Selling Your Services Without Sounding Pushy

Selling your services without sounding pushy is the great hairbreadth that divides the successful salesperson  be it a telemarketer, mail order solicitor, or car salesperson seeking to foist an undercarriage coating  from the one who will be hung up on habitually, whose glossy brochures end up in the recycling bin, and who could not sell a big flannel towel to a beachgoer who forgot his. While there are a number of reasons why some folks simply sound pushy even when they do not mean to, there are also a few tips and tricks to overcome this problem and to rise up in the ranks of those who have the art of selling in their blood. Here are the three most important things to remember for selling your services without sounding pushy: 1. First and foremost, you must come to terms with the product and the process. Perhaps you are working at a call center and instead of being able to enter into a person conversation with the consumers  as it your personal style  you are forced to follow a specific script. This is a hard one for many people to do, and trying to sell anything when you are comfortable with the process will have you come across as being pushy and impersonal. Thus, become dedicated to using the script, memorize it so that it does not sound like you are reading something, and make every effort to find a personal approach even when using a script. Establishing personal rapport will allow you to sell without sounding pushy. 2. When someone is accused of being pushy, it is usually synonymous with someone trying to convince a potential customer of the services quality even though the customer is not sold on the concept yet. As a sales person, you have missed a crucial step in the process by failing to communicate undeniable reasons why your potential customer needs the service. This in turn requires you to listen to the customer and understand their needs  which sometimes you only will be able to do within the first two minutes of the conversation. Therefore, do not be so quick to sell your service but instead be quick to listen and then focus on the reasons why your service will be a need for the customer. 3. Selling your services without sounding pushy requires the salesperson to understand what they are selling. Sure, you may know that you are selling a widget protection plan, but just going into the money saving, how much it will cost the customer, and what great benefits there are does precious little to convince the consumer who is practiced in saying No to anyone who calls. Instead, you need to focus on the end-result your service will have for the customer. The widget protection plan is great, but if it means the customer gets to spend time with his or her family playing golf since they no longer have to worry about fixing the widget, then this is the hook on which to bait the sale. Once the customer is interested in what the service can do for them, it is the time to enter into your spiel about cost, and so on.