Picture Perfect

Almost everyone in the planet has one, be it a DSLR or just the regular digital camera for capturing moments. So if you don’t have one yet, well, you better get yourself one now. Having a digital camera, whether you have a plan to make a career out of photography or you are simply a hobbyist, is obviously important. But before buying a digital camera, there will be a lot of things to take note of. Camera accessories are one but an important feature is photo software. Many are available in the market while you can also download some in the internet. In choosing a photo editing software, consider which ones you really need. If you are just a hobbyist or perhaps a beginner, you may avail of some photo editing softwares that are only capable of minor editing. These may include reduction of red eye, contrasting, sharpening and auto coloring of either a part or the entire picture. You may also crop the picture to the desired size. So you see if you do not have plans in making a career out of photo editing, you may opt for photo editing softwares that can only cater to minor alterations. As for the more advanced photo editing softwares, there are a lot of various brands that can do different changes that you may want for your picture. This is best for layout artists who have close-ties with professional photographers that are using digital SLRs since there are a lot of features designed especially for them. Features like gradients, filters, layering, blur tools, shape tools and a wide array of various styles of editing you can choose from. You may avail of free downloading on the internet. The downside is that you are limited to only a few and usually minor editing depending on the site. Still, you could get a feature that may not be available in other photo editing software. Just make sure that you have enough memory left to store the software that you want to download. Managing your photos will be a lot easier when you have some software. The features may include having to group your pictures according to whatever you wish to group them into, making titles for photo albums, putting captions for each picture. There are actually a lot of different ways to manage your pictures in which you would not need to use a computer but using the computer is more efficient. Just in case untoward incidents happen where hard copies may be lost, you can still have access to your pictures.

Should You Buy Inbound Links?

There is no doubt that links from other websites to your website is vital for an ecommerce business. It all filters down to the Google Page Rank. This is the Google tool that is used to determine how important a website is to people surfing the net. Google will balance the number of links, the PR of the pages exchanging the links, the keyword similarities on the linked pages, how often the site is updated, and the number of hits a site receives. Two PR 4 sites sharing links between pages with ‘small business’ as the main keyword, will benefit more from a small business website with a PR4 and a private blog that discusses ‘wealth building.’ Also, 100 links between a PR6 site and a PR4 site will increase the ranking of the second site faster than 100 000 links from a PR2 site and the same PR4 site. This can all be a little confusing. Google’s PR algorithm controls everything. The confusion comes from the fact that search engines cannot think. Both the PR4 ‘small business’ site and the PR2 ‘wealth building’ site can be helping small business owners improve their page promotion. However, search engines cannot read. If they don’t see similar keywords, then they do not understand that the sites really do have similar content. Building Links The main problem with generating inbound links is the time needed to generate links. Even a strong link building campaign can take months to build a few thousand organic links. This brings up the question, should you buy links from other sites with high ranks? The benefits are solid, if the link is in the right place. Some link buying services let the business owner pick what sites their links appear on, and which pages they appear on. This is the only type of ‘static page’ service to use. Another service puts links on blogs. This type of service, like www.payu2blog.com and www.blogsvertise.com or www.payperpost.com let business owners pick the PR ranks, topics, and quality of blog, their links are posted on. Blogs have a benefit that static websites don’t. First, blogs always put the link inside the content, hidden within keywords that the business owner chooses. This guarantees that the keywords at both sites match. The second benefit is that blogs are pinged to blog search engines, and directories, every time the blogger posts a blog, or a comment is posted. This means that a single blog can be ‘pinged’ to the search engines daily, where a static web page is pinged every few months – if ever. However, a static page that is linked to a blog will be ‘crawled’ every time the blog post is published and pinged. Crawling Your Site Many people buy links from PR4 to PR8 sites for no other reason than to have the search engines come and crawl the site. It doesn’t matter if the link goes down, because the benefits have already been received. This is the best way to have a new website resolved by Google in a matter of hours, instead of weeks, or months. Cost Cost can be prohibitive. Some companies have a budget of $1million for blog advertising. However, a small company can get started for $1000. In fact, if the blog owner finds blogs with ads hidden among the posts, they can contact the blog owner and deal with them directly. A PR 2 or 3 blog will cost $5. A PR 4 – 5 will cost $10. A PR6+ can run as high as $100. However, the traffic driven to your site by Google can easily offset the cost. Buying 10 links from 10 PR5 websites or blogs can result in 100 000 extra hits in a month, which can produce 1000 extra sales. Link Farms Whether you buy links on blogs or web sites, avoid link farms. These are sites that are in business to sell links. If the search engines find these sites they will ban them. This can result in your 1000 PR7 links disappearing – forever. It can take Google six months, or more, to apply new links to your website. This drops your page rank, and profits, for a few months. Outbound linking It is also important to remember to link from inside your website to similar sites. Google will count these links too. In the end, it is up to each individual business owner to decide whether they should build organic links, or invest in buying links.

Six Ways To Build Trust

Building trust and confidence in your buyer is very important if you are going to make that sale online. Here are some great ideas that will add a great deal of confidence in your site. — Who are you? Give as much information as you can regarding who you are. How long you have been in business? If you can provide a picture and short autobiographical sketch of yourself…especially details that relate to your online qualifications and credentials. — How do I contact you? Do you have a brick-and-mortar operation ? If so, let’s see a picture of the building together with it’s exact mailing address, fax number, phone number, and e-mail address. If you have staff members, include them in the picture.

How will you use my information? What is your privacy statement regarding my personal information ? How will you use the information that I provide you as a customer? Give them some assurance on your “Privacy Page” that their information is safe with your company…that it will never be shared with others for any reason. — Is my transaction online safe? Your orders should all be processed over a secure server. Tell the customer how they will know that this is the way you take orders and how they will know it is secure by looking for “https” in the URL at the order page. Always give them other ordering options including fax and especially telephone orders. Customers feel very reassured talking with a real, live person when ordering online. — Testimonials page? If you have some testimonials from former customers, show them to us on a separate page of your site. Be sure to protect those people who make testimonials and only share their contact information with their permission. — FAQ section? Most sites have a number of typical, repeat questions. You may cover most of these by including an FAQ page on your site. It sure does cut down a lot on those messages that you have answered a hundred times. Another way you can save some time and effort, is by setting up f*ee autoresponders which will answer most relevant questions. Having as much information about you, your business, and contact details are all a part of providing your customer a safe, trustworthy and reliable means of doing business with someone online. — Larry Johnson BizSiteBiz.com

The Pros And Cons Of Purchasing Plr Products

Every online businessman needs content. Whether it is meant to drive traffic to his website for PPC purposes, or whether he plans on using the same to help sell his digital products, he would need content to convey his business message. But original content is rarely cheap. Often, online businessmen have to pay around $5 to $15 for a 400 word article. And a single article is not enough for their purposes. They need at least 20 of them to jumpstart a content site. They need at least 50 of them to combine as an eBook. The amount quickly becomes inaccessible to most online businessmen, especially those who are just starting out.
This is the reason why PLR products have become widely popular in recent months. PLR stands for private label rights, which basically means the right to alter, alienate, or otherwise dispose of the said products anyway you please. There are some advantages and disadvantages in availing of PLR products, however. Let us take a look at them, as well as the solutions around the problems. Benefits: • PLR products are cheap. Since you will be sharing the expenses with other purchasers, you won’t have to contend with the total cost of production by yourself. An eBook ghostwritten by a freelancer, for example, can range from $200 to as high as $1,000. But a PLR eBook sold to many people can be sold for a cost below $100. • PLR products can become excellent search engine fodders, if you’re in PPC business. All you have to do is to rewrite 25% to 50% of the pieces to avoid being tagged as dupe content. • PLR products make excellent backbones for your own works. Since the thoughts and the flow of the ideas are already there, it would be easier for you to work on them and come up with totally unique content. • PLR products give you total freedom to alter the contents thereof, as well as resell them for any amount you feel is justified. This means that you could combine PLR articles, for example, to come up with your own eBook. Or in reverse, you could separate some parts of a PLR eBook to come up with several articles or e-courses. The possibilities are endless, and you have full liberty to proceed as you wish. Problems: • PLR products, if used for website content without changing at least 25% to 50% of what is written, will be susceptible to search engine filtering because of duplicate works. This can lead to a lower page rank for your website, or worse, a de-indexing for your web pages. Since 80% of your traffic would come from the search engines, this would be a dire consequence indeed. • PLR products may be difficult to resell. A lot of other people would purchase the same product, and each one of them would be your competitor. Imagine if 2,000 people have purchased the same PLR product, you’d have 1,999 businesses competing for the same market. • PLR products, if used for article marketing without changing at least 25% to 50% of their content, will be rejected by most article directories. A lot of article banks these days employ a script that weeds out similar submissions. The rejection of your PLR articles would be the least of your worries, as worse things can happen, including the outright banning of your account. Solutions: • Treat PLR products as the base for whatever marketing tool you have in mind. If you desire articles for web content or for article marketing purposes, use your PLR articles as basis for an improved work. Most of the information that could be conveyed is already there. You’ll be able to save a lot of time on research and organizing your thoughts. Try to rewrite the pieces, and effectuate a 25% to 50% change to their content. • You could try article wrapping as well. Pinpoint the main information of the PLR article. This should be somewhere in the middle. Often, PLR articles have information wrapped between an introduction and a conclusion. Just change the introduction as well as the conclusion, and you’re good to go. • Hire freelance writers to rewrite your PLR products. Since the base information is already there, freelance writers can charge you as low as 25% of their normal rates. • Mix and match. Do not hesitate to combine two or more articles to come up with a work that is seemingly different from the original materials. PLR products are great options, especially for budget-conscious online businessmen who are need of content in large amounts. The disadvantages presented by their nature should not dissuade anyone from considering them as viable solutions to a great need, as there are several solutions that can work around the problems that come with their nature. NOTE: You have full permission to reprint this article within your website or newsletter as long as you leave the article fully intact and include the “About The Author” resource box. Thanks! :-

Must Have Accessories For All Backyard Activities

Backyard activities, there are literally an unlimited number of them. Whether you enjoy the water, playing sports, or just relaxing, there is likely at least one backyard activity that will appeal to you or to your family. While backyard activities are nice, there are many that require the purchase of equipment or additional accessories. If you are interested in participating in a popular backyard activity, you may want to first examine the equipment or supplies that you may need http://www.autofreeinsuranceonlinequote.org One popular backyard activity that many enjoy may not really even be considered an activity. When relaxing, many individuals are taking a small break. However, in addition to using relaxation as a break from many other activities, there are others who use it just for the purpose of taking in a piece environment. Many enjoy just sitting outside alone, reading a book, doing homework, or working on other projects. While it nice to relax outside, you will need to have the proper equipment. This equipment often includes patio or lawn furniture. While patio and lawn furniture is most commonly used for relaxation, it is also important for other activities, such as eating or outdoor crafts. In fact, whether you regularly participate in backyard activities or not, it may be a good idea to have patio furniture on hand. If you do not already have lawn furniture, you may want to start looking for some. You can easily find a selection of patio sets or picnic tables online or at most retail stores. In addition to patio furniture, you may also want to bring a small pillow or blanket outside. Depending on the amount of time you plan on staying in your backyard, you may also want to bring out a few snacks and drinks. Whenever you are outdoors, especially during the summer, it is important that you pick your drinks and snacks wisely. During the hot weather, you are advised to stay away from caffeinated beverages or sugary dinks. Instead of a sports drinks or soda, water may be a safer and healthier alternative. As with your drinks, you may also want to avoid snacks that are high in sugar. Aside from lawn furniture and snacks, most of the other equipment and accessories you will need will depend on what you are doing. For instance, if you are planning on swimming, you will want to look into purchasing pool accessories and pool supplies. Depending on the type of pool you have, these supplies may include, but should not be limited to, pool toys, pool furniture, lifesaving devices, pool fixtures, and pool cleaning supplies. For more information on the accessories and supplies available for pools, you may want to visit the website of an online pool retailer or your local pool supply store. Even if you are unable to have a pool, you can still enjoy a number of different backyard water activities. Many individuals, especially teenagers, enjoy playing with water balloons or water guns. For a more relaxed water activity, you may want to look into purchasing a water sprinkler. Water sprinklers are a nice alternative to swimming pools. In addition to purchasing water guns, water balloons, or a sprinkler, you may also need to purchase a garden hose. Garden hoses are available for sale at most retail stores, including hardware stores, sports stores, and traditional department stores. Outdoor sports games, in addition to swimming and other water activities, are also enjoyed by many. If you or your family is interested in playing backyard sports, you may need to purchase some sports equipment. The equipment that you need to have will all depend on which specific games you are planning on playing. For instance, if you are interested in playing volleyball, you will need to purchase a volleyball and a volleyball net. In addition to volleyball, other popular backyard sports games include baseball, softball, soccer, and kickball. Whether you and your family decide to participate in one of the above mentioned backyard activities or another, it is important that you have the needed supplies and equipment. A baseball game just isn’t the same without a glove; in fact, it may even make the sport dangerous. That is why it is important that you know what accessories are needed to make your next backyard outing safe and enjoyable.

Play Online Games And Make Some Nice Money Too!

With the Online Games Sector growing faster than the Internet itself this business will be the next big online money maker. The Internet is the fastest-growing market in the history of the WORLD, but just this one sector has been growing FOUR TIMES FASTER than the Internet overall. People aren’t just using the web for information anymore; they now see it as a prime deliverer of entertainment. It’s even eating into TV-viewing figures, and therefore also TV advertising revenue. Meanwhile, in-game advertising is predicted to grow by 70% year-on-year, to be worth USD billions in three years. It’s no wonder that TV companies are scrambling for a piece of online games real estate – buying companies, launching games platforms, and putting their content online in interactive form.
The speed of people’s home Internet connections is driving this market. In America, nearly 75% of Internet users had broadband at home last year, up from 57% just one year earlier…and Internet users in India increased by 54% in just one year. Alex Burmaster, European Internet Analyst, Nielsen//NetRatings (a global leader in Internet media and market research) said, “Take the fact that the online games sector is growing at four times the rate of overall Internet growth together with the increasing numbers…online and it is easy to see why companies such as MTV Networks are looking to get a piece of the action.” The online games sector has been identified as the next step in the evolution of online entertainment, and people of all ages, from all over the world, play in their millions. And within this sector, “casual skill-based games” rank as one of the most popular pastimes. What are casual games of skill? Casual games are familiar, fun pastimes such as: Board games like draughts, backgammon Sports games like pool, golf and basketball Puzzle games like jigsaws and word games These are played online in a tournament format, with each player paying a cash entry fee to play, and with a cash or merchandise prize going to the winner or winners of the tournament. Skill-based games are named accordingly because the outcome of each competition is based on the players’ ability and performance, with any elements of luck either eliminated. This is critical, in order to be legal and avoid falling under anti-gambling statutes. People like to play these games on their computers for a fun challenge. Playing them online against someone else adds an extra social, competitive element; and playing for cash prizes between USD$1 and $1,000 upwards makes them even more exciting and rewarding! What does all of this mean? It means that online games are where the money is. People are willing to pay to play, and they are doing it already. Interesting fact?

How-To Get Your BLOGS Site Feed Listed In Yahoo! and MSN Within HOURS, Is Easier Then You Think

BLOGS… they seem to be the talk of the Internet marketing world these days, and for good reason. Not only do the Search Engines love them for there Content Rich pages, you also have the ability to plug your Blogs “Site Feed” into an RSS feed and then have it syndicated to thousands of websites and directories giving your content more exposure to your target audience. RSS(Real Simple Syndication) is a very Powerful technology that has been around for quite some time and when used correctly, can build an audience overnight. If you want a crash course on what RSS is, in more depth, since the nature of this article is to show you how to get your Blogs “Site Feed” listed in Yahoo! and MSN, I’ve provided a link to a page full of articles on RSS related issues. http://www.rss-specifications.com/rss-articles.htm Now, depending on where your Blog is hosted, whether its through a free service like Blogger.com — http://www.blogger.com or hosted on your websites server you should have a “Site Feed URL” that has the .XML extension. This is your “Site Feed URL”. You’ll usually locate it within your Settings area of Blog control center. Here’s what mine looks like as an example: http://theiwe.blogspot.com/atom.xml This URL is intended for a RSS News Reader, so disregard its appearance. Once you find your “Site Feed URL”, copy and paste it into Notepad because you’ll need it for the next steps coming ahead. Now, what you need to do is go and set-up an My Yahoo! and My MSN account. I’ve provided the links for you below. – My Yahoo! ==> http://my.yahoo.com – My MSN ==> http://msn.com It should only take you about 15-20 minutes at the most. If you already have accounts with My Yahoo! and My MSN, read on. This is assuming you already have your accounts set-up, so your next step is to Login to your My Yahoo! account. When you login, you’ll be taken to your Yahoo! page immediately. What you want to do next is go look under the Yahoo! search box to the left and click on the “Add Content” link. This will bring you to a new page. From there, over to the right by the “Find” button you’ll see an “Add RSS by URL” link, click on it. A new window will open with a “Web Form”. Simply copy and paste your “Site Feed URL” from Notepad into the web form and click on the “Add” button. Now, you should see your Blogs name infront of you. Simply click on the yellow “Add To My Yahoo!” button and your feed will be added. The next thing you should see is your “Site Feed” with your “Headlines”. Click on one of them, it should take you to your Blog, to the desired Headline you chose. Your My Yahoo! page should Now have your Blogs “Site Feed” Headlines listed at the bottom. Scroll down to check. If you don’t see them, it sometimes takes up to 24-48 hours for them to appear, so just check back later. Now that thats done, everytime you update your Blog with NEW content, it’ll “Automatically” update on your My Yahoo! page and everybody else’s pages who have subscribe to your feed, plus, within 24-48 hours your feed will get Spidered and Indexed by Yahoo!. Talk about getting the word out in a HURRY with very little effort on your part. This is “Viral Marketing” at its Best in my mind. And… it’s so simple to implement. Okay. Now it’s time to do the same to your My MSN account as what you did above to your My Yahoo! page. Here’s the link to go login(click on Sign In from main page): http://www.msn.com Once your login to your My MSN account you should see an “Add Content” link under the MSN logo to your left. Click on it. A pop-up should now be displaying. Simply copy and paste your “Site Feed URL” from your Notepad into the web form provided and click the Search button(the green button with the arrow). You should now be looking at Check Box with your Blogs name beside it. Check off your “Site Feed URL” and then press the OK button at the bottom. PRESTO! Like magic… your Blogs site feed has now been added to your My MSN page which will then be spidered in the next 24-48 hours and Indexed by MSN. That’s the Power of BLOGS(Web-Logs) and RSS(Real Simple Syndication)combined with two Internet giants. The only thing you have to bring to the table IS, fresh, quality content that your audience WANTS, and do it on a regular basis. I post my articles that I write on a weekly basis, making my Blog called… The Internet Wonders Blog – http://theiwe.blogspot.com – a search engine Magnet! You can do the same because I just showed you HOW. In conclusion, creating BLOGS and using RSS as a vehicle to syndicate your Blogs content is a Sure-Fire way to get your content spidered more frequently by search engines and the exposure it deserves, which in turn, will build you a large audience of buying customers that TRUST you.


If you were born in the years 1945, 1957, n1969, 1981 or 1993 then you’re a Rooster. The Rooster is described as a pioneer in spirit, devoted to work and the quest for knowledge. It is selfish and eccentric and is best matched with Snakes and Oxen. Oddly enough, the writer is a Snake and her sister is a Rooster. We do think there’s something to this astrology thing! Roosters are quick thinkers and are practical and resourceful, preferring to stick to what is tried and true rather than taking unnecessary risks. Roosters are keenly observers of their surroundings and those around them. It’s hard to slip anything past a Rooster, since they seem to have eyes in the backs of their heads. This quality can lead others to think the Rooster is psychic, but that’s not generally the case; instead, this Sign enjoys a keen attention to detail that makes it a whiz at anything requiring close analysis. Roosters make great lawyers, brain surgeons and accountants, to name a few of this Sign’s possible occupations. Above all else, the Rooster is very straightforward and rewards others’ honesty in kind http://www.bestie7.info Roosters tend to be perfectionists and expect to be in control, especially over their appearance. Primping and posing for the Rooster can go on forever. Being noticed and admired is an aphrodisiac for Roosters, and they can go a long time on a few kind words. Roosters also adore being out on the town, especially if they’re in the company of adoring friends. The Rooster will also be the best-dressed one of the bunch — style counts with this Sign, regardless of the cost. Roosters need to learn to value their heart and soul as much as their good looks. Their excellent people skills and sharp minds are qualities that others will appreciate as much as a pretty face

Make Money On The Internet With Niche Marketing

Many people wonder how they can work from home and make money on the Internet. The easy two word answer is niche marketing. Niche marketing involves focusing on a group of people or a specific niche market. While this isn’t a new concept, it certainly is underused by new businesses, especially in the Internet market. Those who participate in niche marketing are known as niche marketers. Simply put, niche marketers define a need and then supply a demand. Though niche marketing is one of the simplest business concepts around, it is, more importantly, one of the most profitable. If you are interested in beginning your own business and making money on the Internet, but have no interest in competing with long established Internet gurus, you need to check into the concept of niche marketing. By becoming one of the many niche marketers who are already on the Internet, you can carve out a market for yourself and begin making money quickly. If you’re still a little confused about the concept of niche marketing and niche marketers, the list below offers a few examples of exactly what a niche market is. Animal shaped kitchen utensils Products pampering new moms Informational sites geared towards babysitting toddlers Informational sites geared towards training German shepherds The list could go on and on, but you get the idea. A niche market caters to a very specific group of people who have very specific needs. Your best bet will be to train your energies on something that is familiar to you or something that you are interested in. This will help you to produce a quality website and a quality marketplace for your customers. Keep in mind, that informational or how-to sites are very profitable and popular. Even if you will have a simple marketplace, you may want to include articles and other textual items of interest on your site for your customers. Many niche marketers have employed this concept to much success. And, you also don’t want to be afraid to make your niche markets as narrow as possible. You can always expand later on. That’s the beauty of niche marketing. For example, if you want to build a business based on martial arts, start small and focus on one particular area, such as Ju Jitsu for women. This will ensure that you have less competition as you get your new business rolling. Remember, start small. The first products on your site may be ebooks dedicated to the subject of Ju Jitsu for women. Later, you can begin adding Ju Jitsu accessories and products, more ebooks, and possibly even video classes. It’s not about making millions; it’s about making that first dollar. After that, you can always expand and grow from there. Making money online is easy if you target the right group of people and present the right product. That’s what niche marketing is all about. Join the many niche marketers who have made a go of it and create your own niche market today.

The Pros And Cons In Using Adwords To Boost Your Adsense Revenue

For many webmasters, Google AdSense has become a great revenue generator. Since the program pays the webmaster every time a visitor of their website clicks on the ads that Google displays in their web pages, the same has become a truly viable and profitable option to earn a living online. As a matter of fact, there are countless webmasters who have dropped their day jobs so that they could focus on the AdSense program. They build dozens and dozens of websites, all of which carry their AdSense code, hoping to generate amazing earnings from such an approach. After all, if one website can generate $25 per month (a low average at that), how much could 100 websites be able to produce for the webmaster? But success with the Google AdSense program is contingent on three things: 1. Cost Per Click (CPC) attached to the ads that will be displayed; 2. Page impressions, or the number of people who will get to visit the website; and 3. Click Through Rate (CTR), or the ratio of people who will click on the ads vis a vis page impressions. The CPC can be approximated by checking out the going rate of the keyword to be targeted before building a website. The resource that can be found at http://www.adsensearena.com is an excellent tool to help anyone in determining the possible CPC for certain search words or phrases. The CTR can be improved by arranging the AdSense blocks in a manner that would make them look like organic parts of the website. But page impressions would be a little more difficult to achieve. Page impressions are actually equivalent to what is generally known as web traffic. Web traffic, of course, refers to the volume of users who manages to load up a particular page of your website. It has been said that traffic is the lifeblood of any online venture, and this couldn’t be truer for websites that earn via Pay Per Click (PPC) programs. In a nutshell, the success of your Google AdSense campaign would depend on the volume of traffic you’ll be able to generate for your website, or websites. You could try a lot of marketing tactics, but often, these strategies take time to gestate. Additionally, each and every competitor of yours would be trying out the same techniques, and there is no real guarantee about how much traffic you could derive from them. This has led many webmasters to try out PPC advertising for their PPC earning campaigns. The way it goes is that they will advertise their websites through Google AdWords. Google will then display their links the way it displays AdSense ads. The webmasters who decide to take this route would then have to pay Google every time a user clicks on the ads that lead to their websites. How do these webmasters earn, when they’re supposed to spend for every click? Well, most of them build websites that are exclusively made up of AdSense ads. Hence, whenever a user is led to their pages, he’d have no choice but to click on the relevant ads that appear therein. There are some webmasters, on the other hand, who rely on the strength of their content. They use AdWords to expose their websites to people, hoping that those very users would love what they’ll see and they’ll keep coming back every now and then. There are pros and cons to this strategy, however. Let’s take a look at the advantages first. • You will attain guaranteed traffic. • You will attain highly targeted traffic. Since your visitors will be composed of people who are interested with the subject of you website, there is a higher likelihood that they will click on the ads that would appear on your pages. • You will only have to pay for the traffic that your website would receive. Nothing more, nothing less. But it’s not rosy for this approach. Here are the disadvantages. • You’d have to spend. • There is no guarantee that you’ll be able to recoup your financial investments. • Google is cracking down on websites that are merely composed of AdSense ad blocks. If you opt to use this approach, and your website is composed exclusively of AdSense ads, chances are, your website would get de-indexed and your AdSense account would get suspended if Google catches you. The best way to go is to rely on the strength of your website. Prepare unique, premium content and hook your visitors with the same. Content is king in the World Wide Web, after all. If you decide to use AdWords to get some traffic, make sure you have a mailing list in place to capture their contact details and ensure for yourself some repeat visitors. PPD advertising should only be used to gain initial traffic, until your other marketing strategies would finally produce the desired results. NOTE: You have full permission to reprint this article within your website or newsletter as long as you leave the article fully intact and include the “About The Author” resource box. Thanks! :-

Online Business vs. Brick-And-Mortar Business

Building Confidence Your customers are looking for convenient ways to shop, but they have to feel secure in the process. Online businesses are responsible for protecting customer privacy. It is not enough to keep your customers safe and secure, you have to constantly communicate it to them. Posting your Privacy statement on your site conveniently is a good start, but there is more. Explain your customers what is done to keep their information secure. Assure them that the information they provide you is neither shared nor sold with a third party. Describe the technologies in the background ensuring customer safety. Give details, without getting too technical, about how encryption technology works. When you put in plain words the security measures you take your customers will appreciate it and they are more likely to trust you. Dealing With The Extra Space Now that you don’t have to physically store every product you want to sell online, you can increase your virtual inventory without increasing your rent. You can offer a larger variety of products increasing your customer base. If you are a manufacturer, you can offer drop shipping your products for other businesses. (Drop shipping is the concept of the manufacturer-shipping product directly to the consumer instead of shipping to a wholesaler.) If you are a retailer, you can have products drop shipped to your customers directly. Location Location Location Brick-and-mortal retail is all about location. The right location can make or break your business. The same is true for online business, except it is virtual location that matters. Your online business relies on store visitors just the same as a brick-and-mortar business. Online businesses get most of their visitors through the search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and MSN. The better position you have the more traffic your site will receive. On the Internet, traffic is everything. Price The bigger market presents you with more opportunities, but it doesn’t come without a price. The fierce competition dictates competitive prices. You have to be able to set the right price for your product that allots for a reasonable profit margin while maintaining your competitive pricing structure. Many people that shop online are more price conscious than brick-and-mortar shoppers.

Make Money Investing Online-How To Earn A Fortune With Your Online Investments

There are many great sites to help you start to make money investing online. Today, more than ever, many investors are turning to the internet to help them invest and achieve financial freedom. Unfortunately, with online investing also come some potential pitfalls. Here are some tips to help you avoid the traps that many investors have fallen into when trying to make money by investing online. First of all, the number one thing you must realize is that, when investing online, it can be very tempting to fall into the trap of active trading. This simply means making many transactions as your stock price either rises or falls. The reason this is so tempting is that it is very easy to get on the internet and see instantly how your stock is doing. If it’s going up, then it can make selling it a tempting proposition. However, if it is falling, you might panic and sell it. Of course, stock brokers love this, because they make a percentage every time you invest through them. Therefore, you lose a certain percentage of every investment (usually 1 to 2%) just on the transaction alone. This can make turning a profit when investing online very challenging from the get go. Also, whenever you buy a stock for the short term, you generally have to disregard the company, because the market short term doesn’t value a company according to its’ profits; only how most investors feel about the stock. Therefore, if everybody jumps aboard and buys a certain stock at once, it won’t matter how the company is doing; the stock price will go up. However, long term the market always values a company according to its’ actual profits. In reality, while some investors have made a fortune guessing the wild swings of the market, just about everybody loses in this game long term. This way of investing online is akin to gambling; it can be lucrative short term, but long term you almost always lose. Therefore, if you do plan on entering the exciting world of investing, don’t put your money into a stock unless you are confident of its’ long term potential. No, this way may not be as exciting as active trading, but long term it will be much more profitable. This is the best way to make money investing online

You Won't Be Successful If Don't Show Your Downline How To Close Prospects

MLM recruits are certainly not easy to find these days and closing the deal with one isn’t an easy task – particularly when your downline has the closing and you don’t. Have you taught them all they needs to know to close the deal and to stave off the rejection? Have you taught them how to prepare themselves for one? Most of us don’t either, yet we depend on them to build the marketers that are providing for our market. How can we help them to expand their skills so they are able to close a deal that will benefit us both? One method which works admirably well to teach each of the MLM recruits is the cross-over approach to marketing. Rather than applying the hard sell, which does tend to make people suspicious and might will have them backing away with an eye to the nearest door; this method lets them effectively talk themselves into closing a deal with you and helping you in your own business. Let’s face it. Getting rid of the suspicions of a genuine skeptic isn’t an easy task either, which is what makes a close so challenging. Here is what happens in a cross-over. The chosen recruit states “I think I like this method of selling. I’d be interested in learning more about the opportunity.” You reply “That’s really very surprising to me. Based on what we’ve talked about, I would have bet that you would not have any real interest in this business. Have I missed something somewhere?” Rather than moving into the close and pushing gently toward it, you permitted the prospect to make the final decision and essentially at their own will. They are closing the deal for you rather than being pushed into something they have no interest in. You haven’t hit them with a hard sell and you haven’t compromised your principles. You have closed on an MLM recruit who may work a lot harder because they feel that the decision to become your downline was entirely their own. Help them along the way in their own business as well. When you coach them, offer tips on how they might create leads for new recruits as well as how to close the deal with those currently interested. No matter how you slice it, some deals just aren’t going to close. Teach your downlines how to deal with that possibility and how to be both gracious and professional when it happens. It will make you both look a lot better in the long run.

6 Simple Tips To Writing Any Blog Entry

Writing a blog can be as easy as baking cookies to one person, but much more difficult to the next. Professional writers will tell you that they find blog writing enjoyable. Those who are not great writers may be intimidated by the task however and may never want to learn how to write a blog entry. Writing a blog entry does not have to be painful however. It can be a lot of fun! If you are interested in blogging, but are unsure how to begin, use these six easy steps to writing a blog entry to get started. Gather Ideas The most difficult part about writing anything is deciding what you want to write about. Blogs are interesting because you can use them in several ways. You can use them as a personal online journal of sorts if you wish. You can also use them as a place to post your opinions and views. Lastly, you can use them as a place to put short articles of interest for others to read. If you are choosing to use your blog as a journal, you might not need much planning. You will probably simply want to begin writing and see where it takes you. If you want to use the blog for your opinions or for articles however, you will need to gather ideas. Create a list of topic ideas that interest you. Use them to determine what your topic will be. After choosing a topic, make a quick outline of main points you want to include. This step may seem tedious, but it will make the other steps go much more quickly, so be sure not to skip it. Choose a Tone After you have chosen your topic and created your short outline, you will need to choose your tone. The most successful blogs are written in a casual tone, which is a welcoming idea to most non-professional writers. Don’t worry about grammatical rules. Simply choose a tone that is like the one you would use when speaking with your spouse or a great friend. The tone should be friendly and stress-free. Write Your Post When you sit down to write your post, remember the tone you chose for your piece. Keeping the tone in mind put your topic idea and outline in front of you and begin writing. You should keep your blogs posts pretty short. They should contain your main point within the first sentence or two. Don’t ramble on and on or you will risk losing your reader somewhere in the middle. You can strive to keep your posts between 300 and 700 words altogether. This may sound like a lot, but once you start writing, you will see that it will not take a lot of time to get to this point. Don’t forget to write in a casual tone. Write exactly like you would speak. Avoid large words that some people may stumble over. Create interesting, yet simple posts for everyone to enjoy. Use a Signature Ending A signature ending is important for any blogger. You can choose to end each post with a specific quote or phrase. You can add your name to the bottom with a special symbol nearby. It really does not matter how you choose to end your post. Be sure to choose a signature ending however. A signature ending is a great way for regular readers to see that your post is ending. It can be a comforting sight for many readers as well and make your blog seem more personal. Edit Your Work After all of the writing is said and done, you should always edit your work. Editing is not always a fun thing to do, but if you want your blog to be taken seriously, you should go back over your work. Look for misspelled words and other common mistakes. Although you are not worrying about grammar, you should not misspell words. When you are certain your text is mistake-free, you can move on to the last step. Submit Your Update The final step to creating a blog post is to submit it to your blog. This is typically done via the blogging software. There is a spot where you can paste your text and click on the “submit” button. The software should do the rest. After submitting, visit your blog as a reader and check out your new update.

More For Your Money — Pay-Per-Call: A Smarter Way To Advertise

Pay-per-call is one of the biggest trends in online marketing right now. In fact, pay-per-performance advertising, overall, is gaining ground as more and more businesses discover the high ROI it provides. Different search engines are incorporating this marketing model, including AOL search, InfoSpace, and Marchex, who have a combined total of 1.3 billion searches a month. A Quick Overview The concept of pay-per-call is simple: • It’s an auction for customer calls — you bid what you’re willing to pay for each call, and your ad appears in the search engine results. The more you bid per call, the higher your ad is ranked. You can see what similar businesses in your service area are bidding, which allows you to rationally price your services. • Your ad gives information about your business and a unique phone number to contact you. Users can click on your text and read about your business at no cost to you. You pay if, and only if, they like what they see and actually call — which means you’re only paying for customers who are truly interested in your services. • You can set your geographical service area to fit your business’ needs — anywhere from a zip code to the whole country. Your ad won’t come up in a search ‘til the user indicates where they’re looking, so you never waste money on out-of-area calls. Whenever You Call Me… This kind of marketing requires that your businesses be able to take calls. You’ll most likely get only a handful of calls each day, which is manageable for most businesses. But if your business is 100% web-based, and you want all your business to happen online, then it may not be a good advertising model for you. Many companies use this marketing strategy, but certain businesses especially lend themselves to it — businesses where customers are likely to have questions or want clarification. If your business provides financial services, consulting, home improvements or repairs, or travel services, pay-per-call may be ideal for you. Calls vs. Clicks Though similar in concept, buying calls to your business tends to yield better results than buying clicks to your web site, for several reasons: • Customers are further along in the buying process. According to Mark Barach, CMO of http://Ingenio.com, a company specializing in pay-per-call advertising, “The difference is when people are reading your web site, they’re at the stage of gathering information. When they call your business, they’re ready to transact.” • They produce higher close rates. An average of 30% of these purchased calls result in business, as opposed to 1-2% of clicks to web sites. • They eliminate fraud. Advertisers are only billed for a customer’s initial call, so there’s no incentive to call repeatedly to deplete a competitor’s budget. Even hang-up calls aren’t a problem because calls must reach a certain length for you to be billed. Says Barach, “The value proposition to an advertiser is unparalleled — you pay when you get the customer. In any other form of advertising, you pay in advance and just hope it works.”

Setting Your Sites On Netpreneurship

Building a home business takes several key factors in order to make it work. One crucial factor is Internet marketing that works to drive traffic to your site and customers to your virtual or brick and mortar door. There are several types of Internet marketing that can help grow your home business. These include affiliate marketing, advertising on other sites and newsletters, search engine optimization and writing articles for the Web. Your home business Internet marketing has to start with a great Web site, however. Your home business Web site is the focal point of all other Internet marketing you do. Without a Web site that promotes your home business and perhaps is even e-commerce enabled to take payments for and arrange delivery of your home business products all the other Internet marketing you do is just about worthless. The first thing you should focus on, then, as you start your home business, is building a dynamic Web site. Let’s look at the basic ingredients of a business Web site that works. First you must have a business plan and that home business plan will be the guide you’ll use for your Web site. The site must have a purpose and that purpose should be to promote your home business. Without a home business mission and business plan, therefore, you won’t have a Web site that succeeds. You also must know if your Web site is driving your business. More often than not new netpreneurs will set out with all the right equipment and ingredients such as bookkeeper, business plan and staff, but won’t take the time or install the software that lets them track the progress their home business is making on the Web. That’s always puzzling. Why go to the trouble of setting your home business up, making all the right moves to get started including Internet marketing and not put in place the programs and products that will let you know what worked? Sure, you might look at the bottom line and see that it’s gone from red to black and think you have no need to track further. But think about all the time and money you’re spending. Would you and should you not want to know if the affiliate marketing is paying its way, or if the search engine optimization is the best place to put your money? Yes, tracking the results of your Internet marketing is crucial to your marketing strategies and your expenses. Your Web site design is crucial. You don’t have to have the snazziest site on the Web – unless of course, your business is selling snazzy site building services. But you do need a site that’s attractive to look at, easy to navigate and offers a clear look at your products and service. You must identify yourself and provide easy to find contact information that includes physical address. Folks who come to your Web site from a distance can’t come to your brick and mortar location to meet you. You might not even have a brick and mortar location. You must ease their trepidation about giving their money and personal information to strangers by personalizing yourself as much as you can. Once you have your clear, attractive and easy to use Web site in place you can begin to promote through Internet marketing.

Personal Development For Online Success

When it comes to starting an online business at home, you must follow some key points in order to be successful. First of all, it is important to know the ins and outs of internet marketing, but it is almost more important to have a successful personality. To be a successful home business entrepreneur, will take certain actions on your part. If you want to get something out of life, then you most take consistent and focused action. You must have a clear focus on the particular outcome you are looking to pursue. When you take consistent action towards that goal, then you are very likely to be successful. One sure way of not being successful is to just give up or quit. For instance, if you combined a healthy diet with a successful workout plan wouldn’t you begin seeing results in your body composition? Of course you would! That is why it is of utmost importance to take action every day. Create a plan of action and stick to it each and every day, not just once a week or whenever you feel like it. Just be sure that the action you take is focused. In order to do this, you have to set some basic skills in time management. Believe in yourself and in what you are doing. You must believe that what you are doing is going to make you a success. Put all of your efforts into it. You will always find people who are not going to believe in you. More often than not, these people are usually the ones who are closest to you. You will always find yourself coming up against adversity, but you must be strong and brush it off. If you truly believe in your course of action, then your will be successful no matter what. Most of the successful people have a very high level of self belief. They go for it no matter what the cost, and they always maintain a positive attitude. You should get into the habit of setting goals every day. Write down what you want to achieve with a plan of action. Then check off the tasks as you complete them. You will feel like you have gained a small victory every time you complete a task. Be sure to give yourself a pat on the back before moving on to the next task. It is also very important to write down future goals. When jotting down your goals, write them in the present tense. This puts you in the present moment. If you spend some time every day reading your goals, then you are much more likely to achieve them. This is your vision for the future. Keep dreaming and it will happen. There is no free lunch in this world. You must work hard if good things are going to come your way. That goes for everybody. If we work hard, then our conscious will believe we should succeed. When you come right down to it, we cause our own success. The harder you work, the more likely it is that you will obtain what you are striving for. Set your sights on your goal, work very hard to achieve it, and do not stop until you succeed. The last point is to never quit. If you never quit, you will not taste failure. You will always have some degree of success if you do not quit. You must stay committed to the job at hand and get it done. Everyone should spend some time each day on personal development. You must find ways to feed the mind whether it be by reading a book, listening to a conference, attending a seminar, reading an article, etc. Take some time each day for positive business building. Positive results will come, and in the end you will be successful.