The Three A's Of Women's Magazines

In an express way type of day with work, kids, house chores, spouse chores, pets, activities and email all needing attention, amazing women still find time to read. Its not a lot of time. Most women don’t have time to read War and Peace or the long winding novels they did during carefree days, but do find stitches of time sewn into the fabric of a day for at least a few hundred words. Women’s magazines were made for just such times. Containing articles, essays and photojournalism, these magazines add a little edification to already full days. Because time is precious the secret is to pick the best magazines to fill the void with things the reader really wants to see or know. The best way to do that is judge by the three A’s. Age The first thing magazines do to define themselves is select the age of the target group they are writing about. Age determines language use, writing style, topic selection, the types of advertisements and cover art. There are age appropriate magazines across the spectrum of life time. From Tiger Beat, the guilty pleasure of pre-teen girls with star crushes, to Modern Maturity for women who have lived long enough to know those crushes never last, there is a magazine or two written just for the age. While age may not determine all the reader’s interests – a 60 year old can just as easily have a crush on Orlando Bloom as a high school freshman – the lexicon, usage and style should be something the reader is most comfortable with. Audience Before subscribing, it might be best to buy a copy or two of the magazine off the rack and see if the audience it was written for is a match to your taste and style. Audience adaptation is what magazine writing is all about. Each publication uses a profile to determine the types of women who will best enjoy the article. Just because a magazine covers the same topic does not mean it was written for the same audience. For women who are a little more formal and have dinner parties where well dressed people sit at a long wooden table with napkins in their lap while using their indoor voice, Martha Stewart’s Living may be just the magazine they need. For others who serve chips, dips and finger food to friends who eat while standing around a music filled room or sitting on the kitchen counter Rachel Ray Everyday is more likely to give better tips. Like shoes and car seat covers, magazines should be a good fit. Appeal In the sniplets of time women have to enjoy themselves with an article or two the key question becomes, “what topic appeals too you?” Some women are life-long learners who want to read about new developments, world issues and travel essays. The New Yorker would be good for them. Others are business oriented and want to make the most of their family finances or get support for women in business from others who are also in the mix and they might enjoy Pink a magazine for women in business. Many simply want to escape and be entertained and there is no shortage of offerings for them from Entertainment Weekly to People. There are plenty of choices out there for whatever may best enhance a woman’s life and time. Magazines are not written to take away someone’s time. They are published to make it meaningful and enjoyable. They actually add to life. By selecting a magazine that fulfills the three A’s of your life your reading can always be the best of times.