Finding a franchise business that is right for you is simple if the right preparation is done beforehand. So what steps do you need to take to ensure that your first venture into business goes according to plan? Who Are You? First you must take a long hard look at yourself. What kind of person are you? Do you want to work from home or would you prefer to manage a retail outlet? Are you good at managing people? Are you a morning person or a late starter? What is your attitude towards risk? Money, Money, Money… How much capital is readily available and do you have family or friends who can assist you with funding your venture? What are your current monthly outgoings? How long can you sustain yourself before you need to take money out of the franchise business? What is your credit score like and will the banks help you to purchase your franchise? Marketplace The area you live in and plan to operate your franchise plays a huge role in your success. What are the demographics like? Is the average age of the population increasing or decreasing? Is unemployment rising or falling? Are people in your area generally speaking, making more money now and therefore have access to more disposable income? Only when you understand the demographics of your area are you ready to move on to the next step. Finding the Perfect Franchise for You Once you have had a hard look at yourself, your finances and your marketplace then you are ready to start looking for the right franchise for you. The best way to evaluate any franchise opportunity is by speaking to existing franchisees. Most will be happy to discuss the upsides and pitfalls of the business you are evaluating even to the point of breaking their confidentiality agreement with the franchisor! Time to Negotiate Once you have narrowed down your list of ideal franchises it is now time to negotiate hard with the franchisor. You must secure your territory so that you can focus on business without having to worry about competition from another franchisee close by. Discuss you plans for the business in a forthright manner and get all verbal commitments put down on paper. Bear in mind that the marketing department will usually have no part to play in your day to day running of the business and that they are only there to close the sale and move on to the next potential candidate. Get Ready For Success Buying a franchise is a great way to get into business for the first time. Many women are choosing to go down the franchising route as it most definitely a less risky way of taking the plunge into business. By following basic rules it is possible to reduce the risk even further, and if you are prepared to work hard then the entrepreneur in you can finally break the shackles of employment. In time persistence and determination will pay off and the rewards can be high if you do your home work before buying a franchise opportunity.