Tips For Seach Engine Optimization

The volume and quality of traffic really depend on how well you rank in a search engine. The more searches your site comes up for, the more traffic you will receive and the more sales you will make. So to get your site to come up high in the rankings, just follow these steps. Your content (rich in keywords) + your links = High Ranking It is really that simple. Google searches by link popularity. The higher your popularity, the higher your search engine ranking. If you type search engine into any search engine, yahoo and Google are the returned results of this query. This is because Google and Yahoo have the highest popularity and a page rank of 10. Link popularity is the number of links that search engines have for your site. Just search for “link popularity” on a search engine to find a website that will do this for you. If you can get to the top of Google, you are the top on most search engines. Google accounts for over 50% of all search engine traffic. Articles Keeping things consistent is very important. The more articles are added to article directories, the lower your article will go in the listings, but if you keep submitting new articles, then you will continue to get good traffic. Writing and submitting articles is a great way to build up the link popularity of your website. It gives you links that last for a long long long time. Close all articles with a link to your web site. The link has to be relevant to the article content! Hyperlink the keyword with your URL. Here is an example. Author Bio: “Joe Somebody is an expert in article directories. Visit his site for more article tips.” Keep a tab on your words “Not everything that counts can be counted and not everything that can be counted counts”. This doesn’t apply to webpages. In the Meta Tags which are in the source of a webpage, you must count every word. Do some research on Meta Tags. Title Tag optimization In the title, include 1 or 2 of the most important keyword phrases. Do not list a bunch of keywords. Search engines view this type of heading as spam and you will be penalized if not blacklisted. The title tag should be a readable sentence that makes sense. Make sure your title is attracting to people, not just search engines. Even if you make it to the top, you want a heading that is interesting to people. You need people to click on your title, otherwise, all that work was for nothing. Try and place the keywords that the beginning of a title. Sometimes search engines cut it off if it is too long. Keeping them at the front will ensure that even if the title is cut off, your keywords will still be seen. Title tags need to be different for each webpage that you have. Make sure that your title is relevant to the information that is on that page. The Meta description tag Some search engines display the meta description in the search results instead of what is on the page, so make sure you word it correctly. Put the targeted keywords in the description. Do not put more than 10 – 15 words in the description tag. Also, do not overload it with keywords. As with the title, put the keywords in the front of the description if possible. Meta keywords tag Meta keywords are optional (there is much debate over this issue). Only include 5 – 7 words and only include the keywords that are in the body text. Add different spellings and synonyms of those keywords.