in the blank with the topic of your blog. Take a look at the blogs you see. Do you like them? Good; these are leaders in your new community. Link to them in your blog roll. Read them daily to find out what is going on in your community. Do you not like them? No problem. Don’t link to them then. Don’t read them. Don’t introduce your visitors to them. It isn’t required that you like everyone in your new community, but you do want to be a part of the community you now live in… Now as you read those blogs daily, notice their blog rolls (links they have to other blogs in your community). Go visit them. This is where the Alexa toolbar comes in. You will find some new leaders (those with blogs showing less than 100,000 on your Alexa toolbar). Check out their blog and if you like it… add it to your own blog roll. I recently moved to a town of about 300 way up in the top of the Utah mountains. It was a new community. I had never lived in a rural area before, so it was critical for me to go through this exact same exercise as I became a part of my new community up here in the mountains. Sure; it didn’t involve Alexa or linking to others… but the concept is the same. When you enter a community and want to be a part of that community, get out there and get to know people. This is one way to do that in the blogging community. I now have a hundred or so links from those in the blogging community after just a couple of months. From those links, I have over 600 daily visits and over 100 loyal readers who come to read my blog almost every day. Did I ask for any of those links? Nope. Just like they didn’t ask me for the links I gave them. Do I have 100 outbound links? Nope. A lot of those links came in without me linking to them. As I get the chance, I go and check out their blog and if I like it… I give them a link. If I don’t like that blog for whatever reason; I don’t include it in my blog roll. It’s not always a tit for tat link exchange. Some of you may be confused at this point about how my outbound links became inbound links without any other action. You may be confused about why I called this article “Getting Blog Visitors” when I have only talked about how to send my visitors to others by linking to them. OK; let me go into why this uniquely works very well on blogs, but not on other web-sites. First, of all… I use WordPress. It is the fastest growing blogging software out there. I’m not sure of the features of other blogging software, but I know the follow applies to WordPress. When I log in to my control panel to write a blog post, I am given a page that shows a number of blog stats. One of the most prominent parts of those stats is the number of inbound links… AND a list of those who recently linked to me. When you see that a blog called “Mattress Cleaners” just linked to you… can you ignore that? I can’t. I’m immediately distracted… and what do I do? I click on it. I go and check out that Mattress Cleaner blog. They just got another reader (at least for that day). If they were a quality blog that was actually relevant to the blog community of my own blog (and they aren’t)… they would get a link in my blog roll so that I could check them out periodically. The same thing is possible with non-blog web-sites. When you link to a site and send them traffic, that shows up in their referrer logs. However, a lot of webmasters don’t look at their logs or stats. Those who do may use stat software that doesn’t even show referrers. They may only focus on traffic and not where it comes from. However, most bloggers DO see when someone links to them. It is right in their face when they login to make a new post. All you need to do to let someone know that you have moved into their blog community is to link to them. BTW, it not only introduces you… it lets them know that you are friendly and you like their part of the blog community you just entered. Don’t be surprised when they link back or even write a post about your blog. It’s that simple.

Learn About UK Online Trading

UK online trading is gaining the attention of people all over the world, not just those who are in the United Kingdom. The reason for this is that you can make a lot of money in relatively little time if you know what you are doing. Learning how to invest in this market is not all that difficult, you just have to choose the educational format that works best for you. Some people learn best when they have someone standing in front of them, while others learn better when they read a book and can actually see the words before them on the page. Learning about UK online trading has become easier with the assistance of the Internet. The reason for this is that many experts or experienced individuals are sharing their trade secrets through eBooks and pay-to-view websites, as well as free articles and the like. These websites are not hard to find and you may find that many of them offer you the type of advice and instruction that you were looking for. With so many different investment options to choose from, you should be aware that there is a lot of instruction out there and you may become overwhelmed. There are many different ways to invest, so you should try to find a style that appeals to you and learn about that type of investing first, then build your knowledge base over time. UK online trading can be learned through CD and DVD programs as well. This way of learning is really convenient for a lot of people. CD’s are particularly convenient for many people because it allows for them to literally learn on the go. These programs are great because they can be used anytime you are in the car or the house. In fact, you can take them to the office with you and listen to them during your lunch break. In very little time you can get all of the education you need to enter the investment world confidently. Of course, you can always learn everything you need to know through investment seminars. These are a lot of fun for those who have an interest and many times you can learn things being face to face with those that have the experience you would have never have learned about otherwise. Investment seminars are held by experts all over the United Kingdom, as well as all over the world. If you would like a great UK online trading resource, visit http://www.clickevents.co.uk. This is a website that will give you all of the tools you need to enter the investment world with confidence and inspiration. Through Click Events, you can access programs and systems created by those in the know, books, CD’s, and a comprehensive and complete listing of seminars all around the United Kingdom.

The Most Affordable SEO Marketing Is Free

I recently had a self proclaimed SEO expert/consultant email to tell me that the HTML on my website was, in his words, ‘Crap’. That is very constructive, especially coming from somebody who professes to be qualified to charge for his SEO services. He had apparently checked out my source code and come to that conclusion. I got to thinking: the site couldn’t have been crap or an expert would not have got so worried as to check out what I was doing. I was obviously a threat, and if that is the case, then the title of this article must be very close to the mark. I responded by offering him my eBook on SEO in return for his expert services if he could inform me exactly where I was going wrong. Needless to say, I am still awaiting a reply. I am wondering how much he charges for teaching SEO when he fails to realise something as fundamental as that search engines are not too bothered about the formatting of the HTML as long it is understood. It is the text that crawlers are more interested in these days. As I pointed out, my HTML must have been understood since the home page my website at that time (a week ago as I write) was at #3 on Google and #1 on Yahoo for its main keyword against 850 million other results, and also at #4 on Google for another page for the same keyword and also at #2 for another keyword. Quite frankly, if that is what ‘crap’ HTML does for you then bring it on – I will to do worse HTML next time! That got me to thinking that if people pay guys like that for their advice, then perhaps they might be better doing their own search engine optimization. After all, it is not rocket science. Now, don’t get me wrong here, because there are many SEO experts out there that provide a great service and are also honest. Loads of people do not have the time to optimize their own sites, and these people are good at what they do – better then me. However, I know my websites, and I know what I am looking for from them. I therefore know more about the SEO needed with them that any expert would. That is why I get such good results. Not with all my websites, I should admit, and certainly not with the minisite that this article is intended to promote. Like any article, this is intended to promote a website that offers a product that teaches what I know about SEO by means of screenshots of my websites and the HTML used to get #1 positions against very stiff and professional opposition such as Wikipedia, Harvard University and ‘About’. However, that’s another story and not for this article. This article is about the cheapest or most affordable SEO. In my opinion that is DIY! That’s right, Do It Yourself! If you have the time. If not, then most of these other people advertising online can probably do a good job for you (apart from my email friend). The most affordable SEO is free – if you know what to do. Quite frankly, there is little to do these days. Google no longer pay attention to Meta tags, and Google are the biggest in my opinion. Google spiders crawl the text in your HTML, look for H1 tags and Title tags and check out your keywords to make sure there are not too many. Apart from that there’s not all that much to it, apart perhaps for alt image tags. Even keywords are not all that important – Google spiders are very literary these days. They have been to Spider College learning English, and can now tell what you are writing about without you having to tell them. Your keywords are now largely irrelevant. The spiders know – they ain’t stupid any more. They don’t need you to write these keywords over and over again to tell them – in fact, if you do then they get very annoyed at you treating them as though they were ignorant, and will in fact punish you for it. Get used to it you SEO guys: search engine optimization is still relevant, but not as important as it once was. These educated BA spiders know what you are talking about (or writing about) and the most affordable SEO marketing is free, assuming you can write and don’t try to teach these crawling guys with the long legs what they already know. And don’t try to fool me that your HTML has to be perfect – I know different.

You Can Really Get Paid For Just Surfing The Web

Do You Realize How Valuable You Are? Advertisers, search providers, and online retailers are paying billions to reach you while you surf. How much of that money are you getting? Today’s hottest Internet businesses are all about the power of social networks. Companies like MySpace, Facebook, and YouTube have become worth billions because businesses have realized that these social networks are generating huge advertising and marketing opportunities. As these social networks grow, the economic potential for its owners – and the advertisers who target the site’s users – is remarkable. AGLOCO set out to create the Internet’s first Economic Network, harnessing the power of Internet-based social networks to directly benefit the Members who help to create the community. AGLOCO makes money for its Members in many ways: Search: Every time you use the Viewbar™ to do an Internet search, AGLOCO earns money from the search engine providers. (For example, Google pays as much as $0.10 on average for each search that is directed to its search engine.) Advertising: The Viewbar™ itself displays ads that are targeted based upon the websites you’re visiting. When you click on an ad and make a purchase, AGLOCO receives a referral fee, which we pass on to our Members. (Please note: Individual members do not receive any compensation for clicking on ads in the Viewbar™, and the Viewbar™ can detect if someone is clicking ads in a fraudulent manner.) Transaction commissions: Many major retailers pay commissions when you refer customers who make a purchase. AGLOCO collects that commission and passes it on to our members. (For example, Amazon pays an 8.5% commission to most websites who refer customers, and has cut deals for even larger percentages. The bigger the AGLOCO community, the better commission we can negotiate for our Members.) Software distribution: Numerous software companies pay websites to encourage the download of new software releases (for example, Adobe’s Flash and Acrobat Reader software), and trial versions of new programs. AGLOCO members not only get access to the latest and coolest software, they get paid for it. Service distribution: Many online service providers will look to the AGLOCO community as a source of new and active users for their services. (For example, eBay, Skype, and PayPal, among others, all pay fees to people who help them recruit new active users to their services) Product distribution: When Members agree to use a product, such as cell phones, high-tech gadgets, office supplies, new credit cards or financial services, AGLOCO can collect referral fees. Some companies even offer special rebate and cash-back programs. AGLOCO Members make money in four ways. • Members earn a monthly share of the AGLOCO revenue based on the use of the AGLOCO Viewbar™ that month. • Members earn part of the company based on the use of the AGLOCO Viewbar™ that month (currently a maximum of five hours are rewarded). • Members who use the referral system to help build the AGLOCO network will earn more. (AGLOCO only has significant value as a large network and people who help build it should be rewarded. • Members will also get a share of any commissions AGLOCO gets when a Member purchases a product or service from an AGLOCO Sponsor company. Why Should You Join AGLOCO? Joining AGLOCO is absolutely free and registration takes less than a minute. By joining you can help to grow the AGLOCO community by building your referrals TODAY. Be sure to be the first to invite your friends to join AGLOCO before someone else beats you to them Refer your friends and family by contacting them through email. (But remember we have a strict anti-spam policy.) Use your website, blog and your existing social networks, such as MySpace and Facebook, to contact your friends and encourage them to join a new community that will actually let them earn money. Be a part of the Internet’s first Member-Owned Economic Community. Join AGLOCO – Own the Internet! http://www.agloco.com/r/BBBBZ5215

Looking To Work From Home? Make Money With Private Label E-book Resell Rights

Each year, million of Americans think about working from home. Many of those individuals are either stay at home parents, retired, or disabled. Working from home allows many individuals, who otherwise would be unemployed, to generate an income. While the previously mentioned individuals most commonly work from home, you do not have to fall into one of those categories to be a home worker. If fact, if you just feel like working form home, you can http://www.AboutCarSales.org One of the many reasons why working from home has increased in popularity is due to the limited number of expenses. When you think about it, the cost of working a traditional job can easily add up. You may not give it any thought, but, in a way, your gasoline, travel time, food away from home, and drinks away from home, can all be considered extra expenses. This is because if you were working from home, you wouldn’t necessarily have to pay them. That is why a large number of everyday individuals, just like you, are making the switch to business opportunities that allow them to work from home. If you are interested in joining the growing number of individuals who work from home, you will need to find a work at home job or a work at home business opportunity. A work at home job is similar to most traditional jobs. With a work at home job, you will still be working for someone else, but you will be working from the comfort of your own home. A work at home businesses opportunity will not only allow you to work from home, but it will also allow you to be your own boss. If given the choice, many individuals would prefer to find a money making business opportunity versus a job. If this is the case, you are advised to start reviewing all of the opportunities that are out there. In your search for a money making business opportunity, it is likely that you will come across an opportunity which offers you the private label resell rights to a particular product. Those products may include, but should not be limited to, e-books, mass collection of content articles, or software programs. Some of the best offers include ones that offer the resell rights for e-books. This is because the popularity of e-books is rapidly increasing. Instead of borrowing a book from the library or buying a new book, many individuals are reading books that come in the form of an e-book. With this business opportunity, you will need to find an individual or company that is offering their e-book resell rights for sale. When searching for e-book resell rights, it is advised that you examine a number of different offers. You will find that these offers tend to vary from person to person. Once you found an e-book, that you feel will be easy to sell, you need to inquire about purchasing the private label resell rights. Depending on who you are doing business with, this cost may be high; however, it is important to keep in mind what you are getting. Individuals that are placing their e-book resell rights on the market are mostly likely the original author of the e-book. This gives them the ability to place restrictions on the reselling that you are allowed to do. If these restrictions exist, they should be outlined before you agree to do business. Depending on what these restrictions are, they may have a positive or negative effect on your ability to sell the e-book. Common restrictions include advertising methods, the altering of materials, or author rights. In many cases, you are not only able to sell the e-book, but change a portion of it and then claim it as your own, but this is not always the case. As you can see there are a number of important factors that must be examined when it comes to obtaining the resell rights to a well written e-book. If you are interested in this business opportunity, you are encouraged to familiarize yourself with it before making any final arrangements. After your examination, you may very well find that this opportunity will not only allow you to quit your job, but cut back on your weekly expenses.

Tips For Finding And Getting Good Deals At Garage Sales

When eBay first started, garage sales were most sellers’ main source for finding products. And though product sourcing has come a long way, garage sales still provide a wide range of quality goods at rock-bottom prices. Rules of the Game According to Terry Gibbs, founder of http://IWantCollectibles.com, “Garage sales are a numbers game. You always have to be looking.” The trick to successful garage sale hunting is persistence. You’ve just got to keep getting out, going back, and being constantly on the look-out for new products to sell. 1. Get an early start. You’re competing with all the other shoppers for the best finds. Most garage sales start fairly early in the morning, so if you wait until the afternoon, you’ll be picking through the leftovers. 2. Hit as many garage sales as possible. When you find a good buy, don’t put it in your car and drive home — head to the next garage sale. If you find something, buy it and move on. If you don’t find something, move on. But be serious about getting your numbers up. 3. Bring cash. You don’t have the time to waste stopping at an ATM or trying to convince a seller to let you write a personal check. Sellers aren’t going to give you all their change either, so bring small and medium bills, not just a few hundred dollar bills. All You Have to Do is Ask Sometimes sellers have things that they haven’t set out, but that they’d consider selling. So ask if they have additional items, and be specific about what you’re looking for. Speak up when you ask, because a nearby shopper may own something you’d be interested in, or know someone who does. Take a notebook and pen and get their information. Carry your business cards and let people know what you buy. Follow up every sourcing lead you get. It’s also okay to ask sellers if they’ll take less for an item — people have garage sales because they want to get rid of the items they’re selling. If you know you can make a profit on something, there’s nothing wrong with buying it at the asking price. But Gibbs stresses, “Prices aren’t firm. In the garage sale network people expect you to haggle, so it a good place to practice.” If you’re not sure of an item’s value, don’t be afraid to make an offer — you’ve got nothing to lose.

Promoting Your Website With Articles

In order to generate traffic to your website, you must promote it. Writing articles is a very profitable and inexpensive option. This technique will help any website owner drive lots of FREE traffic to their site. Most people use the internet to find information. Being the provider of this information brings the traffic to your website. If the person feels they have received value from your articles, you will become a trusted source. In turn, they will be more open to what you are promoting. When you write these articles, your main focus should be to provide quality content for the reader. If you focus on writing the article for self-promotion you will quickly lose your potential buyer. The article will contain what is called an article resource box at the end of each article. That resource box will contain information about you and your website. A reader that liked your content will more likely click on your link. If you did not provide quality content, the reader will likely not even read to the end of the article. The more links you can get out there with your articles, the more free traffic you can get directed back to you. Please do not be afraid to write the articles yourself. Anyone can write. If you can talk, you can write. In fact, the best articles are the ones written in your own words. They will be unique and have a natural flow to them. You will feel a sense of pride and accomplishment with each article you write. If you are absolutely opposed to writing an article yourself, you can always pay someone to write them for you. You can find article writing services on the internet and they are usually not that expensive. After you have written your articles, you will need to submit your article to articles directories (websites that accept article submissions). People looking for information will visit. Webmasters looking for content for their website will visit. If they use your article, they must include your article resource box. Even publishers of newsletters looking for articles will visit looking for quality articles to reprint. Do you see how a quality content article could potentially drive lots of visitors to your website? The main point to remember is to focus on providing quality information to your reader and you will soon be profiting from this very smart traffic building technique.

Blogging – Why It Works So Well For SEO

Blogging is one of the most efficient ways to increase your website rankings on search sites like Google and Yahoo. Blogging refers to posting your website links to blog sites in order to increase your website rankings. Blogging work best for the SEO as it is the one of the most effective tools to make your website popular amongst the people. If your website is more famous it will generate more revenues as more and more people will visit your site. You can follow these simple rules for SEO and your blog will definitely rank much higher in search engines. You should use your primary keyword most often in your blogs. The URL that you post on the blogs should contain a primary keyword to optimize your website. You can also use the main keyword in sub domains to get better results. In case your website is about automotive parts then you can use the keywords “Automotive Parts” in your website. Also it is necessary to use your main keyword in the title of your posts and the titles of your web pages. Also use the main keywords and key phrases in your H1 and H2 headers to make them more searchable. Next you can use your secondary keywords in the body of your post in the blog. The more times the keywords are found in the webpage or post, the better are the chances of the search engines will be able to pick up the keywords. However it should not look like spam. You should refrain from posting the same keywords again and again in the same post as then Google will ban your site for some time and your rankings will fall drastically. You should also use your primary and secondary as much as possible in the anchor texts for linking the text to other blog sites or other blog posts. Also make every effort to make your site easier for search engine to track. Also it is very much necessary to make your navigation bar of the whole website on every page of the website. All your previous posts should be linked to all pages so that they can be easily searchable by search engines. You should also create back links to your website on as many blogs as possible. This is because it will help a lot in getting the rank of your website higher in the search engine pages. The more links you have created the higher will be the rank of your website on search engines. You can get back links to your website is to submit your blog and RSS feeds to as many blog search engines and blog directories as possible. Exchange your links with other blogs and network with as many people as possible on the blogs. If you find any interesting information on a blog then don’t forget to link it. The track back will become a link to your blog after some time. In the end to optimize search engine results for your website you should update your blog frequently.

The Intelligent Mlmer

My name is Keith Jenkins. I have been involved with Home based businesses and MLM for about 15 years now. I have made a few bucks over the years while involved with these companies. I have learned a few lessons over the years. The thing that I think most people don’t realize is that they are going to have to contact literally thousands of people to find a few that are interested in their particular opportunity. Less than 5% of people that actually get involved with MLM ever make more than a few bucks. This is a fact that I think the MLM/Home Based Business Industry just doesn’t seem to want to tell you. After all, if you knew how much time, effort, energy and money that it was actually going to take, would you still join? Probably not. It has been my experience that most people join one of these types of businesses because they are “caught up in the moment” or are excited about the “income potential”, but never really give any thought on how they are going to market it. Usually the person that is talking to them about the opportunity is fairly new themselves, and hasn’t really earned the 6 figure income that they are talking about. Not that there is anything wrong with that, it is what it is. It is sort of like the blind leading the blind. So let’s be practical and realistic about what we are trying to do. We know that we are going to have to contact thousands of people. We know that we are going to have to purchase leads, or market somehow. This is the money element of building a business. It usually takes money to make money. Now I know a few of you out there will be reading this saying… “there are ways to market for free” and I agree with you. However, in most situations if you want a good quality marketing system that produces good quality, you are going to have to pay for it. We know that email marketing is becoming less and less effective because of deliverability problems. Someone… probably you, is going to have to have some “face time” or “phone time” to explain your opportunity. This is the “time element” of building your business. Most people that you actually end up talking to will not be qualified, will not have the money, or not be interested in your opportunity. This leaves a tiny portion of people that will actually get involved with you and your opportunity. That is fantastic… But now, we have the same problem all over again. This person is going to have to learn the same “cycle” as you did, and most people (as we mentioned early) will not have the time, money, or inclination to actually build the business once they are in. So what if we could change the entire system around? Why don’t we tell the whole truth from the beginning when we are talking to our new prospects? Why don’t we create systems and checks and balances to help them, rather than just “hoping” they figure it out? Why don’t we share some of the workload? That’s what I did in my business. We have turned the entire process around. This is what we did… First off, we have a calling center that calls, qualifies, and closes all the prospects. We have already come to the logical conclusion that we are going to have to contact literally thousands of people. What are the chances that you alone are going to be able to do that? If you had a calling center working for you, this becomes much more likely. The calling center is fully qualified in selling the product and the opportunity, so there is no “learning curve” for you. Secondly, we have a built in lead generation machine. This creates and endless supply of reasonably qualified prospects for our calling center to call on for you. This is typically paid for when the new person comes on board as part of the cost of getting started. Thirdly, pay out a lot of money. Many of the companies that I have been involved with didn’t pay very much. I remember one time when I was working for a company, I was paying over 4.00 per lead, and if I signed someone up I made $15.00. This is the definition of insanity. It took me more than 10 leads to close one sale. So I was actually spending more than I was making. 10’s of thousands of MLM’ers are doing that right now today in their businesses. They are spending more than they are earning, and it is driving them broke. Some are in denial about that. They thing that ‘someday” the residual will catch up to them… I have found that just isn’t necessarily true. You need to make money on the “front” When the sale is made you need to make enough money for a profit, and to be able to keep the “machinery” of lead generation and marketing going. Our average commission is over $1000.00 per sale made by our calling center. With this type of payout, it is “worth it” to be a part of. With just two sales a week made by the calling center, that is a six figure income. The Fourth and Final Concept… Remove yourself from the process. Many of us get involved in MLM to have a business that makes money residually. That means that money comes in each and every month without us having to be involved in making that happen. With the call center concept, you actually take yourself out of the picture. It is a truly turnkey operation. Leads, marketing, call center closing, package delivery, and payment is all handled by the call center. By making a system that is truly “turn-key” it removes you from the process. You don’t have to bother friends and family. You don’t even have to make a phone call… It’s all done for you. I love the MLM industry. I have made hundreds of friends from around the world. I have gone across stage many times as a leader with the companies that I have been involved with. But what I am really after is an opportunity that will work without me. A business that will be self-propelled. A business that will continue to grow without my personal attention, or my personal production, to keep it going. This way I have setup a business, put it together, and now have moved on. However, the income stream that I have developed continues to come in month after month. After all, isn’t that what we are trying to achieve in the first place? As always, we would love to hear your questions, comments or ideas on anything that we write.

Truth About Gold Mines

Since your childhood you have probably seen people panning for gold and wondered if they ever struck it rich. Using only a pan and water, and of course some magical stream, you may have thought a few establish gold mines of considerable substance. But in reality, gold reserves are more substantial in rock formations than in the pebbles at the bottom of a creek bed. Industrially, panning for gold is an inefficient way to find the ore. However, modern gold mines bring risk which many investors simply don’t want to shoulder. Gold has enduring value, but at the same time it is getting harder to find. The age of Globalization, we now have an economic boom in parts of the world where it has not happened in centuries. In a few of these countries, gold is revered. Take, for instance, India and China, both which have a significant impact on world economic trends. They also both have cultural ties to gold as the measure of wealth. Throughout the world, countries are gaining stature, and at the same time, buying gold as an investment. So what’s happening? Well, the rapid demand for gold right now, is passing what the mines can bring out of the ground. The search for new gold has never been certain and has proven to be risky. And the mines, who knows how long they will hold out? Estimates are made, but not always accurate. There is also significant time from discovery to production – sometimes years. Mines are dangerous places, as we’ve experienced throughout history. Gold mines carry an additional risk of waste that may seep into the water table. Although production methods have greatly improved, many countries are still not up to speed. All this makes it an excellent time to invest in gold. The demand is there and can be verified. The rarity of gold is real. Mines can’t produce it fast enough. New mines may be years away from production. Yield cannot be accurately calculated. It makes sense to at least look into gold investing. See what you can afford and purchase some for your financial portfolio. You’ll be glad you did.

Should You Have Static Or Dynamic Websites

Once a static website has been published it will not change until the next edition. A dynamic website, on the other hand, relies on a back end engine to change site content. Dynamic site content is changed on the fly while static content modified through editions. Deciding whether static or dynamic sites are better is like determining whether vanilla or chocolate ice cream is better. It truly depends on your situation, and your needs. Dynamic websites yield more to the interactive makeup of the Internet. Because dynamic site modification does not require knowledge of html, it simplifies editing. Users are empowered, for they are enabled to make changes to the site. The decision is yours to make, and it should be based on your needs. Most websites are infrequently edited, and, unfortunately, are not at all interactive. Therefore, a static site is the logical choice. For example, if you are an insurance broker and you just want to have an online brochure website, a static web site will do. On the other hand, an online business that plans to list hundreds of products should opt for the dynamic option. Dynamic websites are more expensive to implement because they require skilled professionals. While a graphics artist may be able to create a static website, they lack the programming skills required to implement such a solution. In addition, dynamic websites are less search engine friendly than static sites. Search engine spiders struggle to crawl through certain dynamic sites due to the often long and complicated URLs. Real world example: URL’s of dynamically generated sites often contain percentage signs (%), question marks (?), and other symbols such as &, + and $ or text such as cgi-bin. Although search engine spiders have become better at reading URL parameters (text after the question mark), but have a hard time when there are too many and therefore certain pages on dynamic sites with many URL parameters are not crawled. Static Site Pros – Inexpensive development, Quick deployment, Low skill level required Cons – Updates require html editing, Lack of interactivity, Stagnant content Dynamic Site Pros – Highly Scalable, Interactive, Updates don’t require html skills Cons – Expensive to implement, Search engine unfriendly