Six Ways To Build Trust

Building trust and confidence in your buyer is very important if you are going to make that sale online. Here are some great ideas that will add a great deal of confidence in your site. — Who are you? Give as much information as you can regarding who you are. How long you have been in business? If you can provide a picture and short autobiographical sketch of yourself…especially details that relate to your online qualifications and credentials. — How do I contact you? Do you have a brick-and-mortar operation ? If so, let’s see a picture of the building together with it’s exact mailing address, fax number, phone number, and e-mail address. If you have staff members, include them in the picture.

How will you use my information? What is your privacy statement regarding my personal information ? How will you use the information that I provide you as a customer? Give them some assurance on your “Privacy Page” that their information is safe with your company…that it will never be shared with others for any reason. — Is my transaction online safe? Your orders should all be processed over a secure server. Tell the customer how they will know that this is the way you take orders and how they will know it is secure by looking for “https” in the URL at the order page. Always give them other ordering options including fax and especially telephone orders. Customers feel very reassured talking with a real, live person when ordering online. — Testimonials page? If you have some testimonials from former customers, show them to us on a separate page of your site. Be sure to protect those people who make testimonials and only share their contact information with their permission. — FAQ section? Most sites have a number of typical, repeat questions. You may cover most of these by including an FAQ page on your site. It sure does cut down a lot on those messages that you have answered a hundred times. Another way you can save some time and effort, is by setting up f*ee autoresponders which will answer most relevant questions. Having as much information about you, your business, and contact details are all a part of providing your customer a safe, trustworthy and reliable means of doing business with someone online. — Larry Johnson