Online Registration Analytics Tips For Event Planners: Privacy Is Paramount

For an event professional, building a base of fans that trust you to provide a great experience at every event is crucial to being successful. One easy way to upset your regular attendees and lose their confidence is to violate their privacy. With the advent of internet technology that helps plan events and make their execution more efficient, many privacy concerns have arisen.

Online Registration Analytics


Topping the list of privacy concerns associated with doing business on the internet is payment information and personal information. Payment information is sensitive for obvious reasons: an unscrupulous person with access to credit card or banking information is quite dangerous. But personal information (name, address, mother’s maiden name, etc.) can be equally as dangerous with identity theft being one of the top concerns. It is the fear of losing control of this information which has led many people to oppose various technologies that make life easier on the web, but that might not necessarily be good for personal security. But what about tracking programs that use cookies? There has been much discussion regarding what information website cookies reveal to the website owner about users. While most web users are not particularly concerned with the practice of using cookies to collect information, there is a group of users who are very suspicious of websites that use cookies.


However, improvements in event registration software are bringing analytics to the event professional and it is important to understand how your registrants’ privacy is impacted by the implementation of web analytics on your registration form. First, it is very important to note that the point of web analytics is to study the behavior of web users in aggregate. This means that you won’t necessarily be singling out registrants to gather information. Sometimes the intent of analytics isn’t enough to deter critics, and so you should also be aware of what information is collected by your system.


To give you a few examples, Google Analytics protects users’ privacy by not logging individual IP addresses. RegOnline’s Analytics Reports do not allow the event planner to view any personal information about users unless they complete a registration. To further insulate yourself against privacy complaints you should carefully evaluate the registration software you plan on using. Some things to look for include HackerSafe security checks, Payment Card International certification and a verified privacy policy. By taking a little time up front to understand how analytics and cookies work you will be able to patiently explain to registrants that their data is being handled responsibly.

Blogging – Great Experience!

Blogging is a great way to log your ideas, opinions and experiences regarding any subject that you strongly feel for. When blogging began it was just a means of expressing oneself but over time the purpose of blogging has undergone a phenomenal change.



Today blogging has come to be a great marketing tool and the next step to creating a blog is to begin efforts for diverting traffic to your blog. Blogs can actually get a lot of traffic and be a marketing platform for your products and services. Blogging can also become a source of income for you and just writing a blog on any issue or a product review can be a means of income for you.

There are several blog affiliate marketing programs that can divert a lot of traffic to your blog and make it real hot property in no time. Ways of getting traffic to your blog would be to have firstly, very informative and interesting content in your blog.


Content plays a very important role in getting people to check out your blog. Regular updating of the blog content is another important factor as it is the only way you can retain the interest of the people who have started visiting your blog. A good blog affiliate marketing technique would be to link your blog to similar other blog sites. Monetizing your blog or how to generate income from your blog can become very simple if you do keep the following things in mind: • The content provided on the blog should be keyword based. This would help bring traffic to your blog through the search engines. • The advertisements provided on the blog should be such that it is related to the blog and also links provided should be subject related. This would provide additional information related to the topic for all those who visit your blog. • The quality of the content should be very high. The content should be such that provides appropriate solutions. • Provide content that is of interest to a major share of people. If you keep the above points in mind then monetizing your blog will no longer be a far-fetched dream.

There are thousands of blogs that are started everyday and efforts are being made to divert traffic to each one of them . Inspite of all these efforts and millions of words of content being generated , there are very few successful blogs that manage to interest the public at large. It is this secret that one has to master.

Efforts are put in by all who want to achieve success but success comes to those who not only work but “work smart”. So a little understanding of the market trends and a little creativity is all you need to monetizing your blog and making it a huge success. If your blog is one that receives a lot of traffic then you are sitting on top of a goldmine and this is just the beginning of good times to come.

See Who’s Linking To You In The Blogosphere

Having backlinks is vital to your blog, as it helps increase its popularity. There are many means available to check your incoming links. One method of checking for incoming links is to use link popularity services such as and

Keep in mind that unlike Yahoo and MSN, Google does not always display all your backlinks. Technorati -Another method for finding what blogs are linking to you is to check Technorati. To check your links on Technorati use the following method Technorati states that they attempt to index full content from blogs. If they cannot find a full content, they index the HTML on the front page. Any content that can’t be found in either of these places does not get indexed currently. So if a blog’s RSS feed is not set to “full”, then it is possible that not all backlinks will show in Technorati.

See Who's Linking To You In The Blogosphere

Google Blogsearch- is another place to check for new incoming links to your blog. Google blog search allows you to search via a specific timeframe, such as blogs linking in within the last hour, 12 hours, one week or months. Google Blogsearch allows you to subscribe to the results via RSS feed so you’ll be updated whenever a new site links to your blog. Blog Search – unique algorithm combines search and Bloglines subscription data. Searches can be conducted by “posts”, “feeds” or “news”. Advanced search features are available. Icerocket Blog Search- is a blog search engine like Google Blog Search. Icerocket Blog Search lets you track links from other blogs to your posts.

To check your links at Icerocket type this query into the search field link: Backlinkwatch- provides an all-in-one service to check your backlinks. The service reports backlinks along with their PR, anchor text and if it’s a nofollow or follow backlink. PopUri – is an online tool which checks the link popularity of any site based on its ranking. Google offers Google Webmaster Tools, which also shows the number of incoming links for your website and Blog Pulse Search reports daily incoming links to your blog as well. Check your incoming links through these various methods to get a wider scope of just who is linking to your blog

Why Use Affiliate Programs?

How can we look for the right business in this industry where there exists a world of different opportunities? It is possible, but you need a lot of reading and research to develop a sound and reliable online business strategy. Some give up before they actually started. Why? Because the amount of effort required is sometimes too heavy to carry.

So, what is one easy way to make money online without having to think how to make it work? It’s the great idea of using an affiliate program. Consider if you have been in business online for a while, or if you’re just getting started, one critical component to build sales is to generate traffic for your site.

Affiliate Programs

Affiliate programs group together merchants and non-merchants alike, with the common goal to generate traffic. How does it work? Well, as a merchant, you join an affiliate program, and when others join and advertise your site in some way on their site, you get leads from them and you pay them for it. The beauty about affiliate program is that they are pay-for-performance, that means, you don’t pay unless a lead is materialized and a sale is generated from that affiliate. Even if you are in a non-merchant business, you can also share the advantages to joining an affiliate program.

To begin, provide your visitors with links to the merchant. When more people visit your site, and click on the links to the merchant, you get paid for the number of leads or sales generated by your efforts. To increase this traffic, you can get others to advertise your site. Of course, you will have to pay for the leads generated, but think of the benefits of the added traffic to your site, they usually outweigh the costs. Last but not least, to all online businesses, affiliate programs are relatively easy to manage, and they are economical solutions to making money. They are less costly, and you need lesser work to join an affiliate program, compared to managing your own list of affiliates. Besides, affiliate programs usually have huge member size, so you stand to tap a far wider range of the market. It is not easy to achieve all this on your own. So, why wait? Use an affiliate program now.

Tips On Getting An Edge With Blogging Video

Blogs began as places where anyone could post his or her thoughts about anything, in the hope of finding an audience. But mostly, blogs were piles of words piled on top of more piles of words. But that has changed in a big way, and the photographs which used to add visual interest to blogs have been supplanted by blogging video. If you want to perk up your blog so that your visitors will spend more time with you and make a point of coming back, habits you should be cultivating if you want to turn your blog into a money maker, you need to start dressing it up with blogging video.

But that doesn’t mean you have to go out and drop a thousand bucks on a video camera. Tip One: YouTube as Your Blogging Video Source The Internet is awash in video sites like YouTube, where the world has congregated to share its discoveries, talents, knowledge, and daily experiences on video. Blogging video can be used to illustrate whatever point you are trying to make with your blog.

Tips On Getting An Edge With Blogging Video

If you are trying to tell people how to become bloggers, there’s no better way to do it than to set up a series of blogging videos that walk them through the process. If you’re a WordPress blogger, and you really should be, you’re in luck because WordPress has a plugin designed to enable you to embed your favorite YouTube videos directly in your blogs. The WordPress Viper’s Video Quicktags will let you embed not only YouTube videos by those from Metacafe, MySpace, IFILM, and Vimeo. What’s involved? Clicking a button and pasting the url of the video into your prompt box. And just to make things even easier, the plugin lets you configure the downloaded videos so you get the most effective presentation on your blog page. You don’t need to worry about embedding blogging videos against their owner’s wishes, because anyone uploading videos to YouTube can disable the embedding feature if they want. Tip Two: How to Find The Best Blogging Videos for Your Blog All you need to do is look over the YouTube categories, and find the one which seems most likely to have blogging videos related to the focus of your blog.

Then do a specific search in that category, or just flip through pages of that category until you find video which sounds like it might be a good fit. You can even tell how many people have watched each video, so you’ll recognize which ones have wide-based appeal. There’s really no mystery to enriching your blogs with video content, and in the Xtreme competition of blogging for bucks, you need to do whatever you can to get an edge on other bloggers who are trying to capture the same audience as you. Blogging video is a great way to keep your audience coming back for more, and besides, it will save you the time you normally spend in having to paint word pictures!

Learning Forex Currency Trading Online

There has never been a better time to learn Forex currency trading online. Although there are many Forex training materials available online there are very few that will actually produce measurable results for most people. In the Forex trading industry there are many different approaches and strategies being taught and used.

A few people are having extraordinary results with consistent profit and today’s technology enables any Forex trading entrepreneur to have access to the knowledge that those traders are willing to share. A good place to start learning for free is in a forum. However, it has been my experience that some of the most popular Forex trading forums are inhabited by some of the more negative minded people in the industry. Newcomers who even make a slightly positive comment about Forex trading will sometimes be attacked by the obviously unhappy people who resent the idea that it is possible for others to easily succeed.

Картинки по запросу Forex Currency Trading Online

Most forums will actually damage your ability to succeed rather than help. That is why our Forex trading forum was formed with the intention of helping and encouraging only. Negative comments are simply deleted and users who consistently display negative attitude are permanently banned. A Forex video training course is one of the most effective learning tools for enabling students to master the art of trading. As opposed to live seminars which are also more expensive, Forex training videos can be viewed at any convenient time and replayed again and again.


There may be sections that warrant repeated viewing while other sections can be viewed briefly or skipped. The video format for learning has proven to be extremely effective for learning trading principles quickly. Live web conferences are another amazing tool for aiding the process of learning Forex trading. In a live web conference or webinar participants can interact in real time hearing the presenter speak and seeing her screen while explaining or demonstrating Forex trading entry signals.

The presenter can also pass the screen sharing feature to any participant so that he can ask questions about what he is seeing on his charts. This medium has accelerated the learning process tremendously for many Forex trading students. It is this kind of technology that makes learning Forex currency trading online a very enjoyable and effective process.

Keywords, Tags Copy – Don’t Waste Your Time Unless You Know What Your Doing

Keywords alone won’t create high search engine rankings for your eCommerce web site. Combining keywords, repeated several times on your page, with copy that communicates well and provides good reading for the viewer will boost your rankings for your chosen keyword(s).


Your tags and the body of your page become critical elements for eCommerce success. Your Title Tag should be the keyword or phrase you are targeting. Search engines ‘find’ title tags and display them. Your title tag needs to be at the beginning of your copy, and repeated numerous times throughout your page. Remember that people read search engine results and humans aren’t search engines. If what we are reading doesn’t capture our interest and attention, we click the mouse and go on to something else.

Repeated keywords or phrases and compelling copy are a winning combination. Creating Meta Tags is very much like Title Tags, except they will be longer and more descriptive. This tag is a page description and it’s also available for viewers to read in search engine results. The keyword or phrase needs to be repeated and a compelling description about your product or service needs to catch the eye of the reader. You don’t want him/her to lose interest and move on to someone else’s web site.


Once your site visitors find you (because you have such great keywords and phrases!) the composition of your page becomes paramount. You need to think about including pictures, slideshows and videos. They must be compelling enough for your visitors to want to hang around and not only see what you have to offer, but consider making a purchase. Your Alt tag for your graphics needs to include your primary keyword or phrase again. Staying with the assumption that you want the visitor to make a purchase, you create compelling copy that describes your product or service and suggests how it may be helpful and important to your viewer.

Be sure to use your keywords and phrases again in the first line of your copy and throughout your page. Search engines look for words and phrases that are repeated on a page. We cannot over-emphasize the importance of compelling copy. Text that is boring simply means your visitor will move on to another site. Your graphics (pictures, slideshow, video) will capture your visitor’s interest, but your copy will make the difference between a purchase and a lost opportunity.

Your visitor needs to be able to click on just one link to purchase your product or service. And that link must be available to the viewer on the page that is being viewed. The key is to make a purchase as simple as possible for your cyberspace customers. Using the tags we’ve talked about, keywords and phrases will get them to your page via their favorite search engine. Your eye-catching graphics will pique their interest. And your compelling copy and simplicity of purchase will increase your average visitor value. Truly a successful cause and effect combination!

Why Laser Engraving Business Is Booming

Laser engraving business is booming and rapidly growing because of the amazing appeal of various products that it can produce. The world of souvenirs, keepsakes and promotional or corporate novelty items has never been this exciting now that laser engraving technology has penetrated the market.

Laser engraving technology seems to a very complicated process; and the products and designs it can create seems very hard to do; but with the use of modern laser engraving machine, remarkable gift items with intricate designs can be done in a few minutes. Is it unbelievable or too good to be true? No. The right term is amazing! And who would not be captivated by the elegant and lasting beauty of laser engraved products such as bracelets, pendants, paper weights and key chains that look elegant and classic?

Laser Engraving Business Is Booming

Laser engraving business is booming nowadays because both small and huge corporations have realized the value of elegantly engraved paperweights or key chains with their logo or brand name on it over the old-fashioned and cheap looking printed key chains or sticker-labeled paperweights. The market of laser engraved items are not only the companies who want to give corporate novelty items for company promotion or give aways because individuals celebrating special occasions such as wedding, birthdays and baptism are likewise accustomed to give souvenirs and keepsakes for their guests. And how about those people who likes personalizing their gifts for their special someone? All of these make laser engraving business booming and profitable!


Moreover, this business does not need a huge capitalization or a big location; anybody with creative mind and entrepreneurial spirit can start this business anywhere by just purchasing a complete laser engraving machine. And with the pretty good number of laser engraving machine manufacturers, one can definitely purchase a decent quality laser engraving machine at a reasonable price.

One machine allows you to engrave and personalize wide range of products regardless whether they are made in stone, metal, glass, plastic or wood. In short, the low-cost business start-up, affordable materials and unlimited products designs possible that one can do with laser engraving business; plus the corporate and individual market niche it can serve are the major reasons why this kind of business is rapidly growing nowadays.

White Hat Or Black Hate Search Engine Optimization Firms

Almost everyone has heard the phrase black hat tricks when it concerns Search Engine Optimization, but how can you tell if the firm you choose is using black hate methods or what hat. Are they the good guys or the bad guys.

White Hat Or Black Hate Search Engine

Why is that even important? Simply put playing with the bad guys can get your site delisted completely. But how to tell if a firm is what or black hat? Well first a reputable SEO firm will tell you what they plan to do and how they will accomplish the goals for your site. They will not guarantee a #1 ranking on Google. Beware of SEOs that claim to guarantee rankings, allege a “special relationship” with Google, or advertise a “priority submit” to Google or any of the search engines. You should not need to employ a link to your SEO company.

Avoid SEOs that talk about the power of “free-for-all” links, link popularity schemes, or submitting your site to thousands of search engines. Some things that are a dead on give away that your SEO guru is wearing a black hat? It’s far from a comprehensive list, so if you have any doubts, you should trust your instincts.

By all means, feel free to walk away if the SEO: * owns shadow domains * puts links to their other clients on doorway pages * offers to sell keywords in the address bar * doesn’t distinguish between actual search results and ads that appear in search results * guarantees ranking, but only on obscure, long keyword phrases you would get anyway * operates with multiple aliases or falsified WHOIS info * gets traffic from “fake” search engines, spyware, or scumware * has had domains removed from Google’s index or is not itself listed in Google These are just a few things to look for when choosing an SEO company, but probably the most important one is comfort, if your gut feel says they are wearing the grey hat run do not walk away, your websites life expectancy can depend on it.

RSS Basics – Basics Of Using RSS

RSS Tips- Important Issues For Setting Up RSS Feeds Here are six tips for creating successful RSS or Rich Site Summary. It is also called Real Simple Syndication. RSS allows internet users to receive current updates from your site without having to log in.

RSS Basics

Incorporating these tips into your RSS strategy will lead to increased profits now and in the future. 1. Profitable RSS feeds require extensive planning. You will need to plan not just for one feed, but for each feed that follows. Subscribers depend upon you to be consistent with quality information one a regular basis. 2. To consistently produce reliable RSS feeds, it is imperative that your technological assets are suitable for the task. 3. It is imperative that you have constant access to the appropriate technical support systems at all times. Your RSS system needs to be properly maintained in order to assure continuous feed functions. If the RSS feed system goes down, you risk loosing clients. 4. Continuous promotion of your RSS feeds is necessary to sustain success. Placing your feeds in every location possible is sure to increase subscribership and draw readers to your site. Maximizing your coverage is essential to increasing profitable RSS feeds. 5. When developing your RSS feed it is important to consult with the experts. When deciding whom to depend upon, it is necessary to consider their availability as well as their expertise. The most brilliant of experts is of little help to you if their availability is extremely limited; just as the most readily available expert is of little help if they lack the knowledge or ability to consistently meet your needs. 6. While putting your RSS feed into action, it is also necessary to have a plan to assess the success of the program.

Because the Internet is a fluid environment, constantly evolving and recreating itself, it is necessary to keep a close watch on your feed and make sure that you are keeping up with the changes.

Affiliate Programs And SEO

While good SEO skills will get your page noticed by search engines by themselves there other tricks to help increase their effectiveness. Affiliate programs can be a good way to increase your website’s own SEO attributes. There are different types of affiliate programs. An older one would be the old banner concept which predates pay-per-click. Google’s Adwords is a modern incarnation of this where by people can profit from Google’s pay-per-click business. Let’s look at some of these.
Not all affiliate programs have to be for profit. There are many people who are just looking to get traffic to their sites by cooperating with other sites. Just as a strong page on your website can help increase the rankings of your other pages rankings on affiliates’ sites can do the same. Don’t confuse affiliates with guest books or link pages. An affiliate is working with some kind of service or business to make a profit so it is a function of commerce. This will help with the search engines’ rankings. Search engines look for link pages and don’t give them a very high ranking so they wouldn’t help you very much. However since affiliate pages are used for commerce they are going to have a much stronger ranking. Affiliates can act as a team just like the pages on your site.

Another point to consider is that pages that are involved with affiliate programs are going to be set up well in order to profit from them. So this is analogous to strong members of a team making a colossal team effort. Enough strong pages driving traffic to your site is lie diverting a river to a drought stricken town.

Fortunately affiliate programs are easy to find so just keep in mind what kind you would be willing to do for your site. Don’t give yourself more work than you need to.

Legitimate Paid Online Surveys-can You Really Make Money With Online Surveys?

Many people today are searching for the elusive legitimate paid online surveys to help them make a fortune for sitting in front of their computer and typing. Do such opportunities really exist? Truthfully, just about nobody ever makes any cash from this line of work.

Make Money With Online Surveys

The so-called legitimate paid online surveys companies are very good at luring people in by making them think they will earn a fortune with their opportunity; the reality is that almost everybody fails to make any serious money with this income opportunity. So why do so many fail to make a legitimate income with paid online surveys?

Here is the truth behind the business-and why you should avoid it like the plague. Here’s an important point you need to know: you are not just given names to fill into an opt-in form, as most of these paid online surveys companies lead you to believe. You have to advertise and get the names yourself-no easy task. Most people believe that they will simply have a long list of names that they can go through and fill out whenever they want. Obviously, this makes it sound as if you can virtually earn as much money as you want. Remember, the thing these paid online companies don’t inform you of is that you need to run your own promotions to acquire names to fill out.

On the rare occasions somebody does respond to your ad, you then go back and fill out their name in the opt-in form. Remember, however, since you are only receiving $1 or so per click (the amount varies slightly from company to company) you need to fill in a lot of names to make paying for advertisement worth it. Unfortunately, you almost certainly won’t receive enough names to make a profit. This makes posting to free classified ads a necessity.

Of course, when you post in these free classified ads, you have to post in literally hundreds of online sites just to get a few names to fill out. The most you can hope for is to earn $5-10 dollars daily for hours upon hours of work. Here’s the thing you need to remember: you can make a ton of money with internet marketing, but certainly not with paid surveys. There may be legitimate paid online surveys companies out there, but none that I’m aware of. Avoid this line of business at all costs.


Twelve Quick Website Traffic Tips

With the tools available these days, it is easy to create a website. One of the biggest challenges for network marketers is how to generate quality website traffic traffic that will convert into sign ups and sales.

This is the first of three articles on website traffic tips. This article discusses twelve quick website traffic tips for network marketers. Whather you are trying to generate traffic for a replicated website or one you designed yourself, Start your website traffic building by setting your goal.

Setting realistic goals that you can achieve will help you plan and evaluate the effectiveness of your website traffic strategy. Here are five quick website traffic tips: 1. Uodate yiur website daily. This requires patience & persistence. The more frequently you update your site, the more spiders visit your website. 2. Exchange links with other websites to increase your website traffic. Try to exchange 20 – 30 links with similar websites, or websites having good PageRank. This will help in building links and will be help you get more website traffic. If your links are located in desireable positions it will drive traffic to both parties. The key in exchanging links is to find: * Similar or Related websites * Website having good pagerank * Websites who offer to put your link in prime spots. 3. Lesser the links in your signature, more likely the person will click it. 4. Many forums have advertising boards where you can advertise your business for FREE. Write a catchy advertisement & post it there. Keep posting it 2-3 times a week, assuming you are not violating the forum rules You will get website traffic by consistently posting valuable content in forums. 5. To increase your website traffic, try to increase your post count, This will all help in building trust with other forum members. 6. Make friends in Forums , you can use your friendship to do link exchange and advertising and mutually help. 7. Add your websites to the following sources and reap benefits and get more website traffic Provide buttons or icons on your website so that users can quickly bookmark your site on these. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 8. Add the buttons to social bookmarking sites on your webpages. like, etc. 9. If you site has registration, Send account reminder emails to those who have not signed in after they registered. 10. Print out business cards with URL of your website. Even better make Stickers of your website URL stick it on your car , house or office. Believe it or not, this can also increase your website traffic. 11. Add a Link to your website in your email Signature. Every time someone clicks on the link, you can increase your website traffic. 12.Invest in a good domain name. You will be surprised how little you can get a good domain for.

Just search on websites like , etc. The more quality links that point to your site, the better. Use these techniques to get more website traffic.

Some Things Never To Do In Business To Succeed

There are some things you should never do in business if you want to succeed. If you are already a successful business you are well aware of this. If you are a new business entrepreneur than these three tips may be very helpful to you.

Some Things Never To Do In Business To Succeed

The first thing you NEVER want to do is to skimp on advertising. Without proper advertising your business will chance taking a big loss in services or product sales. An example of this is a small business that puts out children’s audio CD’s is introducing a new product. The business is new and practically unknown. They do have a website, and a small advertisement in the local newspaper.

Only a small area is going to be aware of this company and it’s CD. A better form of advertisement would have been advertising in several, larger newspapers. Having a billboard advertisement that can be seen in a heavily trafficked area. These may cost more, but you will reach a larger customer base. Without reaching customers, you fail. Secondly, NEVER let your guard down with your business competition. If your business has a competitive market you want to definitely consider this. An example of this is a video store. You would want to be aware of what the other store offers. Is there a large selection? What are their prices per video per day?

Do they offer any specials or discounts? You would want to keep up on both the smaller video stores as well as the larger video store chains in your area. You want to either match what is offered or offer a slightly lower fee. Customers love to save money, even a few dollars and cents. Lastly, NEVER jump into a business without doing thorough research. You want to be sure you know all of the details about the business you are involved in. You want to know financial details as well as information about your competition.

When you take the time to research a specific business you insure success for yourself. You wouldn’t want any surprises popping up when it comes to your business. You want to be able to set yourself up so that your business operates as smoothly as possible. If you make an effort to follow the above guidelines on what NEVER to do in business then you are on the right track. You create a solid base for business success. Be sure not to jump into any business decisions without research and well thought out planning. Care for your business like you would your children. Give it what it needs to grow and you will be pleased with the end result. Be sure you follow the dos and NEVER the don’ts and see your business soar.

Why You Need A Google Consultant

Are you looking to get your website found on Google? Then you really need to hire a Google consultant. A Google consultant is in many ways the same as regular SEO consultant with one main difference.

Картинки по запросу Google Consultant

A Google consultant will specialise in optimising websites for Google. Optimising a website for Google is more complex than with the other search engines as their algorithm takes different factors into account when placing sites. Each of the Internet’s search engines will put different amounts of weighting onto different factors.

These factors can include: – Link Quality This refers to the quality of and relevance of the website giving you the link. Also the Google Page Rank will also come into effect here as part of that websites Page Rank will be passed to your website. This helps build your websites Page Rank and help Google to determine your sites real relevance. – Link Anchor Text This is the actual words that the hyperlink is placed in and are used by Google to determine what the website is about (website theme). This is why it is important to think about how your website is linked to and not just place the link in the “click here” text. – META Titles These are the titles given to each of the pages on your website (they will appear in the blue bar at the top of the window). – Keyword Weight This is the ratio of your targeted phrase among your page text.

Google will expect to see a different weighting to the other search engines and it is important to use your keywords enough but not too much. Do not make the mistake of believing that optimising a website is an across the board process as just because a website can rank well in MSN for example does not mean that it would rank well on Google. Google accounts for approximately 80% of all the UK search engine activity meaning that 8 out of 10 people searching on the internet will be using Google to do it.

With such a high proportion of the search market share ignoring Google as a marketing vertical would be business suicide. If you are serious about you business and want your website to do better on Google then you need to consider employing the services of a specialist Google consultant.

Multiply Your Income Streams – Join Affiliate Programs

So you have a successful business operating from a website, that has been attracting high traffic. You thought there is nothing more that you can do to further increase your revenue, unless you put in more work, time and money.

Let me tell you this, there is one great thing you can do to increase revenue – by joining affiliate programs and see your income multiply. The best thing about affiliate programs is that you can increase your online income without much additional effort. To begin, consider the market you are in. When you join an affiliate program, you will be advertising somebody else’s business on your site. So, you need to pick the businesses that are most suitable for the traffic on your site. Your visitors must be interested in what you are advertising before they decide to click on the link.

This is the basic working of affiliate programs – they work on a pay-for-performance basis, that means, the more traffic you can direct through these links, the more money rolling into your pocket. Next, where do you place these ads? You may want to add banner ads on your website, or other advertisements. However, pop-up ads or other intrusive methods are not recommended as many visitors feel irritated and may turn away from your website. Remember, you need to organize the pages of your website, in order to place highly visible ads for your customers to see.

Do not jump to any affiliate programs that come along. Check out their reputation and know their policies. There are many affiliate programs out there, some are great, but not all! Find out answers to questions such as the type of pay plan the program uses, what is the minimum payout and how is their performance in distributing commissions to affiliates. These are important concerns to you, as surely you want your money to be handled appropriately and efficiently.

Last but not least, make regular changes to your site, to keep it content-rich such that it generates an attractive force that continually pull visitors to your site, not only once, but many times. No matter what your site is about, you will realize that joining an affiliate program is a great and easy way to multiply your revenue. No one would turn down such opportunity to make more money. Would you?

SEO And Blogging

SEO and blogging can be used together to provide you with an almost unbeatable combination, not only for free advertising, but also to make money. If the objective of your website or your blog is to provide information, or to operate a website on a non profit-making basis, then both search engine optimization and blogging can work together to improve your current traffic level. If your aim is to make money, either for a bit extra to pay the credit cards each month or as your main or sole means of income, you can use a blog and a properly designed website to improve your traffic flow.

So let’s cut to the chase as they say, or hang out the baby and see what drips off, or put out the mat and see what it collects from your feet! How can people be serious about these things at so-called serious business meetings? Beats me! Anyhow, lets open the refrigerator and see what’s fresh. SEO – THE QUICK WAY First SEO. If your website looks good to the search engines then it will have a good chance of being listed. But let’s be realistic: the best is Google, so keep Google sweet and the rest will follow. Design each web page, including your home page, round one keyword or keyphrase. Don’t try to optimize any page for more that one keyword or you will fail. Forget the Meta tags. Put them in if you have the time, but not for the quick way.

SEO And Blogging

Put your page title in …. tags and include your page keyword in it. It must not be only your keyword, but that should be part of it. For example, if your keyword is ‘Using Blogs’ the your title could be: Using Blogs and SEO to make Money’ That’s a good sized title, and a good way to use the keyword ‘using blogs’ for your page. Now, the first heading or headline should be ‘Using Blogs’ Just that, and put it in H1 html tags. Don’t worry about the purity of your html because Google doesn’t give a toss as long it can understand your H1 tags and Title. If you have any graphics, even a payment graphic such as the one that Clickbank provides, add an alt relation to it: < img= . . . alt=”using blogs Image 1”>. This reinforces the information to the spider that the theme of the page is ‘using blogs’. Use your keyword in the first 100 characters of your body html, for example, title: “Using Blogs” “Using blogs in combination with good webpage SEO has been proved time and again an extremely effective technique in the science of making money. The secret is to understand the needs of bloggers and of search engine users, and how to combine the two into a single money-generating machine that you can design to work on autopilot while you work on your next money-spinning project.” Look at that again: I have used the keyword in the heading, and all the words in the Page title in the first 100 characters. The keyword is used immediately and the rest of the title also in the first sentence. If you also use the keyword once more in the last paragraph the crawlers will love it and you will have a head start on your competitors.

You could then continue on the theme of blogs, and have another section on the same page with the heading: “Using Blogs and SEO” contained within H2 tags that expands on the theme of blogs and SEO while introducing the concept of using blogs and web pages together to their mutual benefit. INTERNAL LINKING STRATEGY That is all you need do on each page, but do it on EVERY page that should be optimized for every different keyword that you have identified as being worth while to use on your website. However, there is one more thing you must do and that is to design your internal linking strategy to your best advantage.

It should allow your visitors to easily navigate between pages, and also reach pages that they want to see such as your Privacy Policy and Contact details. However, it is more that that. It is also a means of leading the search engine spider to dance your dance, and not Google’s Dance, as it were. Lead the spider to the pages you want it to see when you want it to see them, and bar it from seeing those it doesn’t have to see. You can allow humans to see pages that you have barred from spiders. Simply place a big ‘Humans Only’ sign above each door, and spider cannot get in. BLOGGING Your blogs should be updated to show every change you make to your website, but be optimized for different keywords to those your website is using. I have tested blogs with and without the same keywords and my web pages, and they generally work best when not competing.

SEO And Blogging

For some reason that I cannot apply logic to, I get better results from my website when linked to blogs that have different keywords, that the same. However, that’s unimportant. What is important is that, unlike article directories, the articles in your blogs can advertise as many websites or products as you want. That is one of their major benefits when used in conjunction with websites. You can use one to advertise the other without fear of losing anything because they both belong to you. You cannot have a net loss with links between two of your own sites. If you ping your blog to every web2 site that you are registered with then you can get a lot more traffic than if you had only used SEO for your free traffic.

Blogs, too, are free, so use them. CONCLUSION If you use easy SEO and worry only about the elements I have mentioned above, you will have a great chance of your webpage home page being listed high on Google and the other search engines. If you use your blogs to advertise your site, not only to other bloggers but also to the many social bookmarking and Web2 sites that you can join, then you can achieve success in much less time than you might have imagined. If you are not willing to put the blogging and Web2 work in, then you will not be so successful, and do not deserve to be.