Top 10 Content Rich Ideas For Your Website

With increased internet competition and search engine scrutiny, it’s no wonder that web business owners lose business, become discouraged and drop out of the rankings. But there’s one saving grace that can help keep web businesses afloat. It’s content. In recent years the debate has heated up over what is required to keep websites ranked well among the search engines, but one thing we can all agree on is the need for quality, useful content. You needed it ten years ago and you still need it today. There are many ways to provide your site with useful content however your challenge will be to keep it unique, easy to read, interesting, informative and regularly updated. Here are a few content rich ideas that will help you achieve those goals: 1. Provide Editorials This is your own personal opinion about a story or event rather than an objective approach you often see in the newspaper. Editorials provide food for thought and invite viewer opinions. You can write editorials yourself or you can urge your visitors to write relevant editorials for placement on your site. A good editorial will keep your site interesting and colorful. 2. Provide Articles or How-To Guides Write articles or have them written for you. Use your articles to offer tips, facts, resources and information that your viewers might be interested in. Write articles with the intention of offering a solution to a problem. Readers also appreciate it when you include your own personal experiences and suggestions. Similarly offer a how-to guide that offers step-by-step instructions or advice on how someone can achieve a desired goal or learn how to do something. 3. Provide a Knowledge Base / Glossary of Terms Post a question and answers page and/or a glossary of terms. Both will provide a comprehensive knowledge base of information related to your site’s topic. A glossary of terms is a perfect way to help educate your viewers and clarify confusion. Also, as new questions come across your desk, they can be added to your Q&A page, expanding and updating your content on a regular basis. 4. Provide News Stories Post the latest news stories related to your site’s topic. Simply post a news item you find interesting and relevant and write a brief 2-3 line summary. Below the summary attach a link to the full story. Remember to post only articles that are recent and relevant. Old or off-topic pieces will result in lost visitors. 5. Offer Contests or Surveys Posting a contest or a survey allows your viewers to be interactive with your site. Contests are unique because they can make your site ‘sticky’ meaning your visitors will check back frequently. Additionally, conducting surveys will provide you with information about your visitors and what they are looking for but once your survey has been completed and tallied, you can post the information to your site. People love to enter contests and offer their opinion. Both options offer unique ways to get your audience involved and provide you with interesting content. 6. Provide Guest Interviews Find an expert in your field and ask them to consider doing an interview with you. Compose a number of relevant or burning questions that you can ask your guest speaker. You can later post the question & answer interview to your website. 7. Post a Calendar of Events Offer a calendar of events that pertains to your site’s topic. For example, if you have a site for runners, offer a calendar of marathon events. Your viewers could come to rely on you for such events encouraging return visits. 8. Provide Product Reviews If you have purchased a product that your viewers may be interested in, post a product review. This not only adds original content, it creates credibility and establishes you as an informative resource. This form of content is also ideal when offering affiliate products. 9. Post a forum on your site. A forum often provides your visitors with candid, honest information. Visitors can also post comments, questions, articles and opinions. A forum not only allows visitors to add their content, they can also help you network and build joint ventures. 10.Create a Blog Blogs are easy to create, they offer a variety of information sources on a huge number of specific topics and the search engine spiders love them. That’s because blog content is updated in real time offering its visitors news and information that isn’t readily available anywhere else.

Kicking Off A Premium Campaign

Before Peyton Manning and the Indianapolis Colts beat the Chicago Bears at Super Bowl XLI in Miami, Florida, in February, teams all over the country used other means — outside of big wins and great plays — to excite their loyal fans, clients and sponsors. During the 2006-2007 season, the National Football League altered its use of promotional items for marketing campaigns. Instead of using promotional items, also known as premiums, to drive higher ticket sales, it used them to encourage higher attendance at home and away games and to serve as rewards to loyal fans, clients and sponsors. Last season, NFL supporters made a killing in premiums while attending most major league football games. According to an article in the September 2006 issue of Counselor Magazine, the Philadelphia Eagles designed an entire giveaway marketing campaign with premiums appealing to all ages throughout the entire football season — including premiums during the Eagle’s training camp. The marketing campaign had promotional items that included premiums like hats and flags and even pencils and magnetic schedules clearly displaying the name and logo of the team and the sponsors. Rewarding fans with various premiums through marketing campaigns generated an extremely positive perception of the NFL and its teams throughout the country. They showered the recipients with thanks while placing a constant reminder of the team, organization and sponsor directly into their hands with premiums. Any team, organization or company, whether it’s little league, inter-office or even a grand opening for a new building, can take this major league marketing campaign and its premiums and make it work. Premiums like lanyards, magnets and inflatable products can display the logo and event of any brand or company and work as a reward as well. These premiums have the potential to generate teamwork and support throughout any organization or office, just like they do at a major league sporting event. For these reward premiums to work successfully in a marketing campaign, the product needs to be relevant and appropriate to the audience. The audience should want to keep the item. If not used daily, the audience should have the premium accessible and visible on a regular basis. This does not mean, however, that every marketing campaign has to include upscale gifts. Promotional items like golf towels, flags and calendars displaying the schedules of local and favored sports teams make fun and different ways to reward a client base. It gives the premium a sense of excitement while keeping fans in touch with local events. For a more sophisticated feel, look into desk clocks, mouse pads and recordable CDs displaying brands and logos to grab the attention and recognition of clients. Including reward premiums in a marketing campaign can enhance the relationship between you and your clients while strengthening exposure and perception of your brand.

Top Ten Franchise Opportunities For $20,000

Franchises are among the fastest growing business opportunities available. Once the purview only of those who could afford to invest many, many thousands of dollars – often as many as several hundred of thousands – franchise opportunities now exist that will fit almost any budget. If you are looking to buy a franchise that carries a low price tag but can yield high profits, you’ve come to the right place. Here are ten top franchise opportunities that can be yours for right around $20,000! GLOBAL BROKER SYSTEMS You don’t have to be on Wall Street to earn a Wall Street-level income. Global Broker Systems offers the opportunity to do jus this by offering commercial loans to businesses. With national name recognition, Global provides you with training and support so you are equipped to handle financial issues ranging from debt restructuring and business acquisition financing to accounts receivable and lease financing. With a total capital investment is $19,950, you could be well on your way to a successful entrepreneurial career in finance. FAST-TEKS ON-SITE COMPUTER SERVICES This unique opportunity places you directly in the manager’s seat. As a Fast-Teks franchisee, you do not repair or service any computers directly. Rather, you manage a team of trained technicians who travel to client sites to perform all repair and maintenance work. The total capital investment is just $19,500, with an additional requirement of $6,000 to $10,000 for start-up expenses and advertising. In return, you gain the benefit of working for yourself in a multi-multi-billion dollar industry. No computer experience is required, so check out Fast-Teks today. BLUE COAST FINANCIAL GROUP With a motto of “Bring Wall Street to Main Street,” this franchise opportunity allows entrepreneurs to become Blue Coast Advisors who offer “second opinion financial services” to businesses and corporations. No financial experience? No problem! The parent company’s support staff of expert analysts provide you with all of the information you need to give the best and most accurate advice and guidance to your clients. Additionally, Blue Coast offers service-provision options that make your services even more appealing to potential clients. Carrying a total capital investment of $19,995, this business franchise opportunity truly does make Wall Street Main Street-accessible. J. BRANDT COMMUNICATIONS™ No one likes to be on-hold, but the fact is that people today will spend a significant amount of time on-hold waiting for information, assistance, or conducting business. The good news is that, as a J. Brandt Communications dealer, you can capitalize on this by marketing Music and Messaging On-Hold (MOH) services to companies and corporations. The benefit to your clients is that they gain an additional opportunity to market their products and services; the benefit to you is that you can establish a source of recurring income for today and for your future. The start-up cost capital investment cost for this exciting opportunity is $20,000. GUARD-A-KID ™ CHILD ID SYSTEMS Oftentimes, people look into starting their own business so they can spend more time with their families and create a future for them. This franchise opportunity allows you to do exactly this while protecting your family in the process. Guard-A-Kid is a child safety ID kit that provides parents with wallet-size and file-size printed IDs as well as a CDROM containing their child’s information. Because the information is in digital format, it can easily be sent to law enforcement personnel in the case of an emergency. In addition to this basic package, Guard-A-Kid offers parents the option of purchasing additional safety accessories, including wearable IDs, Internet safety software, and more. The capital investment cost is $19,900, and you can choose to operate your business either from the comfort of your own home or through a Guard-A-Kid kiosk. CTI – CONCRETE TECHNOLOGY Concrete isn’t just for sidewalks. Through CTI, you can become a business owner in the field of concrete restoration and beautification. Even if you’ve never worked with concrete before, you can succeed as a CTI dealer by benefiting from the company’s comprehensive training program and round-the-clock technical support. CTI operates in the United States and in 22 countries around the world, and you can become a part of this exciting and growing market for just $19,500. AMERICAN BUSINESS ADVANTAGE With interest rates on the rise, more and more homeowners are finding they are unable to meet their mortgage payments, and, as a result, foreclosure looms on the horizon. You can help homeowners avoid taking this difficult step by becoming a Certified Foreclosure Consultant (CFC) through American Business Advantage. Whether you want to work full-time or part-time, from an office or from the comfort of your own home, American Business Advantage allows you the freedom to choose. You will receive training and complete support in this business venture for a total capital investment of $19,995. CRUISE PLANNERS FRANCHISING LLC/AMERICAN EXPRESS For the past several years, this award-winning franchise opportunity has consistently been ranked #1 in its category by Entrepreneur Magazine. And it isn’t hard to see why. With a price tag of just $9,995-$19,950, franchisees can capitalize on the growth and success of the cruising industry. Cruise Planners Franchising LLC/American Express offers top commission levels, the latest in technology, training and support, and unique industry programs and benefits, among other things. If this exciting opportunity sounds like it could be for you, cruise over to the above website for more information. INFINITE MARKETING Every business needs marketing collateral, so why not go into the business of providing marketing collateral to businesses? For a total capital investment of just $14,900, you can become the owner of your own Video Business Card Distributorship. Video Business Cards (VBC) are the new wave of business promotions, and they include personal messages from the business professionals as well as printable marketing materials and e-mail and website links. Small businesses want to stand out among their competition, and VBCs allow them to do just this. As a VBC business owner, you can earn an income while helping other small businesses succeed at the same time. DVDNOW KIOSKS Today’s society is all about convenience. People want to accomplish more in less time. And DVDNow Kiosks allows them to do just that by providing automated DVD rental kiosks so renters can pick up a Friday-night movie without ever stopping at the video-store. DVDNow Kiosks can be found in grocery stores, convenience stores, office buildings, or any location prone to high foot-traffic. As a DVDNow Kiosks distributor, you earn income every time someone rents a DVD from one of your kiosks. This means that your earning potential continues even when you are not actively working. This industry is set for an exponential explosion, and for a start up capital of $20,000, you can secure a piece of this pie. As you can see, low-cost franchise opportunities exist in a variety of industries. Whatever your budget and your area of interest, it is almost a sure thing that there is a franchise that’s perfect for you. So what are you waiting for? Start building your future today with one of these top franchise opportunities.

Managing The Financial Aspect Of Your Home Business

Financial management is one of the pitfalls for people who are engaged in a home business. Even if your have choose a good home business but you have no idea on how to manage your business financially, you will most likely end up losing a lot of money. Since you cannot afford to waste your money, you better shape up and take care of your finances early on. It will not really do you any good if you just keep working on your business not really knowing if you are making enough money to compensate for your efforts. Getting started The first thing that you need to do to get your financial systems in place is to open a separate bank account for your business. A lot of home business owners keep their personal funds together with their personal accounts that they end up drawing money which should have been for the business and vice versa. The practice of mixing up your personal funds and the funds for your business is very dangerous because you will not have much control over you business and personal finances. By opening separate bank accounts for your business and for personal use, you will be able to manage your money better. Aside from setting up a separate bank account for you business, you must see to it that you also set up a separate funds for your business expenses. Since you are working form home, try to separate all the expenses that are related to your business from your home expenses. For instance, your business phone should be paid by money coming from your business account. You might also want to “bill” you business for utilities and rent. You can do this by setting a certain amount every month for utilities and rent then take this amount from the business account. Out of your business earning, you might also want to set up a certain amount which you can draw out as your salary. The good thing about setting a certain amount of money every month as your salary is that you will be able to determine if you are indeed making enough money to pay for all your business expenses and at the same time pay yourself for your efforts. Make sure that you only draw-out the extract amount of money from the business for your salary. Even if your business is doing well and you have plenty of money in the business account, do not be tempted to draw more than you should. Keep the money in the business account for future use. You might want to expand your home business later on. At the end of the year, you might want to give yourself a bonus. If you have been religiously following your own rules regarding your finances, you will be surprised at how much money you will have left in your business account at the end of the year.


If you’re a Pisces, you probably have a lot of friends, as you have an accepting and malleable nature that makes it easy for other people to be around you. A Pisces is more likely to go with the flow rather than swim upstream to try to change people or their environment They can be more emotional, rather than rational and analytical. They don’t thrive in highly disciplined environments. Nine-to-five jobs are anathema to the Pisces nature. They are drawn to situations where they can use their artistic gifts and their appreciation of art and nature. They love luxury and pleasure. They can think on their feet and an enjoy new situations and change. They are happiest in the fields of music, literature or art. Who’s the ideal partner for the Pisces. Not the rugged, caveman type, for sure. A relationship with a Pisces will be meeting of the mind and spirit, less so than the body. Pisces are cerebral and not intensely sexual. The need to be courted gently. They are intensely loving and loyal and have a monogamous nature. Don’t abuse this rare creature. If you’re a Pisces, you may find yourself occasionally being walked over or taken advantage of because of your fluid nature. You may need to find ways to assert yourself that’s in harmony with your psyche. Because you tend to go with the flow and live in the moment, you might have a money-management style that can leave you short of funds at times. You may need to be stricter with yourself to ensure that doesn’t happen. Next time you’re drifting around a department store, just do a quick tally of everything before you get to the cashier. Put at least half of it back, if not more. Chances are it will still be there the next time you have money in your pocket!

Should Relatives Go Into Business Together?

There are many asking if relatives should go into business together and the answer is elusive for many reasons. Depending on how closely related they are and how close they are personally can have a direct effect on their ability to work together as equal partners in a business. Different people have different personalities and the person with the most dominant personality will end up being in charge, whether planned or not, which can cause friction when running a business together. If the relatives have known each other a long time and are well acquainted, they should already know who the stronger of two is, but in a business managing by intimidation is never a good performance standard. Before entering the business climate, they have to talk through the good and bad of being in business together, knowing that if they end up unable to work things out it will now only wreck a friendship, but can cause discord within the entire families with people taking sides in any dispute. However, they will still be related when it is over. Being in a business as a “family” may have worked for the so-called mob, but in that scenario there was a firmly entrenched order and violations of that order had very swift and severe consequences. Not the management flow chart that operate a successful business. If persons hoping to go into business together cannot agree on the basics of who will be in charge of what, then the answer is no, relatives should not go into business together, Family members with similar personalities often find themselves unemployed and view going into business together as a viable means to support their families. Understanding the strengths and weakness of both, they can use that to establish a management chart to determine who will be in charge of what aspect of running the business. They may also find there are portions of running the business with which they have no experience and may need another person to help fulfill those needs. By sitting down and outlining the needs of starting a business and what each person can bring to the business table, they will be better prepared to deal with any issues that arise with being related in operating the same business. There will be conflicts as there are in any business relationship, but the fact they are related should never enter any business-related discussion. Additionally, there must be the attitude of what happens at work stays at work. Complaining to the spouse or other family members can lead to inner-family arguments that probably are not worth fighting over in the first place. One of the biggest problems faced when relatives are in business together may be in scheduling. When there is a family function, both people will most likely want to attend and as owners of the business should not be a problem, but there may be times when the needs of the business require one to be available, the need to work out who will go and who will work may rock the relationship boat.

Preparing For The Holiday Season Now – Christmas In July?

Christmas comes a little early every year for the online retailer — June or July to be exact. If you’re just starting to prepare now for this year’s holiday selling season, you’re none too early. Most people think the holiday buying craze starts the day after Thanksgiving, but the truth is it starts in September and tops out in November. So now is the time to get ready for the busiest selling season of the year. Enhancing Your Product Line Start thinking about your product sourcing. Your wholesalers should be sending you product sheets and catalog inserts with new products and prices. Because suppliers make their money anticipating trends, they’re a good place to see what’s new in your market and find complementary products to accentuate your existing line. Before you decide to add an item to your line-up, do your homework. Look at other stores and auctions to see what kind of demand is there. See how much competition you have in that market and if there’s enough room for you to make a good profit. Suggests Matt Hedges, customer service manager of product-sourcing leader, “This is a good time to test the waters with new products you might want to carry throughout the fall and holiday season.” Advance Planning: the Key to Happy Customers Holiday shoppers’ number one concern is that their gift purchases reach their loved ones by Christmas. Online sales drop drastically the week before Christmas because buyers are afraid their orders won’t arrive on time. That’s why back orders are a seller’s worst nightmare. And that’s why you, the online retailer, need to take steps now to ensure that you’re not running short this holiday season: • Order a few of your best-selling products and hold them in case your drop-shipper gets backed up. If your supplier can’t deliver something to your customer, you’ll have it on hand and be able to get it to them on time. • “Stay on top of your wholesalers at this time of year,” advises Hedges. Touch base with your suppliers every few weeks. Keep up-to-date on their stock levels for your best-selling items. • If all else fails and your drop-shipper drops the ball, find another online store that offers overnight shipping or second day air. Between retail pricing and shipping costs, you’ll most likely take a loss — but you’ll differentiate your business from other e-stores out there that get backed up and can’t deliver. Being ready for the holidays helps you to give your customers what they want and build your reputation through positive word-of-mouth. You’ll gain loyal customers who’ll bring you repeat business throughout the rest of the year.

Room Service!

Every woman in the world today wants to feel and be beautiful and sexy in any way possible to attract somebody or their husbands and boyfriends. Some enroll themselves to gym class, belly dancing, aerobic classes and yoga. Some would even risk their bodies for surgical operations to have faster results. However, there is always an alternative for everything. Resort yourself to proper clothing that does not only accentuate your curves but also trims down a little fat because of the sexiness of the outfit. Is your husband giving up on you? Early symptoms would be: goes home late with lame reasons like overtime or emergency meetings at midnight, his mobile phone and beeper is shut off and explains that he forgot to charge the batteries, leaves the house so early in the morning without even a kiss on your cheek, and the most crucial is when he tells you that he is in a conference or a joint seminar outside of town but then you will know that he is just in the neighborhood with another girl. So, you still think your husband is head over heels over for you? Move now! I know you know that men have a distinct nature and a different sense of pleasure and satisfaction especially from a long day at work and traffic jams. So start it off with simple things like greeting him with a smile and a kiss early in the morning, serving him with his favorite meal and add extra passion in making his coffee for a perfect breakfast, hand him his fragrant and pressed suit and his dust-free suitcase, and give him another kiss upon leaving the house. When he is already at work, drop him a maximum of one call a day to remind him to eat his lunch and that he shouldn’t tire himself too much. Do not go beyond the max because they do not want to be babied, especially when they are in their suits and in their offices. When he gets home from a busy day, surprise him with a sumptuous meal. But, it is always better to add up some spice. This refers to the world inside the bedroom. You should always know how to satisfy your man. Inside the bedroom, it is just you, him, and the clothes you wear. Men are men; their heads turn when they see you with intimate clothing on. There is a wide array of choices for this apparel that you can choose from. When you choose, make sure it fits you angle to angle and thread to thread. About the color, select the one that you know would attract him the most. Usually, red is the sexiest and naughtiest color for lingerie. Black is also a great color for making the night more mysterious. White also is a nice color because it adds glamour. Dressing up with intimates should be in accordance to your age range. When you are in your twenties and early thirties, baby dolls and gown-types of intimates are a great choice. Its length is conservative from a far view but once the see through coat is removed, the sexiness of the whole thing emerges out. If you are in your mid-thirties and forties and you still have the model figure, you can dress with the simple-cut corsets and camisoles. In dressing up with intimate apparel, put in mind what style your husband would definitely love, and the color that he is attracted to. So, when you think your husband is sailing away from your paradise, intimate clothing is your new best friend and relationship savior.

Pulling The Plug On A Dream

Some people give up easily. They keep a close eye on the sky; if a cloud happens by, they’re out of here. Dream’s over. Pack it up. Put it away. These Pollyannas aren’t really dreamers. Maybe quick buck artists. Perhaps dilettantes who never stick to anything. But they’re not dreamers. Then there are heavy-duty dreamers who never give up. If drooling, man-eating aliens land on their front lawn, the never-say-die types see it as a great headline for an ad. The aliens would be burping and politely dabbing their snouts with a napkin before these diehards notice their peril. Somewhere between those two extremes may come a need to let go of a dream. If it’s a real dream and not a passing fancy, the tipping point is closer to drooling aliens than to a slight chance of rain, but we have to be aware of the possibility. Everybody’s tempted to give up from time to time, whatever the undertaking, but this isn’t about everyday stuff. We’re talking about dreams: our heart of hearts, goal of goals, the motor that energizes us and puts a spring in our step. When do we pull the plug on a dream? •We shouldn’t give up when the dream still lights our days and a door or two stands slightly ajar, if not completely open. If we’re happy to hear the alarm clock every morning because it means we can move our dream a little further down the road, we can’t give up. •We should give up if we’re destroying our family. Dreams don’t bow down before much, but a family that can be held together by giving up a dream comes first. Our most significant dream has to be about keeping our families healthy and strong. Drivel about how the eventual bonanza of money will fix everything is baloney. Money’s good, but it isn’t everything. •We shouldn’t give up because Mother says we look tired. Eat the dinner, tell her she’s a good cook and you love her, then get back to work on the dream. Repeat as necessary. •We should give up if changed circumstances give us no way to go forward. This is a tricky one. A weary mind can easily overlook new possibilities. Talk this one out with people you trust and admire. Before quitting, search for ways to fit the new circumstances and still keep the integrity of the dream. •We shouldn’t give up because it’s harder than we expected. Life’s not supposed to be easy. How can we expect to do something great without breaking a sweat? Nobody would start anything if they realized the swamps they’d have to struggle through to get to the finish line. •We should give up if every day is misery. Another tricky one. Sometimes a minor course correction, a slight reshaping of the dream, can revive our lost enthusiasm. Consult on this one, too. If we’ve been plugging along in despair, we probably can’t see even minor changes that could fix the problem. •We shouldn’t give up because somebody says it can’t work. New concepts often stump onlookers. Also, conventional thinkers resist the changes brought by new ideas. Scientific American wrote that the Wright brothers would never be able to fly their machine–after they had already done so. But when other dreamers, people who love us and usually encourage our dreams, go negative, we should at least consider their words. Finally, whenever we’re forced to abandon a dream, we must allow ourselves time to mourn. The death of a dream is a real death. We need balm for our wounds and healing for our souls. And while we mourn, we need to stay away from the happy-talk folks who act as if nothing big has happened, and we should be over it by the weekend in any case. They’ll turn us into drooling, man-eating aliens, and it won’t be pretty. © Copyright 2007 by Bette Dowdell. All rights reserved.

Products Available In The Wellness Industry

You will be surprised at the number of different types of products that are available in the wellness industry. There are so many different brands and types of products that it would literally take a book to list them all. It is understandable why the wellness industry is one of the fastest growing markets today with so many new products coming out daily to meet consumer needs. Skin care is a big issue and concern for many people. Teens are worried about being plagued with acne. Even adults are prone to embarrassing acne outbreaks. You will find that there are not only skin care products for acne but for dry skin, oily skin, anti-wrinkle products, and many other products. Skin care items are a huge product market for the wellness industry. Hair products are another big marketer in the wellness industry. Both men and women are worried about the effects of aging and there has been a boom in the hair replacement and hair growth products in the market. Consumers are even using nutritional supplement products to stimulate hair and nail growth as well as maintain a healthy skin glow. Not only are people concerned about their hair, skin and nails, but there has been a surge in the weight loss industry. Virtually any product relating to weight loss is going to sell. Consumers are trying all types of weight loss products such as natural supplements, special meals, memberships to online weight loss clubs, fitness products, books, DVDs and more. The fitness industry alone is experiencing huge growth in the wellness industry. More and more buyers are purchasing fitness equipment and fitness accessories to use in their homes. People are more active in recreational as a sport, which means a growth in sports equipment as well as sports clothing and accessories. Additionally, people are buying DVDs, VHS tapes, and even books on how to improve their game in various sports such as golf. There is huge market for electronic books, videos and more for people to learn how to play games better and to even learn new exercise routines such as Pilates. Herbal supplements have become a strong rage in the wellness industry. People are seeing more and more warnings and precautions coming out for medications and prescriptions that they have been using. As a result, many people are turning to alternative healing options to find relief for aches and pains. Herbal supplements are also being used to increase libidos, promote anti-aging and many other things. Herbal teas have become increasingly popular for weight loss, relaxation, anti-aging effects and more. As you can see there are numerous products available in the wellness industry today. This article just barely covered the tip of the iceberg of the thousands of items available for buyers that are concerned with health issues and fitness issues. The trend will not simply fade out and disappear. There is continued growth in the wellness industry anticipated for many years to come. If you are new to this industry, you have joined in at the best time while new companies and products are forming daily.

The Myth Of Affiliate Marketing Without A Website – You Need One, So Get One

You may have seen the pitch before- you can sell the product without even having a website! Technically, that is possible. People do make sales in other ways, but the real power of affiliate sales is in having a website of your own to call home. A website can do a lot of things for affiliate sales, and require far less promotion than advertising many separate sites on their own. other affiliates promoting the same item. And, using nothing more than an affiliate link to the product site, there is a good chance that the buyer may take note of the site’s url alone in order to come back another time to buy. With a separate site, yours will be the one that is bookmarked and read later instead of theirs. In order to more effectively make your pitch, there has to be a site that buyers can look at, read, bookmark, and email to their friends. Building a content site does require getting some content together, which can be expensive, but it is also much more effective. And if you have many items to market, they can all go onto the site. Having them all in one place, especially if they are related items in any way, can increase your chances of having buyers purchasing more than one of your items at a time. Having a website also gives you the chance to build up a client list. By putting out a regular newsletter to people requesting it through your site, you keep your site and your promoted products in their minds. You don’t want to be the guy who wouldn’t go away, but you do want to keep telling the potential buyer through the newsletter why he should buy through you. In addition, having content on your site makes it rank better in search engines. This means less promotion on your part and better traffic for the site. There are affiliate marketers that rely on many single sales pages, and there are affiliates that don’t even have that. Some marketers promote their items using ads that simply feature their affiliate link. The downside is often that there is no sales pitch, and consequently, no sales. Customers are not beating down the doors of affiliates in order to buy from them- an affiliate needs to have a space to make an effective sales pitch. A lot of people have lost money buying ads with no website of their own- don’t make that mistake. Another problem with having no website is that the items being promoted are likely being promoted by dozens, if not hundreds or thousands, of other people. In order to be effective, your sales pitch has to stand out. Using Adwords or Adsense exclusively, there is nothing to really distinguish yourself from those bozos trying to promote the same products you are. A website in itself is a product, and having a good one will only enhance your reputation. Content for your site that is practical, helpful, and well researched establishes you as an expert on the topic. Having some expert status makes you more credible and trustworthy than people simply advertising a url to sell the product. Why buy from some guy through a link when you can buy from the expert that knows so much about the product? Beats me. Instead of wasting your money, start by differentiating yourself by building your own web site related to the affiliate program you want to promote. Write articles on the subject, include recommendations about the affiliate offer and set up a mailing list. You are now ready to start promoting your website in Adwords. If people don’t buy right away, they can still come back to your site at a later time or sign up for your mailing list. In addition, if your site offers valid content, chances are that it will get spidered and listed by Google, thus providing you with a source of free traffic.

Parading Pictures Online

Are you feeling alone, lonely and away from home? Why don’t you grab your digital camera and make memories of your own to share with your loved ones. Despite the distance you can still stay connected with your family with the new technology that we have nowadays. Certainly, there is no excuse, not even distance to keep you away and isolated. Now, you don’t have to resort to classic letter-writing that will take time before your family receives them since you get to see the pictures a lot faster just right after uploading and at any time you wish. Take advantage of these brilliant breakthroughs and start sharing your captured moments with the world or with your own comfort zone, your pick. Emails First off, you need to sign up for an email account at a reliable search engine. Send pictures through emails by attaching them with your messages. The downside is that the bigger the attachment, the slower the process. So, if you are planning to send photo attachments, better resize the pictures into smaller ones. Don’t even think about emailing the ones that you intend to print out into tarpaulins, else the picture will come out pixilated. Online Photo Galleries There are a lot of different websites that has these kinds of features. They are usually the ones that are made especially for interaction with other individuals which means they are a lot better since there will be features available in their site that may not be available when you just send your pictures through attachments. However, there are some sites wherein you have to shell out money in order to keep you account active. This could mean that you would have to make unnecessary purchases like ordering prints. Creating a photo gallery or photo album won’t be much of a hassle but first you have to sign up for an account, just like emails. Having an account means you are the only one who can have access through your pictures, unless of course if you disclose you password. The usual way of inputting the pictures is by uploading them. Once you have uploaded them, you can then group your pictures into photo albums. Some sites also have features that allow you to choose who can view your profile or photo albums. Now, thanks to high-technology, being away literally due to the busy lives that you lead is no longer a problem. You can share different memories, not only through regular letters but also through the internet. Just don’t forget to tell your family and friends about it. While you are at it, encourage them to join. It will be a lot easier and less of a hassle. Lastly, never forget your password.

Without A Home Business Plan You Are Setting Yourself Up For Failure

There are hundreds of thousands of people that get on the internet and have hopes of becoming the next internet marketing millionaire. Unfortunately, many people suffer a rude awakening when they are unprepared and not willing to put forth the necessary work. The internet is constantly evolving and changing by the day, but it is still absolutely vital that you have a home business plan to help you get your business going. If you try to get a business going without a home business plan, you will be giving the advantage to those competitors of yours that do have plans. Your internet business will be missing out on organization and direction. Without a plan, you will be lost and winging it as the many obstacles occur. Within your home business plan there are a number of things you want to include. The plan can and should consist of goals you want to achieve, when you want to achieve them by, where you want your business to go and how you intend on taking it there. There are thousands of other websites and businesses on the internet that have the same intentions as you. So how are you going to separate your business from theirs? Besides the fact that having an internet business plan will give you direction, it can also assist you in facing unexpected obstacles. The internet is constantly throwing unexpected and unexplainable things at entrepreneurs, and having a plan can help you deal with them best. While things will not go your way every time, you can always rely on your plan and look back on it. Because you know that things will not go exactly as you intended them to, you can expect your home business plan to change over time. As the internet continuously modernizes and changes according to its searchers, you have to adjust with it. Therefore, you will have to change your plan in time. However, the gist of your plan and the goals you originally set can remain the same. Despite knowing that your plan will change over time, it is still vital that you have a plan of some sort. It is dangerous territory starting an internet business without knowing how you will market it, who your target audience is and how you intend on reaching them. The biggest advantage to having a plan is plotting out who our target audience is. Once you find them you can change your plan accordingly to the needs of your target audience. Just in case I haven’t hammered it into your heads enough throughout the article, I’ll say it one more time; it is absolutely vital that you have a home business plan. Plan everything from your goals to how you will market your business to what your target audience is. In the end, having an internet business plan will better prepare you for any type of adversity you may face.

Perfecting Your Web Presence Through Analysis

Your website is a living breathing extension of your business. It is a constantly evolving project. There is no such thing as a date of completion. Projects might be completed, but not websites. Unfortunately, many businesses largely ignore their websites. Managers and business owners fail to dedicate an ongoing effort to make improvement. If you ask a business owner some very simple questions about the website they own, you might get some strange answers. It is mind boggling that a company will invest thousands of dollars into building a website only to ignore it completely. Once your site is up and running you work has just begun. As they say, if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it. You have to monitor your website to understand what is happening. If you have made a change to the site, you need to study the effects of the change. Did the change improve or hurt the site’s performance? Don’t expect results unless you believe that your website can change your business. Take a proactive approach to perfecting your web presence. Don’t react to problems, instead circumvent them. By the time your customers start complaining about problems they experience on your site, it may be a too little a too late. Website performance problems can be elusive. Successful online businesses must be able to quickly identify the source of performance related issues. Does the problem originate from the network, the server or the application? Performance problems may originate from sources other than your own website. Based on the intelligence built through analysis management can identify, isolate, and diagnose performance problems. By identifying performance bottlenecks, you may improve the shopping experience. As you successfully isolate intermittent problems, you will be armed with intelligence to take you one step closer to online business success. Tools To Analyze Your Website Performance Google Analytics It is true that some of the greatest things in life are free, and so is GA (Google Analytics). It is an especially, helpful tool for online businesses advertising through the Google Adwords system. GA is an excellent tool to track site conversion. Key metrics such as page visits, page views, visits, traffic sources, etc. are presented in an easy to understand format. You don’t have to be an expert to understand the information. GA provides you with so much data that is almost overwhelming. Once you become familiar with the system, you can quickly zoom in on the areas that interest you the most.

Understanding Promotion Metrics And Utilizing The Data They Represent

Understanding promotion metrics is somewhat difficult without being in the advertising and marketing industry and receiving a bachelor’s degree in the subject. Promotion metrics refers to the tools that allow tracking of the advertising efforts and the success at promoting the products and services. Magic simply refers to the tools that make analyses to keep track of sweat statistics and report on the effectiveness of promotional efforts of business entities. A more familiar type of promotional metrics might be the Nielsen boxes that are distributed throughout America. Nielsen boxes refer to the collection of data from television users that makes up much of the statistical data that advertisers use to set rates on television commercials and advertising spots. Promotion metrics are a simple matter to perform, as there is all manner of Web analytics software that allows the webmaster and user to perform all the necessary functions of promotion metrics optimization, the act of physically changing the content on the promoted web presence to reflect popular searches and trends in the media. By keeping track of what is popular and what users are searching for, the webmaster can utilize the promotion metrics to provide the most targeted and most targeted search terms for the content of the commercial website or web presence. In this way, the promotion metrics can provide extremely accurate and detailed information on the users and visitors to the webmaster’s sites and commercial web efforts and tailor the content around the needs of the users so as to provide a more comprehensive and effective resource for web surfers and consumers. The use of promotion metrics dates back to the earliest days of newspaper circulation, when proprietors would take surveys and collect data on subscribers and readers to try to understand how better to serve their subscriber base. This is a smart move for businesses and commercial interests, as any attempt to learn more about their customer base and what is most effective can only have positive results in the long run. Even when these efforts are not entirely successful, their effect, when measured by promotion metrics and Web analytics software, can provide an insight into the workings and machinations of the corporate machine. By knowing what visitors are being attracted and in what way or through what key search terms or web portals can be extremely informative and enlightening, as many times, the webmaster is not aware of exactly where the web traffic is coming from and can often be surprised by the source of new and existing ongoing traffic. Using promotion metrics to fully tap into this market of traffic and Web surfers, eager to find your site and spend their money, is simply a necessary choice in the highly competitive world of the commercial webmaster. Keeping track of your website visitors is not difficult with Web analytics software that prepares statements and keeps track of your promotion metrics and assorted detailed information related to your ongoing advertising efforts.

Tradeshow Sourcing: When The Show’s Over

Following Up with Suppliers For the online retailer, tradeshows are a fantastic way to locate product sources. You can easily fill up a suitcase with the materials you collect from different wholesalers at a show. But having supplier information is only a start — your next step is determining which suppliers you want to use and then beginning to develop relationships with them. Ask the Right Questions When you talk to a supplier, you should already be familiar with their products. Before you even start contacting the suppliers you met, do your market research and determine which products you really want to pursue. There are really only two types of information you should be looking for when you call a supplier: 1.Pricing info. They’re not going to publish their wholesale prices online where the general public can see them, so you’ll have to ask for price quotes. The prices they offer you up front won’t be their lowest, but they aren’t fixed – you may be able to negotiate a better deal. Ask if they offer free shipping, and what kind of volume discounts they give. 2.Shipping info. Find out their shipping methods and costs and their delivery times — get specific dates. This is especially important because the holiday shopping season starts in a few short months. You need to know they can fill your orders in time for you to place the products online to sell. How to Win with Suppliers The way you approach a supplier can make all the difference in the response you get from them. You can help yourself by following some simple guidelines: • Do a supplier dry run. Product sourcing expert Lisa Suttora, of, recommends: “Call suppliers you’re more casually interested in, and save ones you really want to work with until you’re feeling comfortable making those calls.” This lets you build your confidence and get an idea of what questions to expect. • Have your questions ready in advance. Write them down and refer to them. You don’t want to hang up and realize you forgot to ask something. Having your questions in front of you will help you stay focused. • Get to the point. Be direct, be quick, and be professional. Says Suttora, “These are busy people; you want to respect their time.” • Follow up every phone call with an email — this cements your call in their minds. Remind them who you are and what information you need, and thank them for their time. Make sure your emails are well-written, and always use your spellchecker. Be polite and formal — approaching a corporation with an overly-familiar tone really undermines your credibility. Being professional and prepared when you approach a wholesaler will go a long way towards making a positive impression and laying a solid foundation for a good business relationship.

Search Engines, Seo, Optimization And Page Rank: Do You Understand Them?

I have heard it said that your Page Rank is the most important aspect of your website SEO optimisation that gets you a high listing in the Search Engines. That gives me a problem! The first problem I have with that is why should Yahoo, MSN and ASK care about Google PageRank. PageRank is correctly written since it is a trademarked term. These search engines do not use Google PageRank as part of their listing criteria, or if they do, they are keeping it close to their chest. The second problem I have with that is that I know, but cannot prove, that I have had websites listed in the top 10 in the Google listings for competitive keywords without any links other than those received through one article submitted to one article directory. The reason my web pages (not websites, since true search engines do not list domains) earned such a high listing is that they were optimized for the keywords that each page was built upon, taking into account the fact that a high listing is the result of the culmination of many SEO techniques used on each page. Keep in mind that Googlebot, Yahoo Slurp and MSNBot use a large number of different aspects of your web page in determining the position of your page in the index for any particular search term a customer has used. The way to get a high listing is to pay attention to every one of these. If you ignore even one, you will probably not rank as highly in relevance for that search term as web pages like mine that ignore nothing. Don’t believe them when they tell you that Meta tags don’t count, because they could. It does you no harm to use them, so use them! In fact, use every aspect of SEO that you can, and do not take notice of anybody that tells you not to. I use to listen to others who knew best until I noticed that my web pages were listed higher that theirs for their keywords. I am just a simple article ghost writer, yet I can get my websites listed immediately on Google, and listed higher that many SEO experts – self proclaimed! I don’t care if your website is listed high or not, or if it is listed within 2 days or 2 months. However, if YOU care, then you should listen to people who have done it, and not those who want to tell you how to do what they can’t do for their own web pages! What credibility can they have if they have to pay for their advertising? I don’t. Look at your own website and do your own SEO. Don’t pay hundreds of dollars for what you can do yourself. Then your free search engine advertising through high index listings becomes not so free after all. Here are two SEO tips: First, look to your internal links. You should make sure that you use these to lead spiders or robots to where you want them to go. You also use them to gain as high an internal PageRank as possible for the page in your website of your choice that you want to be highest ranked. This is possible if you know how to do it. Secondly, look to your use of keywords and language. Google, especially, no longer looks so much for keywords, but for words that would normally be associated with that keyword in normal speech and writing. It is what is loosely termed latent semantic indexing (LSI), yet it is neither ‘latent’ nor ‘indexing’. More ‘apparent’ and ‘analysis’. SEO, search engine optimization, Page Rank and any other term you can think of. Forget them up to a point. Write natural content, and then use on-page SEO techniques as much as you can, then on-site and external links to raise your Google Page Rank as high as possible, and you might get a high listing for a specific web page that is optimized for a specific keyword. Every one of these has equal importance in my view, and it works for me. One last thought. If PageRank relied on back-links, how is that so many links are to pages on your site with zero PageRank? Surely they should have the Page Rank and not your home page? Look at your own website and do your own SEO. Don’t pay hundreds of dollars for what you can do yourself. Then, your free search engine advertising through high index listings becomes not so free after all. Here are two SEO tips: First, look to your internal links. You should make sure that you use these to lead spiders or robots to where you want them to go. You also use them to gain as high an internal PageRank for the page in your website of your choice that you want to be highest ranked. This is possible if you know how to do it. Secondly, look to your use of keywords and language. Google, especially, no longer looks so much for keywords, but for words that would normally be associated with that keyword in normal speech and writing. IT is what is loosely termed latent semantic indexing (LSI), yet it is neither ‘latent’ nor ‘indexing’. More ‘apparent’ and ‘analysis’. SEO, search engine optimization, Page Rank and any other term you can think of. Forget them up to a point. Write natural content, and then use on-page SEO techniques as much as you can, then on-site and external links to raise your Google Page Rank as high as possible, and you might get a high listing for a specific web page that is optimized for a specific keyword. Every one of these has equal importance in my view, and it works for me. One last thought. If PageRank relied on back-links, how is that so many links are to pages on your site with zero PageRank? Surely they should have the Page Rank and not your home page?