Express Yourself… Through Blogs!

Picture these three scenarios: You are at a costume party in a room full of strangers. You are dressed as an 18th Century dandy; you’ve studied the mannerisms, have affected the perfect accent and you charm every partygoer you meet. Beneath the facade, outside the realm of this party you may be a banker, a steel worker or an unemployed poet but here and now you are Monsieur Baudelaire, the fop who speaks of temperament and style as the be-all and end-all of a meaningful existence. You are at work where you are always the no-nonsense professional, respected by peers and underlings and depended upon by your manager to perform your tasks with skill, technical proficiency and a pleasant demeanor — an expectation that is hardly ever unmet. You are at an informal get together with family, close friends and neighbors; you talk about sports, literature and fashion with people who know you and who understand your opinions, your quirks and your few flaws — there is no facade, no pretense, you are unabashedly you! These scenarios that represent three versions of you in the real world are also three (of many) approaches you can take to presenting yourself to your readers in the virtual world, through your blog: as a character of your creation, as the professional at whatever you do, or as the real, unadulterated you, complete with flaws. Your blog and your blogger persona are your creations and are limited only by your choices. Consider also that whatever it is you write, in whatever form, even if it is spoof or satire, it will be considered by your readers as an expression of your true feelings. People express themselves in many ways and for a growing number of people the need for some sort of public expression of thoughts, feelings, style or creative expression is filled by blogging. Expressing your thoughts in written words, however, is not as simple a task as it may seem to be; many people, in fact, find that it can take hours to accurately transfer the most seemingly simple thoughts to the written word. Thoughts and feelings do not require the organization or structure that is required by the expression of those thoughts and feelings. Some things that make the task of expressing yourself through your writing much easier are improving your grammar, improving your vocabulary and practice, practice, practice. Grammar! As a rule you should always write to your audience — they are the ones who need to understand you. Perfection may be necessary when you are writing for an audience of scholars and grammarians who require it but, regardless of your audience, the better your grammar the better you will be understood and the easier it will be for you to transfer those thoughts to paper. There are literally hundreds of English grammar guides available online and very reasonable English grammar guides available in bookstores; good grammar is a tool you will never regret learning to use. Vocabulary! Finding the right words to express your thoughts is much easier when you have more words in your armory to choose from. You may be tempted to learn some suitably obscure words to impress your readership but too much of that will only confuse them and turn them away from your writing. Research has shown that the average adult in the U.S. reads at an eighth-grade level so arming yourself with a recondite vocabulary will not be helpful (nor was our reference to a ‘recondite vocabulary’ unless you knew that recondite means “difficult to understand”). Arm yourself, instead, with a good dictionary/thesaurus. Write Often! Practice makes perfect or, to be honest, it at least helps you approach perfection. Try to make a meaningful entry in your blog every day, that may not always be possible but do try! Two of the wonderful things about blogging are its flexibility and availability — your blog will always be there (baring computer problems) when you need it and you’ll find that the more you write, the easier it will be to write. Keep in mind, however, that even a professional writer who writes for hours every day is seldom completely satisfied that the words that came out adequately express the thought that went in so don’t allow yourself to get too frustrated, take a short break and then try again.

Larry Craig's Incongruency

The movie ‘The Usual Suspects’ has a great interrogation scene. The detective says to the suspect, “The first thing I learned on the job, know what it was? How to spot a murderer. Let’s say you arrest three guys for the same killing. Put them all in jail overnight. The next morning, whoever is sleeping is your man. If you’re guilty, you know you’re caught, you get some rest – let your guard down, you follow?” When the whole Larry Craig fiasco came out, I thought back to that scene. For a while, this story was all the media was reporting on. Larry Craig, senator from Idaho, was arrested after an officer investigating lewd conduct was tapped on the foot, allegedly, apparently, by Mr. Craig. Craig pled guilty to a misdemeanor on August 8th after paying $500 in fines. And later, when it came to light, a spokesperson for Craig said it was a big “misunderstanding”. Huh? A misunderstanding. But he pled guilty. Why would he do that? Craig later said, “I should have had the advice of counsel in resolving this matter. In hindsight, I should not have pled guilty. I was trying to handle this matter myself quickly and expeditiously.” This is where I see incongruity with Mr. Craig: 1. Innocent people don’t plead guilty. Innocent people put up a fight if they are wrongly accused. 2. Mr. Craig didn’t call for his attorney. The first thing anyone does–guilty and innocent–is call an attorney. The quickest and most expeditious way to handle a legal problem is to get represented. 3. Craig said, “I am not gay – nor have I ever been gay.” This sounds like he believes it is possible to have been gay and then become ungay. It’s waffling. Lastly, but maybe the most incongruous of all: 4. He didn’t immediately tell his wife! Now, if I were arrested for something as preposterous as this, I’d go straight home to my wife and tell her, “Listen to what happened to me today. You’re not going to believe this.” Then Senator Craig decided that the media was to blame. It’s all because of the Idaho Statesman. They’ve been “relentlessly and viciously” harassing him. The media is usually an excellent villain because they do get so much wrong, so it’s a pretty safe bet as far as scapegoats go. Unfortunately, Mr. Craig has a “history” and his anger doesn’t seem very righteous. Now look at this situation in terms of persuasion: Whether the allegations are true or false, how would you have framed the story under these circumstances? Did his incongruity give him away? And what can he do to unframe himself?

Why Should You Think About The Future Of The Home Business Environment?

The world is changing ever faster. Also the business world is changing. The business environment of the internet and related businesses is changing even faster. There are for sure people who still remember a world without any computer and internet. You donЎЇt even have to go back that far. The speed in which IT has become a part of our daily life is staggering. Although most affiliate members do not give much thought to this changing business environment in which their Home Business operates, it is not so unwise to try to envision what the future will bring. There are a few reasons why this is not such a bad thing to do. First of all, thinking about and envisioning the future will give you a better understanding of your business. You might know everything there is to know about generating traffic or web design. However, this doesnЎЇt make you an expert on the bigger picture behind it all. These are basically the forces that drive your business. DonЎЇt get me wrong! I donЎЇt pretend to be an expert myself in this field. But just by thinking and envisioning what the business environment could be in the future will give you a far better insight and understanding of your Home Business and what place it takes in the whole. A deeper understanding can help you make better decisions to grow your business or with any other goals you might have for that matter of fact. Second of all, you might want to alter your course a bit just because you think that the future will be change. You can prepare and guard yourself, as many businesses do. And mind you, not only the world leaders and top executives of large corporations think ahead. Also the smaller companies try to envision the future. Even though we cannot change the future, we can still prepare ourselves for that future and avoid unpleasant surprises. Here is an example of how the future could be described for the Home Business. And mind you, this is my vision and a very short version of it!

You have probably noticed that ever more people join the e-based Home Business. This means that the supply-demand equation will move towards the supply side. Eventually, the e-based Home Business arena will be so competitive that for many people it will not be interesting anymore. The people who have the time, dedication, know how and money to invest will survive. What can you do about it? The thing that will set you apart from your competitors is your client base and the service you provide to them. Especially in a world where customer loyalty is not that strong anymore, service to your down line and customers will prove to be important. Obviously, you can disagree with these thoughts, but as mentioned it only serves as an example. I wish you all a clear vision ensuring that you keep on the right track.

Tips For Residual Income From Home

Building a residual income is something that most online business people know about and are doing. Residual income is quite easy to do through the internet marketplace. Building and managing a residual income source will take some initial work. Residual income is not based on the idea of doing nothing but getting paid. If this is your plan you may be disappointed. It is rather based on the idea of doing something one time and getting paid over and over. Those are two completely different concepts and it is important for a person to understand that. One of the things to keep in mind when building residual income from home is to choose a residual income source that is interesting. This is a key component for success. A person should just not choose any opportunity they run across. To be successful a person has to be passionate about the opportunity and really have that drive to succeed with it. Another thing to keep in mind is that residual income will take a little time to build. Just because a person gets their residual income source set up does not mean that the money is just going to pour in. It is still a business and it will take time to secure customers and turn a profit. As mentioned, residual income opportunities are real businesses that require work. A person is going to have to be willing to put up that initial time investment to get the business off its feet. This may involve a vigorous marketing campaign or even setting up a website. Residual income is a nice idea. It is great to think about doing something once and getting paid for it for years to come, but a person has to stay focused and they have to be serious about it. Many times people fail with residual income because they do not take it seriously.

Lingering Taste Of Stumbleupon Traffic

It all started when I chose to ‘stumble upon’ my own article in my blog, Kolkata Musing. The article was a humorous post – Effect of worms and viruses – of just 16 words accompanied by a fun photo taken from Funlok that showed a skeleton of a computer mouse. I didn’t plan the action. It was a Sunday, and so I thought let me give it a try. Earlier too I ‘stumbled upon’ my articles in categories like Offbeat News but no noticeable traffic resulted. The same was the trend when I tried my luck with other social biggies like Digg and ‘’. Reason enough for me not to expect much when I made this new effort with StumbleUpon. What happened then was simply delicious. Within 15 minutes of my posting in SU the first torrent of visitors started rushing to my site. This continued unabated for the next 2 hours. Since I use PMetrics stats apart from MyBlogLog and Google Analytics, it has been easy to precisely track the onrush of visitors. What did I find? Well, it proved to be a test of sorts for me using a raging social network site, and the results have been fascinating. Here are my findings recapitulating the events that ensued as the visitors came rushing in from StumbleUpon: 1 Not all categories attract instantaneous visitors, certainly not the ones like World News or Offbeat News unless the postings are truly eye-catching or jaw dropping. In welcome contrast categories like Humor or Bizarre or suchlike have comparatively high rate of success in SU. After this posting in Humor I did another in Bizarre with similar success. 2 Nothing can take away the importance of heading and description. Both should be such that there is an air of suspense in them prompting visitors to vigorously click the link to your site to find more. 3 The main action doesn’t last for more than a couple of hours, which conveys to me that as long as the story remains on the first page of StumbleUpon’s related category, there will be torrent of visitors. Thereafter it’s a steady trickle petering out gradually. 4 Most visitors don’t stay more than a minute. Perhaps that is perfectly in order because they come to a site they’ve never visited before, and do not find anything of more interest that can retain them longer. In all probability an overwhelming majority of these guests will never again put their feet in my site. 5 Do they click on other links, especially the ads when they are in my site? Sure they do, and for me that’s very important. I’ve the AdSense ads that when clicked fetch me money. After the initial stampede is over, I rush to check the AdSense figures. I first check MyBlogLog stats and I find that in those 2 hours the AdSense CTR has been 11% of the page-views, which is pretty encouraging. Or is it? I rush to AdSense figures and there alas only 2% conversion is shown. Which leads me to believe that Google doesn’t like sudden spurt in CTR and therefore filters out most of them. 6 Did I gain anything? My answer is nothing really. It’ll be too naive to imagine that those visitors who came hotfooted to my site from StumbleUpon and left equally hastily would come back again remembering what a great site they have been to. 7 Did I loose anything? Oh yes, the large volume of traffic gifted by SU ate away a good amount of my precious bandwidth. 8 Will I try it again? But of course I will if only to set adrenalin pumping through my body.
Who knows some visitors just may come back for repeat visits..! No harm dreaming that, don’t you think? Provided of course SU doesn’t put a limit to stumbling upon my own articles.

List Building For Your Online Business

Pop Up Windows Use pop up windows to get peoples’ attention. There are several types of pop up windows available to you with varying degrees of effectiveness. Some of the most effective pop ups are called hovering ads. They are difficult to block, and they will get your visitors attention. Unfortunately, some unethical advertisers have given pop ups a bad name. Don’t let that stop you from utilizing one, but make sure you don’t abuse the technology. Co-Registration Co-registration might be the fastest ways to grow your list. By collaborating related but non-competing businesses, you can multiply the speed of your list building process. For example, a dog grooming business might collaborate with a veterinary, sharing each other’s databases. Several related but non-competing businesses might develop a newsletter they could make available to their shared list. Everyone would benefit because the content would be great and the workload would be more manageable. Contests Getting your visitors involved through a contest can be an effective list builder. The contest details are published throughout your website, but only subscribers are allowed entry. The contest could be for anything that interests your customers. The best contests have brand enhancing value for the company and entertainment value for the website visitor. Contact Customers Contact your previous clients and ask them to sign up. It is an often ignore but powerful technique. Explain your customers that you are building a list of satisfied customers to improve your business. People that have bought from you before are already interested in your company.
While you contact them to sign up, ask them for feedback about your company. Membership Site Create a membership area within your site. In the special area for your subscribers, you can provide additional resources not available to unsubscribed visitors. Your content has to be excellent. Your visitors have to believe they are getting real value when they sign up. Emphasize the value of the membership such as $29.00 value per month. To justify the value, maintain and update your content constantly. Auto Responders Use an auto responder solution that works. Apply the right technology to guarantee best results. Aweber is an auto responder service that costs only $20.00 per month. An auto responder service will automate most of the mundane tasks of maintaining your list. A professional auto responder can provide you with statistics to examine the effectiveness of your campaigns. The appropriate auto responder solution must be an integral part of your building strategy. Spam And Your List Building and maintaining communication with your list requires e-mail. Take the following steps to avoid being labeled as a spammer: ·Comply with the CAN-SPAM law ·Don’t purchase e-mail lists, build your own ·Keep records of subscribe requests ·Avoid spam trigger words such as free, earn $, discount, etc Double Opt-In Requiring double opt-in is a great way to avoid being labeled as a spammer. Double opt-in requires your subscriber to opt-in twice. First, they opt-in when they complete the online sign up form. Second, they confirm their subscription through a link that has been e-mailed to them. Double opt-in protects you and your visitors.

Researching Auto Responders

If you are in the Internet marketing business or if you run a business online, an autoresponder can make a world of difference. They can handle a majority of your technical support questions and informational requests, by sending out automated messages to interested customers. When they get an email, they will respond instantly with a preset message. This can save you quite a bit of time- especially if you get a lot of emails on a daily basis Out there on the Internet, there are many autoresponders to choose from. They are classified into three main types – locally hosted, remote hosted and desktop hosted. Each type has pros and cons, depending on your needs. Locally and desktop hosted programs will give you complete control over the program, as you run them through your own server or website. Remote hosted on the other hand, is ran through a third party service provider. Remote programs cost you a monthly fee, while desktop and locally hosted programs cost one fee – then you have complete ownership of the program. Before you decide to purchase an autoresponder, you should always compare and see what each one has to offer.
If you are interested in running one from your server or website, then you’ll need to look at desktop and locally hosted autoresponders. There are free programs available online, although they will normally come with strings attached, such as ads in your emails. This can be a bad thing, as ads in your email will give customers the wrong impression. is a great service that also offers a free version for up to 250 subscribers and no advertisements. When you purchase one of these types of autoresponder programs, you should always research and find out all that you can. There are many programs out there that you can buy, many of which will offer you great features at a great price. Buying your program is the way to go, especially if you have an image to uphold. Once you have found a program and buy it, it will be yours for as long as you decide to use it. If you are looking towards a remotely hosted autoresponder, you’ll need to research for the best prices and service, this is a must when shopping around. You’ll be dealing with a company who has control over the address of the autoresponder, meaning that your domain name won’t appear in the emails you send using the autoresponder. This can be good for some, although many prefer to have their name in their emails. When it all comes down to it, you should always research an autoresponder before you decide to make a purchase or use a free program. There are several out there to choose from, although some are far superior to others. If you take the time and research what each one has to offer you and how much it will cost you – you’ll end up with an autoresponder that will prove to be more than worth the cost.

What To Look For In An SEO Training Course – Seven Important Qualities

A track record of SEO success – Obviously one quality you should look for is a track record of success over a period of time in search engine optimisation and search engine marketing. One quick way to check is to do a Google search on SEO training city, where city is your local area. (eg. SEO training Brisbane or Brisbane SEO training) If the firm you are considering learning from doesn’t rank well then you may be better off looking elsewhere. It also pays to check their SEO client portfolio. Do they have a portfolio? If so, are their clients happy with their SEO work? A few phone calls and you can make sure. An understanding of current SEO methods – SEO is a dynamic industry. As search engines update and improve their ranking algorithms, so also must SEO companies update their methods of getting and holding good search engine rankings. If the SEO training course you considering is focused on keyword density, link exchanges and creating complex metatags, then choose again. These factors used to be very important 3-5 years ago. Not so now. The best SEO these days is about keyword research, anchor text, article marketing, directory marketing, getting one-way links and using social media. Avoid astonishing promises – If it sounds too good to be true then it probably is. If the SEO training course you are considering promises to show you how to rank in the top 5 in Google for any search term then find someone else. As a famous movie once said” They’re dreaming. SEO is hard work and it does take time to rank well for competitive keyword phrases. Determining the best keyword phrase to optimise for and then executing the optimisation over a period of time will eventually yield results. Sound training methodology – Does the SEO training firm use qualified trainers? What are their qualifications and experience is both training and SEO. There’s nothing more disheartening that have a boring instructor who reads his or her notes and doesn’t believe in classroom interaction. Make sure your SEO trainer is both a good classroom trainer and experienced in SEO. Hands-on experience – SEO theory should be backed up by hands-on practical experience where you get to immediately apply your new learning. Avoid any SEO training course where you are lectured to for a day or so without any hands-on experience. The best SEO courses are a combination of theory, example and practice. Where possible you should have the opportunity to work on a real life SEO project and get the instructors help with that project. Follow up support – The half life of any training course is about 4 days. Unless the theory is applied or revised, it leaves short-term memory and must be relearned. Make sure the training that you purchase includes some level of e-mail or telephone support. if they do, make sure you use it even if it’s just to make sure you are on the right track with your SEO projects. Good quality handouts, notes and access to online resources is also something to look for.

Why Residual Income From Home Is A Good Idea

Residual income is the business concept of earning money over and over again for work done one time. This is the opposite of how people are used to getting paid. Most people are used to the idea of working for an hourly wage, which means they get paid based upon the time they spend working. Residual income is far superior to working for an hourly wage. It allows a person to get paid what they are worth. What this means is that a person is getting paid for the quality of their work instead of simply for just working. Residual income helps to produce better quality goods and it helps people to be able to free themselves from that 9-to-5 working world. Residual income is not a new concept. In fact, residual income is an idea that can be found in many different industries. A very good example of residual income is in entertainment. Recording artists work one tie to record a record and they make a residual income off that work whenever the record sells. Residual income gives a person the ability to earn much more then they could ever earn working for an hourly wage. This is obvious because there are only so many hours in a day that a person can work. Residual income allows a person to earn income whenever. They do not have to be working or even be thinking of work to earn money. This is the beauty of residual income. A residual income requires some work upfront. A person will have to create a product that will be in demand and that will be something that will interest people. They have to market that product and they have to set up a system to automatically sell and deliver their products. This can be easily done online because websites can be set up to handle all aspects of selling goods. Residual income has many benefits and it is clear to see why so many people are interested in residual income from home.

Writings Articles For Your Web Site

If you want to create a web site you can be proud of and succeed in running your own internet business, you will need to create articles that are interesting and informative. Writing articles that describe the goods and services that you sell will give customers a better idea of what they can expect when they make a purchase. Internet marketing requires you to have a web site that looks professional and contains information that customers will find useful. Internet marketing with articles that are well written will increase your sales. Customers will see that your web site is legitimate to make purchases from and will want to return when they need to place another order. The articles you post on your web site can explain uses for your products, testimonials, answer questions from customers, or describe products. You should include as many pictures and graphics that you can so that customers will know exactly what they are looking for. This will make their decision to purchase items much easier. Many times, internet marketing means that you must be creative and offer the very best web site, customer service, and communication. You should send out email to those who sign up for your mailing list so that they will know when you are having a sale or when you will be featuring a new product. Internet marketing with article is also a way to raise your ranking in search engines. Using keywords, you can create articles that will be used get noticed by search engines. Pick words or phrases that you think will be chosen by those looking for the types of products you are selling. This will help them find you a little easier. Instead of having to type in your web address, it will pop up in the search engine results. This will help increase your business.

Online Registration Analytics Tips For Event Planners: Hand Out Cookies!

Most people who’ve spent some time browsing the internet are familiar with the concept of cookies, or have at least heard of the technology. Cookies are a very common element in most websites today. They allow a lot of great things like shopping carts, saved passwords and tracking visitors to a site. But did you know they can also improve the registration process for your event? It’s not the goal of this article to explain the technical details of what cookies are and how they work; all you really need to understand is that cookies are small files than can be created by web pages. The files are stored on a user’s computer and can be accessed later by the website. Cookies are generally harmless, but like anything (software, cars, guns) when people use them inappropriately, they often get a bad name made for them. So what does all this mean to meeting planners? Online registration software packages have recently started to include the ability to track visitors throughout the entire registration process. This is accomplished through the use of harmless tracking cookies that are placed on a registrant’s computer. These cookies allow you to answer questions like: How many potential registrants viewed the form? Where did the registrants come from? How long did they take to fill out each part of the form? How many visitors actually became registrants? Where in the process do most of the visitors leave the form? As you can see, this is valuable information to know about your form. Online registration saves you time by automatically sending out confirmation emails to your registrants, processing payments online, running and emailing reports and much more, so that you can concentrate on improving and adding value to your event. This added information allows you to use the time saved using the software to improve your registration form. Reevaluate the spots where registrants get stuck, find new partners via referral stats, or provide incentives for your promoters to send you more registrants by running your own affiliate program. Clearly, the addition of cookie technology to online event registration software for the purpose of tracking visitor behavior is very valuable. Even if you’ve never used web tracking software before, it is very easy to get started and the potential rewards are very high for those willing to take advantage.

Simple Steps To Search Engine Success

Let’s talk about a method for getting your website recognized and boosted to the top of the search engines. This method is sometimes referred to as an “online science”, but it’s an easy way to get more site traffic once you know what to do. I will be discussing search engine optimization in a series of articles, beginning with some tips today that will amaze you. First, as you are aware, the Internet is a vast resource for all types of information. If you want to know about something, all you have to do is search for it. And searching of course is very easy. Just type in what you’re looking for, and a list that may seem never-ending comes up with every place on the World Wide Web that has information pertaining to that subject. How can you use this little piece of knowledge and expand upon it to lead people to your website and to the information, products and services that you want to share with the world? I can show you a way that is absolutely free! By using this information that I am sharing with you, your website hits will increase exponentially, and your online business will not only grow, but grow by leaps and bounds! With this simple to use information, you can expand your earnings by drawing more and more visitors to your site. All for free! Keywords are the key to this method. And what are keywords? They are the kinds of words people use in searches that relate directly to a website. Let me explain: If you are interested in learning how to ceramic tile your kitchen counter tops, you will probably type in a search something like “how to tile kitchen counter tops” or “kitchen ceramic tiles”. In doing so, you prompt search engines to go looking for sites that have a lot of the words ceramic, tile, kitchen and so forth in them. And soon you have a listing of sites that will show you how to proceed with tiling your counters. So, right there is the secret. Keywords will lead people to your website. All you need to do is optimize your site for keywords! A good place to start is by going to In the keyword search field, type in your product or service. For example, if you make and sell custom Christmas tree decorations, you will type in Christmas tree decorations. A long list of keywords will appear. All you have to do is make a list of them to use in optimizing your website, which is the subject of my next article. Remember, this information is free for the taking, and I am here to help you make the best use of it. It’s not rocket science, in fact, it’s quite simple, and once you see for yourself how well it works, you’ll find it quite enjoyable!

Link-Building The Virtue Of Patience

Link building is one of the critical steps to be addressed in creating an effective and successful web site. There are a number of steps involved, and it’s fair to say the whole arena of link building has become a science. Experts provide extremely valuable information about competitive analysis and link building elements. They tell us how to create good links so search engines will find our sites and our ranks will improve. What they don’t tell us is how long it takes for all that to happen. We know that search engine rank and links are inseparable. The better your links, the better you rank. So what makes one link better than the next? Web gurus like Matt Cutts and Eric Ward tell us that trustworthiness in back links is a major factor for search engines. If you have back links to trusted sites, yours will be deemed reputable and relevant by search engines. A trusted web site is one that consistently reveals no attempt to fool a search engine. Simply put, it just tries to communicate in a straightforward manner. If one of my acquaintances tries to con me, my trust level for that person drops to the basement and he/she never achieves the level of friendship in my life. The same is true for a search engine. If a search engine detects a con, the site rank will drop to levels not even worth talking about, and the site will never be considered for higher rank in the future. Search engines know who their ‘friends’ are (whom they can trust), and they also know who tries to con them. Our point is this: Be patient as you walk through the process of link building. Take the time necessary to determine who your competitors are; take the time necessary to analyze their sites. Identify their links and determine which ones might also be a good match for you. If you find several of your competitors with the same links, it’s probably safe to assume they are trustworthy links and you will want to consider using them also. It takes time to look at linked sites and invite back links. The highest level of patience is required to then wait for them to begin to show up on your site. But the bottom line is this: You need to take the necessary time to do the analysis and developing the links; you don’t have to resort to a con that a search engine will eventually figure out. Cyberspace has conditioned us to expect immediate gratification. A search with any of the major engines gets an immediate response, a response that gives us literally thousands of possibilities on hundreds of pages. We have instant access to answers for any question we can possibly ask. We have come to enjoy that kind of response time, but our ability to wait for a response is impaired as a result. The inherent risk is, if we try to hurry the process, our success may be crippled. Let your patience control link-building. Tell yourself waiting is part of the process. Once you have done all you can do to develop trustworthy links, sit back, be patient and watch for the results of your labors to appear… slowly.

Personal Development Courses

There are many personal development courses that are available both on and offline. Some of them are particularly geared toward professionals who would include the growing number of entrepreneurs that are involved with home businesses. One such company that offers online training courses for the professional business person is Serebra Learning Corp. These courses come in a wide variety of Professional as well as End User subjects. Technology base training or “TBT” ensures that you will become more efficient, and these courses will help you keep up with the new technology demands that are available for your home business. They will also open up new job opportunities for you if you wish to branch out in your home business. TBT is great because it allows you to learn anytime, anywhere and anything in a more efficient, cost-effective and convenient way than most traditional instructor led training. Some of these personal development courses include: • Balancing Stress • Working Collaboratively • Expanding Time • Presenting Your Ideas • Communicating Clearly • Moving Past Conflict The Serebra Learning Corp. is able to provide you with the “best in class” quality training courses that you will find anywhere online. Course features include: • Highly interactive • Pre-evaluations – you are able to pick and choose what you need to learn • Testing throughout – this ensures that you are learning the material • Post-testing – this ensures that you have learned all of the topics that were covered • Simulations – this ensures that you can do it Training courses from Serebra Learning Corp. are able to be purchased individually or they can be bundled and are available both online and on CD-ROM. If you join the Training Club, you will receive a minimum of six courses at the regular price of one. You can’t beat that for a sweet deal! Before you definitely decide to try some courses from the Serebra Learning Corp. you will want to take some things into consideration as you, as a home business owner, continue your journey towards achieving everything you want out of life: • Keep an open mind so that you will be willing to reach out towards new goals and dreams for your home business. • Do not let fear enter into the equation. Fear is debilitating and cannot only hinder you in your home business but in everything you do in your life. • Always be willing to accept change as well as welcome self-discovery. • Be aware of your surroundings. Always be appreciative of the opportunities that your home business presents to you. Human potential is an amazing thing. With your home business you will be working closely with individuals either on or offline who truly care whether you are successful both personally as well as financially. This is not just about making a “quick buck” but it also involves finding emotional stability and inner peace. Do everything you can to enrich your personal growth and development, and you will find that your home business will continue to be a success.

Blogging: Free Internet Marketing Method

It’s been years since blogging has been practiced. But it’s just recently that it has been considered as one of the addicting fads. Many teenagers have resorted to blogging as an outlet for their emotions, a little online nook where they can blurt out whatever just bugs them or whatever makes them feel elated. Savvy marketers have discovered that blogging is one of the best Internet marketing methods that won’t cost you a cent. What exactly is blogging? Blog is the widely used term that refers to web log. Basically, a blog is an online journal. A blog could be set up to no cost at all, and can be used for just for the fun of it or for business reasons. Blogging for your Internet business is one surefire way to boost the visibility of your products and services. Here are a few ways to boost your internet advertising with the help of a blog: 1. Make your clients or customers abreast on your website’s alterations. Your new products and affiliate websites could also be announced through your blog. 2. Keep track of your business objectives and plans through open writing. Your blog content can be easily stored through archives. What could be better than searchable information that could be easily accessed by anyone browsing the web, right? 3. Air your opinions, advice or reviews on specific services or products that are related to your business. Publishing is a very easy process with blogging. 4. Include links that will fetch back links and subsequently improve your ranking on search engines. This could be better executed through putting well-written articles in your website. Affiliate links could also be included in your blog to earn more extra income. 5. Collect response through the ability of blogs to fetch comments from your blog readers. You can learn and improve your products and services through with the feedback from your readers. 6. Connect easily with other bloggers. When other bloggers notice that you have something good in your blog, they will put you in their favorite lists that will automatically link you to their blogs. So, how do you set up a blog? Here are some of the options you can make use of to take advantage of this fun way to advertise your Internet business. Either you load a blogging software or let a blogging hosting service do it for you. Host services such as LiveJournal and are the most popular in this field. Those hosts will provide you with easy instructions on how to put up your blog.

Sick Of Your J-o-b? Learn How To Make Money With Resell Rights

Beep, beep, beep, goes the alarm clock a lot of times you wake up before the sun. Not cool. Well are you sick of it? Well what if I told you that there was a way to make money without the nine to five job that you despise? Would you read the rest of this article? I bet that you would. Well I am about to tell you about a way that you can generate profit with very little overhead and without stocking inventory in your house or making sales calls. This is a way that has been making many, many people money and anyone can do it. If you have an internet connection and a computer then you can get into the business of selling digital products with resell rights. In this article you will find out how to sell digital products with resell rights and make a profit. You may be wondering what digital products are well they are typically information products that you can get digitally or over the internet. Information products are products that provide the reader with information. Digital products do not have to be all about information but most of them are. Digital products include but are not limited to e-books, articles, reports, software, multimedia, e-courses, learning programs, tutorials, consultation and many, many more digital products are available, this was just to name a few. When people that do not have jobs on the internet get online it is for information purposes. People get online and search for information about different topics so why not get into a business that helps people as well as makes you money. There is money to be made when selling digital products with resell rights. So just what are resell rights? Well I am just about to tell you. I will use a digital product such as an e-book for all of my examples. If you write a e-book you the author can sell resell rights as well. Resell rights give people who buy for instance your e-book the right to resell your e-book to other potential customers for a profit. There are such things as limited resell rights for instance you the author only sells 100 resell rights so you sell your e-book to 100 people and then they can only sell your e-book. When you have unlimited resell rights then you can sell to as many people as you can and they can sell to as many people as they can and this makes your e-book a lot less valuable because if thousands of people are selling your e-book then they are not coming to your web site to buy your e-book they are going to someone else so when selling resell rights it is better to sell limited resell rights because you can make sure that the price will not decrease. So selling digital products with resell rights is really quite easy all that you need is to is have a internet connection a computer and information you can even write your own e-books or you can buy just one e-book and then when you sell just one you have made your money back and then you make straight profit from then on. That is what I meant earlier in this article about very little overhead. Whether you decide to quit your full time job and work at this full time or you decide to make extra cash and try this type of business part time, selling digital products with resell rights just might be the business that you have been looking for. This is becoming very popular so do not waste anytime and research and start your at home business selling digital products with resell rights today.

Turnkey Business Opportunities Versus Franchises

What Exactly is the Difference Between a Traditional Franchise and a Turnkey Business? A traditional franchise is a business in which authorization has been given to an entrepreneur to sell and/or distribute an established company’s goods or services in a particular area. The term “franchise” is also used to refer to a business or group of businesses that operate under such conditions. With a traditional franchise, the franchisee—that’s the individual business owner—pays the franchisor—the corporation—a franchise fee for the right to use the franchisor’s name and business model. Start-up materials and ongoing support are often provided by the franchisor, but there are still many aspects of operating the business that are the responsibility of the franchisee. A turnkey business, however, is one in which everything an entrepreneur requires to open a franchised unit is provided. The term “turnkey” comes from the idea that—using one of these packages—all one would have to do to open for business is “turn the key.” Recently, the realm of Internet business has seen a boom in the number of turnkey websites. This is the same thing as a brick-and-mortar turnkey business with the exception that the business owner is being provided with a fully functional website versus a fully stocked store, for example. Is Everything Really Included in a Turnkey Package? In the truest sense of the word, yes. The franchisor would provide and do everything, including selecting and leasing your location and hiring your staff. In reality, however, you won’t find very many franchisors who will actually hire your employees. But the franchisor offering a turnkey package will take care of most of what needs to be done in order to open your business. This can be a great advantage if you are new to franchising because it will save you hours upon hours of work and research. Turnkey packages can also be an exercise in swindling, however, and you should do some research to find out what you’re getting into. So, How Do I Choose the Right Turnkey Package? The best way to research this is by asking existing franchisees. The main thing you’ll want to inquire about is whether the existing franchisees feel they got a good deal with the turnkey package. In other words, the franchisor shouldn’t be putting a high markup on the package components. Their income should be coming from royalty and franchise fees—not start-up costs for new franchisees. If you don’t feel you can acquire adequate information from business owners who are already involved in your selected franchise, ask the franchisor if they are willing to provide you with a complete cost breakdown. You’ll also want to ask whether the labor involved in providing the package is a separate line item or factored into the cost of each component. If it is factored in, what is the markup percentage? Take comfort, however, in the fact that the information you really want—whether or not you’re being ripped off—is fairly easy to come by. If a franchisor’s turnkey package has an exorbitant markup, the existing franchisees are going to be aware that they were had. And they will probably be more than willing to tell you about it. What Are the Advantages of a Turnkey Business? Because of the all-inclusive nature of the turnkey package, it is a fantastic opportunity for those budding entrepreneurs who may not have the knowledge base of a veteran franchisee. And, even if you are very business savvy, a turnkey package saves you the time and effort involved in starting a company from the ground up, i.e.: developing a successful business plan, choosing and leasing a location, purchasing inventory, hiring employees, etc. Although the initial investment for a turnkey business may be a little more than a traditional franchise, the rewards for that investment are substantial. You’re buying into a brand—perhaps one with which consumers are already familiar. There are certain restaurant chains, for example, that you know are not going to go under. People will always want burgers and ice cream. This substantially lowers the risk to you, the franchisee, by allowing you to utilize a proven business model. A turnkey business will also save on the time it takes to open your doors over a traditional franchise because most of the start-up issues will be addressed for you. Final Thoughts As with any business venture, a turnkey business opportunity does represent a certain amount of risk—even if that risk is smaller than other types of businesses, so do your research. Ask the questions that were discussed in this article. Find out if the other franchisees in the company are happy with the way things have turned out for them. Once you’re confident that you’ve selected a franchise that will be a good match to your own business style and lifestyle, all you have to do is turn the key.