The Responsibilities Of An Administrative Assistant

In any company, one of the employees with the biggest variety of responsibilities is the Administrative Assistant. A good Administrative Assistant is constantly flexible, and doesn’t limit his or her responsibilities to typing or filing or answering phones. As an Administrative Assistant’s prime responsibility is the running of the office, the work of an Admin changes from day to day. Though the clerical and office skills of many Admins are often overlooked, the best Admin Assistants can make themselves stand out by completing office tasks with the utmost efficiency. Though it’s difficult to list the specific responsibilities of an Administrative Assistant, some of the most common tasks an Admin must undertake in the running of the office are: Answering Phones and Scheduling Appointments Though many larger companies have Receptionists, the job of answering the phones in smaller companies often falls to the Administrative Assistant. This is often one of the more difficult responsibilities an Admin has, as phone calls range from client questions, to information from corporate, to irate customers. Many Admin Assistants also schedule meetings, both internally and with external customers and support. This requires sharp organizational skills, as mixing up free times and dates for busy co-workers can lead to disaster. Preparing and Sending Correspondence Whether it be writing the end-of-year newsletter or an informational letter to clients, many Admin Assistants are give the job of organizing, writing, and sending correspondence. This requires good communications abilities, as well as an in-depth knowledge of grammar and spelling. The sending of correspondence, especially in large volume, often requires expertise with Microsoft Word’s Mail Merge feature, as well as experience with Excel spreadsheets. Writing and Preparing Reports, Documents, and Spreadsheets Preparing reports and documents is usually one of the most important tasks of an administrative assistant. Whether creating a simple spreadsheet to track employee attendance, or using information from corporate to create an in-depth report on the company’s results, most Administrative Assistants need a very high level of Microsoft Excel knowledge. Organizing and Running the Office Having great organizational skills is the number one requirement for a good Administrative Assistant. This is because the running and organization of the office is generally an Admin’s main responsibility. Without a well organized Admin Assistant, it’s easy for an office to fall into chaos. From organizing your computer desktop, to arranging the office, to ordering the correct office supplies, to managing customers, an Administrative Assistant must be organized at all times. This is especially true when running an office. Even in the largest company, the smooth running of an office depends on the organization of a good Administrative Assistant. Though it’s not a glamorous or glorified career, working as an Administrative Assistant entails a great amount of responsibility. The more difficult and complicated the office or the task, the more rewarding it can be for the one who can “tame” or organize it. Though, unfortunately, Admin Assistants tend to be overlooked, getting your foot in the door of a company in an Admin capacity can give you the experience you need to create the career you want.

Should You Budget Your Money When You Own A Business?

One of the most difficult things to do when you start a new business is putting together a budget. Without any financial history on which to base income and expenses, it may seem like guesswork, but as part of any business plan a tentative budget can be established with some thought and anticipation for the future. In most businesses there are two main categories, income and expense. Under your expense category there can be several sub-categories often falling into two main areas of controllable expenses and uncontrollable. While many business owner claim they can control every expense involved in their business, they are simply kidding themselves as some things such as utility cost, the amount of rent and other so-called fixed costs can, and do change, with the owner having no control. Other expenses such as payroll, insurance and advertising can be subject to a budget, but they are considered controllable expenses. If the business begins to fall off, you can control some of these expenses by laying off employees and cutting back on advertising. However, living by a budget will help maintain profitability in many respects but can also turn against you in the long run. Depending on the viability of your business it often is a better investment to bite the financial bullet on employee wages and still provide good customer service to the remaining customers until business picks back up. By trying to everything yourself not only will you burn out quickly, but is no one is taking care of the customers, it will not take long until there are no more customers to care for. There are two ways to budget your business money and that is through set dollar amounts and percentage of income. Many businesses will budget their controllable expenses by the dollar and non-controllable by percentage of income. Obviously a good part of the owner’s time is going to be based on bringing money into the business and how much they have to spend on controllable expenses will be in direct relation to income. For example, a company earning $20,000 a month in income has budgeted six percent for payroll, providing $1,200 for payroll. If the income level rises to $50,000 the budgeted payroll percent does not change but the dollars available for payroll climbs to $3,000. With an obvious increase in business to create the additional income, the owner will probably need the extra help to take care of business. There are many other expenses that fall into the payroll account such as worker’s compensation charges, Social Security tax paid by the employer and paid vacation time or other perks determined by the employer. While a budget may be difficult to establish for a new business, it is a necessary evil for all business owners.

What Is Web 2.0

The Web 2.0, phase was first coined by O’Reilly Media, while brainstorming idea’s on next generation web-based technologies in 2003, and was popularised by the first web 2.0 conferences which took place in Amsterdam in October 2004. The concept of Web 2.0 refers to technologies that allow data to become independent of the person who produced it or the site it originated on. It deals with how information can be broken up into units that flow freely from one site to another, often in ways the producer did not foresee or intend. Since the launch of web 2.0 it has clearly taken hold, with more than 9.5 million citations in Google. But there’s still a huge amount of disagreement about just what Web 2.0 means, with some people decrying it as a meaningless marketing buzzword, and others accepting it as the new conventional wisdom. So what really is web 2.0? (Tim O’Reilly) the man who coined the phrase Web 2.0 have given his own defamation of web 2.0 architecture on “O’Reilly Radar website on October 2005”, he stated the web 2.0 is the network as platform, spanning all connected devices; Web 2.0 applications are those that make the most of the intrinsic advantages of that platform: delivering software as a continually-updated service that gets better the more people use it, consuming and remixing data from multiple sources, including individual users, while providing their own data and services in a form that allows remixing by others, creating network effects through an “architecture of participation,” and going beyond the page metaphor of Web 1.0 to deliver rich user experiences. Web 1.0 VS Web 2.0 Web 1.0Web 2.0 Double-ClickGoogle Mp3 .comNapster Britannica Wikipedia In Web 1.0 applications, a Web page is the basic unit of the application. Every event that happens in the application is represented by a page. For example, we might need one page to log in to an application, a separate page to view the latest news summary and yet another to view the details of a single news item. Each time the user carries out an action and requests a new page, the Web server responds by returning another Web page or by refreshing the current page. For every user interaction, the entire browser window is refreshed, including any fixed interface elements that don’t change from page to page, such as global navigation. This approach takes the server longer to refresh and extract data in to the webpage. Web 2.0 is built on technologies like Ajax, a web development approach based on JavaScript and the XML programming language. This mix of technologies allows pages to function more like desktop-based applications rather than as old-fashioned static content pages as we have been used to find on the Web. The Web 2.0 paradigm allows net users to pull information from a variety of sites simultaneously and deliver it on their own site to achieve new purposes, application such as RSS 1.0 and RSS 2.0 are classical example of web 2.0. Like many important concepts, Web 2.0 doesn’t have a hard boundary, but rather, a gravitational core. You can visualize Web 2.0 as a set of principles and practices that tie together a veritable solar system of sites that demonstrate some or all of those principles, at a varying distance from that core. As software developer, the evidence of web 2.0 is already here, with RSS aggregators, search engines, portals, APIs (application programming interfaces, which provide hooks to data) and Web services (where data can be accessed via XML-RPC, SOAP and other technologies). Google the internet giant is absolutely at the heart of web 2.0 and the ability to bring many of these services together to create vast interlinked content offerings will certainly appeal. For the enterprise and end-user Google already offers a number of Office-style applications as a hosted offering. The company is also readying the finished version of its hosted email Exchange-offering. Interfaces like these are changing the way we store, access, and share information. It matters very little what domain content comes from. Source: O’Reilly Radar

Organically Grown Health Food

Contrary to popular belief, granola is not the only organically grown health food that people have access to. There are many farmers that are committed to growing organic food for families all over the world to enjoy and people do not have to search for these items any longer in a grocery store. These items are available through many organic growers who have set up their shops on the internet and are quite willing to ship organically grown food stuffs to anywhere you like. Some of the most recognized forms of organically grown health foods are nuts, vegetables and dates and olives. The selections that shoppers have for organically grown health foods is much large today than ever before. The nutritional content in organically grown health foods is being studied very carefully and people might be surprised to find that they are experiencing greater health benefits because they have changed their mode of eating to include organically grown foods in their diets. Many of the health foods today that are organically grown can be used to create healthy snacks for friends and family. There are organically grown health foods like flour and grains that can turn out some amazing muffins using your favorite recipes. The pantry at home might take on a whole new look with organically grown health foods on the shelf but taste wise, be rest assured that rave reviews will be provided. The organically grown health food choices can extend to family members that might not even notice. There are many choice pet foods that are created using organically grown food by-products and the nutritional value is outstanding. Pets will flourish under a new diet that is even supplemented with organic pet food selections. Many homemakers in kitchens throughout the world are transforming the way cooking is accomplished. Some organic foods cook faster and save cooks a lot of time that could be spent enjoying family activities. There are organic health food choices in seasonings too that will certainly improve the way that all food tastes when it is served to the family at dinnertime. There are health food choices that are routinely used to wake up in the morning. Organic health food choices such as coffee and tea are full of nutritious values and will still give people the caffeine they need to get one eye open faster than the other on a busy morning. Sweeteners are other health food items that families use for all sorts of enjoyments and pre-packaged drink mixes will become a thing of the past.

PLR Content – Growing The Content Is Kingdom

We all know that content is king. Since content is king, so have you ever wonder how can we increase the number of content we are able to utilize? Not everyone is good at writing, or even like writing. For these people, continuing writing article after article to use for submissions and posting to their sites become an irritating task. The more they write, the less enthusiastic they are. So, how can we get around the one thing that all internet marketers hate doing? So where can you find these PLR Content to use as your own? Well, there are many services out there that offer quality content that members are free to use in which ever way they deem appropriate. Of course the option of taking content from the many article directories out there is possible, however there is one thing that limits this method and that is the fact you are required to add in the author box that comes attached to the article you are wanting to use. This means their link will also have to appear on your page, sucking out Google Page Rank that would normally filter through to the other pages on your site. The other disadvantage is the fact that hundreds if not thousands of other marketers out there would be doing the exact same thing. Having the same page on your site as thousands of other people makes it incredibly hard to rank in the search engines. So What’s The Other Option? The other option would be PLR Content. If you haven’t heard about PLR(private label rights) content then it’s basically this – content that you can take and use as your own to submit to article directories, on your site, in an email series or any other method where content necessary. You would be to pay for your PLR content. There are many services that offer content to their members. This usually means you’ll have to share the content with a limited amount of people. Only members will have access to the content, however there are some things you need to look out for. Firstly how many people will have access to the same content as you? If the service you are looking at requires you to share their content with a thousand other members, then what’s the point? You may as well go out and grab content from article directories. Secondly work out how much you’ll be paying per article. If a membership costs $100 and in that membership you’re going to have access to two hundred articles that would mean the cost per article is going to be $0.50. Therefore a membership that offered 400 articles would make the cost per article half of that.

Understanding LLCs – The Ups And Downs Of Incorporating

You may not have considered it, but if you’re starting an Internet business, you’re starting an actual business — and that means constructing a legal entity, usually a sole proprietorship, an LLC, or a corporation. By default, you have a sole proprietorship, but this formation offers you little in the way of protection or tax benefits. So what about your other options? Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) • The Upside: Your personal assets aren’t exposed in a lawsuit relating to your business. This is especially important if you sell products that are costly, or inherently risky, like heavy machinery or used manufacturing equipment. With an LLC, an unhappy customer can only sue your business; they can’t come after your personal assets, like your home, cars, or personal bank accounts. • The Downside: You, as an owner, are legally unable to draw a salary. You may, instead, take a percentage of the company’s profits. This usually means that, after the business expenses are paid each month, you and any partners equally divide the remaining profits. But you need to remember that, because you don’t deduct taxes from a regular paycheck, you have to pay estimated taxes once a quarter. So you need to be escrowing between 30-40% of your gross income — otherwise, you’ll to be in serious trouble when your taxes come due. Corporations • The Upside: A corporation may work best for you if you have more than a few employees and are contemplating setting up a benefits program for them. According to attorney Cliff Ennico (, “You may get a bigger bang for your tax dollar by setting it up as a corporation because you can do a lot more creative things with benefit programs. LLCs are limited in how they can deduct things.” • The Downside: Forming a corporation is significantly more costly. It can cost double or more than forming an LLC. How Do I Get Started? “There are some excellent services online right now that can help you get set up,” offers Ennico. Http:// and both have solid reputations. However, be very careful because there are also many sites that will only take you through two or three of the five or six steps that are required for you to become fully incorporated. You don’t want to find yourself being audited because your “service providers” didn’t inform you that you’d have to register for sales tax in your state, or some other important step. An attorney is a more costly alternative, but they’ll take you through every step of the process. If they miss anything, they’re liable for malpractice and can lose their licenses, so they’re very motivated to make sure you’re set up correctly. When forming an LLC or corporation, you should never pay an attorney by the hour. Any lawyer who’s been practicing for any length of time knows exactly how long this process will take them, and should be charging you a flat rate that includes all out-of-pocket costs and filing fees. People are often surprised and somewhat nervous to realize there are legal implications to establishing a business, but it’s not all that complicated. It’s just a matter of choosing the business structure that provides the best tax advantages and legal protection, and then getting set up accordingly.

Top 10 Tips For Using Web 2.0 To Promote Your Business

We hear a lot about “Web 2.0″ these days. It sounds neat and it’s trendy to talk about blogging and social media. But does it really affect our businesses? Is Web 2.0 just for kids and tech-hipsters or is it something we business owners should use to help promote our businesses? I can’t tell you if Web 2.0 is right for your business but I can tell you it’s something to be aware of Ignoring it means ignoring a possible tool that could be valuable in helping you get more customers. So, to help you get started in thinking about Web 2.0 for your business, here are some things for you to consider. 1. Have a plan. Don’t dive in just because it’s cool or because you read an article about it. Be clear about what you’re trying to accomplish, how much you’re willing to invest and what time frame you are working on. Like any aspect of your business – plan ahead. 2. Make sure your target audience is online. Web 2.0 tools are fun but useless if the people who see your stuff don’t want what you offer. Or if they don’t look to the Web for information to help them buy what you sell, then your efforts will be less effective. Like any marketing channel, it only works if your prospective customers are there to see (or hear) your message and they are receptive to it. 3. Create good content. Web 2.0 is the social web but it’s still content-driven. Lousy content leads to lousy marketing, no matter how flashy it is. Make your content relevant, interesting and real. Put yourself in your customer’s shoes and answer their questions with your content. 4. Don’t sell. Help, inform, educate but do not sell. Web 2.0 is all about people connecting by helping each other. No salesman allowed! Think education, not advertising. Deliver useful, nuts and bolts stuff or honest opinions they can believe. That’s how you build credibility and trust that lead to new customer relationships. 5. Start with a free hosted blog. and both have very useful and simple blogs you can setup for free. Use them to start blogging and get a feel for how it works and how people use Web 2.0. Dip your toe in the water before diving in. 6. Talk to kids Chat with some kids (ages 8 to 18) and find out how they use the web. They are the trend-setters. What they’re doing now, the rest of us will be doing soon. Learn what they do and why. This helps you understand the web from a different perspective. 7. Do it yourself. Web 2.0 is about being real. It’s real people connecting with each other. It’s okay to hire a pro to advise you. But to keep it genuine, make sure you or your employees create the content and do the work. Otherwise people will know you’re faking it. 8. Buy a camcorder and start shooting Go to Best Buy or Radio Shack and buy an inexpensive camcorder, tripod and lapel microphone. Buy 20-30 tapes too. Then take a weekend and shoot film. Practice, practice, practice. Get comfortable being on camera so you’re not nervous or dorky. Then, write a funny or useful how-to sketch and film it. Use Microsoft MovieMaker to edit and then upload to 9. Buy an inexpensive audio recorder has a package that includes M-Audio’s MobilePre USB recording interface. Add a microphone and you have a high quality setup to record podcasts and MP3 audio files whenever you want. Then buy NGWave sound editing software to make it sound professional and you’re in business. 10. Surf ’till it Hurts Surf blogs, YouTube, Google Videos,, Digg, Reddit, StumbleUpon, Technorati and other social media websites. Get a feel for how they work and who goes there. Become part of some social media communities. Make new friends online. Immerse yourself in the Web 2.0 culture so you know how it works and if it might fit your marketing plans.

The Rise Of Google

First, a look at how it works. Search engines use automated software programs that scrutinize the Web and develop their informational databases. Statistics composed from each web page are then added to the search engine index. After you enter a question into a search engine site, your input is compared to the search engine’s index of all the web pages it has analyzed. The best links are then returned to you as hits, ranked in order with the best results listed first. This is based upon how relevant they are to your query, and which sites rank highest by visits and keyword saturation. Most search engines will look for words and simple phrases. The more common a word is on a page, compared with its rate of recurrence in the general language, the more likely that page will be to appear among the search results, and at what position. Search engines are also making significant strides in an effort to “comprehend” what is intended by the query words. For instance, a good number of search engines now offer elective spelling adjustment. If you type in a word, and it is possibly misspelled, the engine will actually ask you if you meant to spell it that way and offer alternatives. Some are even able to search not simply for the words or phrases actually entered, but they also search for different forms of the words (home, house, residence, domicile, etc.) This brings us to Google, the most often/easily used search engine available today. There are many very significant reasons for it’s popularity, and it has definitely earned its place as leader of the pack. It utilizes a simple interface, excellent search options, and incredible visual tools to provide us with everything we need for working, learning, or simply playing games on the Internet. Google also provides quite a few products that help individuals and businesses, such as AdSense, YouTube, GoogleEarth, and many more desktop and web search utilities. One important key to why they do so well is because Google assesses the importance of every web page using a variety of techniques, together with its patented “PageRank” algorithm which analyzes those sites that have been “voted” the best sources of information by other pages across the Web. This method actually improves itself, as the Web expands, as each new site is another aspect of information and another vote to be counted. It depends on the millions of people posting and visiting links on websites to help establish which sites offer the most valuable content. The Google phenomenon originated when two young men, who had nothing in common, except a desire to make finding information on the Internet simpler, started the Google Empire. The idea was born in 1995, and its earliest name was Backrub, because this brand new search engine utilized the back links available for finding web sites. After being turned away by a few of the major players in the industry, the guys decided to make a go of it on their own. With a little help from a friend, “Google” opened its first door, a garage door, in 1998. By 1999, was providing answers to over 10,000 search questions daily. The company diversified and expanded greatly as the new millennium started. The hiring of quite a few talented staff members, (who had left stable jobs with well-established internet companies like Yahoo) to join the Google team created a need for actual office space and so the Googleplex became the company’s headquarters in 2003. Today, the corporation has offices around the world. There are a vast number of alternative search engines, and many of them have been around a lot longer. In fact, there are quite a few that are better suited for particular businesses due to the fact that they are geared more toward specific needs that they focus all of their efforts upon. Any type of profession or hobby that you can name, each has a niche on the Internet. Harnessing the resources available through Search Engine Optimization helps to encourage the growth and expansion of businesses that use the web.

How To Optimize Your Blog For Search Engines

Many clients ask me how to drive more traffic to their blogs. By now you have probably heard that blogs are an excellent resource to get leads as well as clients for your business. The best way to do that is by creating search engine friendly blog posts that get indexed in search engines. When people search for information on topics you discuss in your blog it appears on the search engine result pages. Potential customers then are able to read what you have to say and get on your mailing list. So now it all boils down to techniques that help you effectively optimize your blog for search engines. Here are tips and ideas to do just that: – Create A Keyword Rich Header For Your Blog. The header repeats on all pages on the blog. By making sure that your header contains targeted keywords, you are able to get more of your blog pages indexed in search engines. – Treat Each Blog Post As A Separate, Optimizable Page. Use the process of search engine optimization on each blog post. This means that you need to create an optimized title for each post, find targeted keywords for each post and weave the keywords into your post’s text. – Make Sure That Each Blog Post’s File Name Are Descriptive. Different blogging software behaves differently, but some will call your blog posts 2.html, 3.html, 4.html, etc. As you can see, that is not very descriptive and not particularly helpful to either people or search engines. When you create a post called “How Coaching Helps Business Owners”, calling it “how-coaching-helps-business-owners.html” is a much better title than “5.html” Make sure that your blogging software creates descriptive file names for your blog posts; it is better both for human readers and search engine spiders. – Get Links Pointing To Your Blog. Quality links to your blog means more blog visitors and higher search engine rankings. Current search engine algorithms value links to your blog, which means that having links pointing to your blog will improve your blog’s search engine rankings. – Get Your Blog Listed in Blog Directories. Blog directories are a great source of getting unidirectional links to your blog. Since blog directory links many times are unidirectional (they link to you, but you don’t link back to them), they are great for boosting your search engine rankings. Having many unidirectional links pointing to your web site will improve your search engine rankings. A blog is an excellent marketing tool, but your blog will not attract more leads and clients for your business if you don’t use search engine optimization techniques to optimize your blog and attract targeted search engine traffic to it.

Polish As A Perk

Polish is an important factor in grading of loose diamonds. The grading system for polis is set by the Gemological Institute of America (GIA.) The system is fairly simplistic. Loose diamonds have polish that is either excellent, or very good, or good, or fair or poor. If the loose diamond has a poor rating for its polish that means that it could reduce the intensity of any light that is reflected into or out of, or from, that loose diamond. The way gemology labs assess the polish of loose diamonds is to examine the diamonds minutely, looking at each facet separately. They do this by studying the reflected light the loose diamonds create when placed under a microscope. Polish, just like the symmetry of loose diamonds, has become quite important in the diamond market because it appears on the gemologist’s report and also because there is no standard for grade of cut by GIA. The most common defect of the polish of loose diamonds consists of grain lines on its surface. Even highly skilled cutters can come across variations in how hard or grainy the surfaces of the loose diamonds are as they are polishing the diamond’s facet. This is similar to what happens when working with wood. The result of this is a miniscule polish line that runs across a facet of a diamond. These lines of grain happen often in diamonds that are fancy and pink, although it’s seldom possible to even see them except when they are in reflected light. If a buyer chooses loose diamonds that have inclusions rated SI or VS it probably won’t matter that they have a few microscopic size polish lines. If one is seeking a flawless diamond, however, excellent polish is going to be of paramount importance. Any loose diamonds that have polish ratings of fair or poor will have visual performances that are noticeably less attractive than those with the higher ratings for polish. Source:

Search Engine Marketing – How Search Chameleon Can Dramatically Improve Your Search Campaigns

One of the most effective methods used in Internet marketing incorporates search engines. The fact is the majority of purchases, online and offline, are preceded by online searches in the various search portals like Google and Yahoo. Companies that know this endeavor to employ the latest search engine optimization (SEO) techniques into their Web pages in order to gain a competitive edge in the ranking of their Web pages in the search results. In the case of Google, page ranking is determined by a number of factors including the relevance of a page to the specific search terms used. Basically, Google’s algorithm monitors the amount of time a visitor spends on a Web page since the relevance of a page to the search terms used is a major factor in the importance of that page to a prospect. This is important because page ranking and sponsored ad per-click costs are factored based on the algorithm results. In order to compete effectively Web developers frequently design a number of landing pages for the same product specific to certain popular keywords. SEO techniques such as using keywords in the page’s title and in the page text in a number of pages can be difficult to maintain and expensive to employ. A software product named Search Chameleon was designed to automate this process by allowing a Web developer to incorporate scripting into a landing page causing the text in the title and/or the body of the page to adjust in real time based on the specific keywords used in the search engine and a sponsored advertisement. The process works with a related sponsored ad which includes the keywords in the destination URL. This would complete a triangle of relevancy with the search term entered in the search engine, text in the sponsored ad and the text on the landing page. As stated previously, this can result in a very positive rating with Google’s algorithm. The drawback is a Web developer would be limited to few keywords if the scripting is used in the body of the landing page because the flow of information would be negatively affected by using the wrong word in a sentence, for instance. It would probably work best if the script was used to change keywords only in the page’s title and paragraph titles. So, although using Search Chameleon would reduce the cost and development time required for several landing pages, a Web developer would have to be very selective in the placement of the script in the body of the page. Search Chameleon is a proprietary business application and only available in a suite of B2B Internet marketing tools named PromoBlackBox. This suite of tools includes other proprietary software and hosted applications intended for small to medium sized business. It was co-developed by a respected Internet marketing company recognized by both Google and Yahoo with their highest honors because of their marketing success. The search engine marketing landscape is continually evolving as new technologies are introduced and as Web developers learn how to “beat the system”. As the major search engines update their search parameters, Web developers will have to adjust their on page SEO techniques to accommodate them. One thing that probably won’t change is the relevance of a landing page to the specific search terms used.

Multiple Streams Of Residual Income

Recently I have had the good fortune to find myself a genuine home based business based on residual income. I am quite pleased with the business to say the least. I want you to know that is article is in no way a sales page. I have a page to sell for me, which you can view later if you choose to. This article is only meant to share with as many people as possible how lucky I feel to have found this business and the importance of residual income. No matter if you work from home on the internet or if you just have a regular job. In this day and age, it is almost impossible to live comfortably with only 1 income. I am sure that you will agree with me one that one. Here is the link to my sales page, should you want to take a look. Anyway, I come across this business quite by accident, an email just happened to find its way to my email inbox, and I was curious enough to open it and read it. I was surprised, I have read many sales pages in my time, but this actually asked me what I found to be the hardest thing about internet marketing. Naturally I said getting people to my sales page, and getting people to sign up under me. When I received a reply to this answer I felt quite stupid, my now sponsor had laughed at me, and at this point I still had not signed up. Heres that link again. My sponsor had put it to me that all I had to do was follow some simple steps over a period of 30 days. By this time I was hooked and new I just had to sign up, with the promise of 6 websites all pulling in residual income, and best of all, set up for me free. That’s right, can you believe that? All 6 websites would be set up completely and running on the internet within 24 hours. I am almost half way through my 30 cause and loving it. I have already begun marketing like a pro, no checks have arrived yet, it is still to soon. But the best part is that I already know the checks will come as long as I stick to the 30 day cause and the fact that I am finally seeing progress with the way to easy marketing strategies that are really working for me. I sincerely hope that all you people out there looking to start a business online, have the good fortune to find one as good, easy and affordable as the I have found. Very prosperous marketing Paul Stapleton.

The Legal Matters Of Starting An Internet Business

As with any type of business you intend on jumping into, there are several legal matters that are involved with running a home based internet business. The safest route is to hire a lawyer prior to making any rash decisions. Hiring an accountant and/or lawyer can certainly be expensive, but it is worth the price to make sure everything goes smoothly when beginning your internet business. You still have to realize though, that a majority of the decisions you make regarding your internet business will have to come solely from your gut instinct. And perhaps the biggest decision you will have to make is whether or not to incorporate your home based internet business. There are a number of benefits you can get from incorporating your business including tax implications and various legal issues. You will also find that many businesses, banks and investors will take you more seriously. After coming to terms with the decision of incorporating your internet business or not, it’s time to consider patents and trademarks. If there are specific products that you have invented or have the rights to, it may be wise to patent them. Even more common when it comes to home based internet businesses is putting a trademark on your web pages and articles. The sole purpose of this is to protect you, your company and your work from being stolen on the internet. Remember prior to signing any contract agreements for your business to take the time to read them carefully. By reading each section of a contract carefully you will better understand what you are getting yourself into and what limitations you may have. It becomes especially relevant to have a lawyer or accountant during this phase of the process to ensure that everything checks out ok. If you are confused or unsure of something, having a lawyer to explain terms to you is beneficial. Lastly, it is vital that you take the time to learn the various internet laws and prohibitions that exist. This can save you from doing something to your internet business that is illegal and getting your account cancelled. After all, you don’t want to invest a lot of time and money into something that is illegal. A lot of the legal issues to a home based internet business are basic and straightforward, but you still have to devote time to them. You can never be too careful when it comes to your life and the source of income you have coming in. So long as you are careful and willing to ask for help when needed, avoiding legal matters should be no problem for your internet business.

Save Time And Money – Work At Home

In this day and age there are so many things possible that were not possible before. Today’s technology is at its peak, in having the latest innovations for means of communication and transportation at their best. But still sometimes you just want to stay home and do things in your own bedroom or your living room. You could do this and at the same time earn money with today’s latest innovations in the employment or business industry – work at home. There are so many advantages that working at home could give you if you would decide to venture into this kind of business and lifestyle. First you save time on commutation from home to work or work to home. Time that you save could be use for other things that you would like to do. You also save money for the cost of transportation like gasoline or commuters fare on your local bus. You could also save on the cost of work clothes since you do not have to invest so much on clothes since you would just be staying home. Another thing is you have more time for yourself since the time you would incur in traveling to work would be saved. You could have a more relaxed work atmosphere and perhaps even lay around the house or your bedroom during break time to take a nap without a boss having to tell you not to do so. Okay, you have found out about the nice things about working at home, but what kinds of job could an ordinary person like you do to earn money by working at home…Several. Set up your own call center and work at your preferred time. Today’s industries are very much in need of customer care representatives that would handle their customer service. It would be easy to find these jobs on job search engines and there are several of them which would allow you to do the job at home and set up your own home box office. If you like giving service and a good customer care and have experience or a bit of a knowledge of this job, you could likely be a good candidate for this kind of enterprise. You could even set the time when you want to do the job and work without having to go to an office and staying up late. You could work night shifts without having to worry on how to get to work or to get back home later. If you are interested in call center operations, this is an ideal work at home job for you. Get into online tutorial job and work at your own time. Do you have a flair for teaching or for that matter has a degree in teaching or units at it? If you do then this would be a great job for you. Not only would you be able to work at your own time, you also get to handle students from various backgrounds. There are so many sites that hire English teachers with students coming from various parts of the world. If you have some experience in tutorial or teaching, then this could be the work at home job for you. All you need is you own personal computer with internet broadband connection to get in touch with your students. It would be online tutorials, so internet proficiency would be necessary but even if you are not internet savvy, you could still work it out with the instructions that would be sent to you by your employer. Online marketing and set your own work hours Online marketing, like for ebay are very much popular now a days. If you have good knowledge of internet marketing you could even set up your own website and sell your products there. Even if you don’t there are several sites which could tell you how to do it. Selling products online has become very popular. Should you want to venture into this kind of business, it is best to research on the industry. There are so many products that are sold online and the only way to compete is have your products introduced and advertised properly and their quality should have a competitive edge over the competition. Advertising your products would also allow greater consumer market knowledge of what you are selling and promotion. If you want to venture into this, you should be ready to have various techniques on how you could advertise and sell your products online. Online journalism and write for ezines and blogs Just like print journalism, you have to write in this kind of profession. Nowadays, this can be done at home. You could write your articles at the comfort of your home and at your own time and pace while keeping up with the deadline. The convenience of this kind of job is you do not have to go to the publishing house of your employer and submit your article on a sheet of paper. All you have to do is email your work to your boss after finishing the article. Should he or she have any revisions want done, they could always email back and request for them online. If you have a flair for writing, then this is the work at home job for you. Working at home does not have to be only household chores. It does have its wonders.

Organizing: it's A Disaster!

“This desk is a disaster!” How many times have we heard someone make that comment as they search for a missing document? There are many degrees of what constitutes a disaster depending on the person’s tolerance level for disorganization. For some, two stacks of papers or one overflowing inbox is a disaster. For others, having to kick a path through the stacks and clutter on the floor, which overflowed from desks and cabinets, is now a disaster. Disaster: Level One In determining whether disorganization does exist, there are two areas to consider: 1.Am I wasting time trying to find something that should have a specific place and be easily retrievable? 2.Is the clutter draining my energy and creating chronic stress? With the demands on our time today, we need systems in place that allow us to locate any document within seconds. Spending extra minutes.. or hours.. searching for something is definitely not the most productive use of our time. It cuts into our income and increases our stress levels. The clearer we can keep our space, both at work and at home, the more productive and less stressed we are. Disaster: Level Two On a personal level, no one ever likes to consider that there might be an accident or personal emergency that could keep us out of the office unexpectedly for weeks. If that scenario occurred, would someone else be able to determine what you had planned to work on each day during that time and be able to have the priority activities covered? Within a department, disorganization in our office is not simply a personal issue. One stressed, overwhelmed person in a department can affect all the others. This person interrupts others in seeking information that was already provided and often doesn’t have his or her part of a project completed on time. As stress builds up, it in turn can lead to illness and absenteeism, adding more pressure and responsibility onto colleagues who then have to cover for that disorganized party. Disaster: Level Three Taking disorganization with your paperwork to another level, how would you cope with a natural disaster in your area? What would it take to retrieve your important records if your office were destroyed in a fire? If a tornado lifted your house, how difficult would it be to recreate the figures needed for insurance? If you were named executor of an estate, would you be able to locate all needed documents? As we struggle to keep up with the incoming demands placed on us every day, we often don’t take the time to be prepared for emergencies. We know we need to be ready, but there seem to be so many urgent tasks at this moment. Planning for the future is put off for another time. Yet we don’t know when that time might come. Here’s a short checklist of basic measures: 1) Is the computer backed up on a regular basis and the backup kept offsite? 2) Do you have a master list for all of your financial information? 3) Does someone outside your home and office have a copy of your master list? 4) Can someone besides yourself and your spouse access your safe deposit box? 5) Are beneficiaries up-to-date? Disasters of a natural type have been major news in the last year. From wildfires and flooding to the four hurricanes in a row that hit Florida, followed within a few short months by the Pacific tsunami, with its almost incomprehensible losses, and then a regional earthquake, we find ourselves bombarded by tragedy. In addition to loss of life from the tsunami, another fall-out in that region related to loss of documents. In an area where many of the developing countries relied only on paper records, most of these were destroyed. Since bank records were lost, customers had to prove they had money in an account or else hope that the teller recognized them. Police no longer had records to prosecute cases. Marriage certificates and other vital records were gone, leading to long waits for basic services. By contrast, since so many of our records in the United States are stored digitally, after 9/11 some survivors and companies were able to recreate lost documents more easily. However the fact that our records are often stored “somewhere” doesn’t do away with the necessity for having a list that we ourselves keep, whether for insurance claims or for our survivors. Without notes, we often can’t recall all of our own accounts. Just consider the pages of unclaimed accounts that are periodically listed in the newspapers. How can we expect someone else to piece everything together when it’s even difficult to set up our own recordings? Emergencies and disasters do not give advance warning. It’s worth taking the time now to organize your papers, at work and at home, to minimize the damage that can occur at every level. Make sure that your life, both personal and business, doesn’t echo the refrain caused by nature when we say, “It’s a disaster!”

Real Estate Trust That Invests In Business Owners And Employees

A new way of doing business is great news in the declining business prosperity of the United States as well as slack returns on investment. What if you could invest in a company that pays high wages, has excellent investment returns, and motivates employees to give their all each and every day? You would probably say, “That would be great except there are no businesses that can make money, pay good wages and still motivate their employees”. Until now you have been right but all that is about to change with new a new model of business designed by George Ruby the owner of Ruby Real Estate. George Ruby is offering a unique business opportunity to investors in the form of a Real Estate Investment Trust that invests in businesses such as Franchised Retail Grocery Stores that anchor shopping centers and are owned and operated by independent franchises. The Real Estate Trust would develop the retail shopping centers using grocery stores as anchor tenants of which would operate under franchises where employees will be paid somewhat less than their operating performance. Employees can earn commissions on the sales of the unit in excess of the first full year’s operating performance. Employees can earn more than working in any major chain store in the country. The employees rightfully earn a living wage in which they can support their families through hard work and dedication. The most difficult thing a business can do is overcome its fixed costs. These fixed costs come in the form of wages, facilities, distributor prices and more. George’s business model keeps the fixed prices of facilities (rent) as well as the cost of labor, material and other costs at the lowest possible level through a new way of operating businesses. To encourage longevity and retention of these highly skilled employees, the business will share a significant amount of additional profit with the employees. Any dollar over the cost baseline of running the business is free money to the organization and employees. Therefore employees are motivated to increase their sales volume. George’s business plan entails a Real Estate Trust that invests in properties that it has an interest in. Franchisors that operate different types of businesses, franchisees that not only operate unites but also own a part of those unites and employees that have more than an employee stake in the daily operation of the units, but are the backbone of the unit. A typical retail grocery outlet would be in the range of 60,000 to 70,000 square feet and would be the anchor for a retail shopping center of varying sizes. The business plan is based on honesty, integrity partnerships, mergers franchisors, franchisees, supply agreements and dedicated employees. This business plan is structure in a manner that everyone associated with the trust has the chance to make a descent living for their families and become a part of a very exciting and very large business ventures not only in the USA but worldwide. George’s first goal is to secure the necessary funds for the Real Estate Investment Trust that would have unlimited shared capital and sufficient funds to fun the trust and its initial subscription to the market in addition there are several other business models that would be formed under the trust which would be classified as domestic and international. If you are interested in talking to George Ruby about his business models and/or want to become an operating franchise owner or investor George is always willing to discuss his business plan with you via the following: George Ruby Phone and Fax: 412-793-5757 Email: 648 Regency Drive Pittsburgh, PA, 1523

Moving Arrangements With The Checklist Of Moving

Moving to another place is considered one of life’s most stressful events. However with careful planning and organization, people can mould that into a trip across town or across the world without the burdensome extra hassles. A mover checklist will be immensely helpful to planning the move better. As moving is tedious than it looks, proper arrangements are significant while moving. When families shift from one place to another they prefer to use the services of Fort Myers Moving Companies which help them to relocate and that is very beneficial. The moving company makes all arrangements and makes moving convenient and easy. The people usually prefer to get an online moving estimate as this not only saves time but also gives them clear and transparent picture. Apart from that you can also compare this budget with various other moving companies. Their free online moving estimate is easy to comprehend and simple to use available on movers website. As all you have to do is to fill in the details regarding when you will be moving, where you will be located, what the type of home you are moving into and few other basics. A firm offering relocation services will have an expert knowledge about the area and specific rules and regulations that are to be followed in case of bringing in personal belongings and assets from another country. The movers and packers employed by the firm you hired for the international relocation or local relocation services will be adept at packing and moving expensive and fragile objects, thereby ensuring the safe arrival of your belongings. Also transporting assets like a car can be troublesome to move to other place. The door to door service offered by the reputed Palm coast Florida moving company ensures that you and your family do not have to worry about anything. The service provider will take care of everything starting from packing the belongings, delivering it to the port of discharge, ensuring safe arrival, custom clearance and delivery to your new location, unpacking and clearing up the mess. Most of the relocation service providers also include a free of cost survey to determine your needs and requirements before the actual relocation work commences. This can enable you to get customized service for your relocation purposes. Competitive pricing charged by the international relocation service providers ensure that you do not have to shell out a great amount of money for the facilities they provide.