Six Tips For Automating Your Online Home Business

Getting through the day is often a big challenge for internet marketers. One can easily squander a lot of time answering e-mails, fulfilling orders, and updating your customer lists. This won’t make more people buy or bring in new traffic. How can you manage to get all the necessary grunt work done and still improve your product or service, increase traffic, or campaign a new idea?. Automation is the key to running your business and growing it at the same time. There are five benefits to automating your online home business: * Get sales on your products and/or services 24 hours per day 7 days per week that will bring in more profit. * Have excellent credibility with your customers by having instant responses to his or her inquires for more information. * Increase sales potential by answering questions quickly. * Provide instant order confirmation that will keep customers coming back and telling others about you. * Increase your sales by up-selling back end products automatically. In automating your online home business, make sure to choose the appropriate tools. Here are six essential tools: * A reliable and easy to use autoresponder. Your autoresponder acts much like a personal secretary operating 24/7. This helps you maintain consistent follow up with your prospects. * An mlm lead capture page helps in automating your online home business. A good lead capture page has some attractive bullets on it, and does a thorough job of explaining what the reader will be able to access after she enters her data. * A duplicable system for generating leads on an ongoing basis. Leads are the lifeblood of your online home business. Your lead generation system should be uncomplicated, easy to teach and allow you to not only generate leads, but to also automate the qualification process. * Ad tracking software. A good ad tracking software program or service will show you how many clicks you get for your advertisements from which sites and sources. This will help in automating your online home business by giving you instant information about how your advertisements and advertising campaigns are doing. * A reliable and professional voice mail service. I sometimes come across unprofessional voice mail greetings when calling prospects. You want to always get all of your messages. An unprofessional sounding greeting may cause some people to hang up without leaving you a message. * A success-activity schedule will also help you in automating your online home business. I teach my business partners to follow a schedule that involves repeating certain activities over and over. A schedule helps you stay consistent, see what you may have missed and to plan for the maximum leverage of your time. Automating your online home business is essential for achieving maximum leverage, focusing on the core money making activities and keeping on track. Learn how to use the right tools and systems correctly and you will be well on your way toward building a successful home based business.

Law Of Attraction Tools In Running Your Home Business

Have you ever wondered if there was even more you could do with the Law of Attraction and how if relates to your home business? Have you ever wondered if you are doing it right? Do you ever wonder if you can do more to tap into the Law of Attraction to help your home business grow? There is a key thing to remember. In order to attract your ideal prospect to your home business using the Law of Attraction, then you must do something deliberate. Here are three tips that will help you do this: 1. Identify your ideal prospect. Work on building your clarity list. You must begin by building a list of what you have not liked about the prospects you have been attracting to your home business. Convert that list into what kind of qualities you would like to see in potential prospects to your home business. This is an ongoing exercise. You will want to keep this list and constantly update it. If you do this, it sets the energy in motion. 2. You must reset your vibrations before you make calls to your prospects. Referring to your list of the kinds of people you were attracting you your home business, some of those vibrations may continue to be carried over. Just by remembering what you used to attract to your home business will very likely bring more of it whether it has been positive or negative. Therefore, you will have to reset your vibrations around your prospecting, be sure that you read through your clarity list in order to refresh your memory, and then you will have to refresh your memory in order to reset your vibration just before you make your calls to your business prospects. 3. What do you do after the call? Just after you make your prospect calls, you will want to refer to you updated clarity list to ascertain how closely they matched up to your ideal prospect list. For example, if your prospects had four out of a possible fifteen desired characteristic on your clarity list, then you would devote your energy, attention and focus to the items that matched. The more time you devote to celebrating positive matches, the more time you spend including the vibration of just how you wish your ideal home business prospect to be as far as your current vibration is concerned. Usually after meeting with a prospect who did not sign up, the home business owner spends about an hour with the negative vibrations of feeing disappointed, disillusioned, ticked off, and feeling that his or her time has been wasted. Rather than focusing on the negative thoughts, keep your mind focused on the matches in order that your vibrations will be raised. Now you have acquired some new tools that you may use in order to attract your ideal prospects to your home business. Remember to acknowledge and celebrate the closeness of the match, and you will see a positive influence on your home business.

The Pros And Cons In Establishing An Ebay Store

Ebay has provided some amazing opportunities for many people to earn online. This widely popular auction site has become the primary destination for users who wish to purchase anything – ranging from tangible products to digital items – hence making eBay a website visited by millions of people every day. Because of the volume of transactions happening in its pages, eBay has also become a virtual market place where thousands, if not millions, of dollars exchange hands on a daily basis as well. Do you want a piece of that big, big pie? Then you must first have to establish an eBay store. Now, this is not a strong recommendation. This article is not meant as a sales pitch for a membership with eBay, rather, it seeks to present the advantages and disadvantages of building your own eBay store. You must remember that eBay isn’t the only place where you could peddle your goods. It is a good place where you could sell your items, but there are other alternatives you could consider. Should you settle with eBay? Or should you explore the alternative options? Let’s study the matter more closely. There are most certainly a lot of benefits that could be gained from establishing your own eBay store. Let’s take a look at them. • You’d be able to sell in a hotly visited environment. You’ll be able to expose your products to a wide array of prospects. • Once you have upgraded to a Featured Store, you’d be given $30 worth of PPC keywords per month. This means that your store would appear prominently in the results for the particular keywords that users will search for. Such would most certainly drive more traffic to your auctions. • A Featured Store would also deliver some advanced reports for your auctions. You could use the statistics delineated therein to improve the way you construct your sales pages, and the way you present your items for better efficiency in your future offers. • A Featured Store will also allow you more eBay pages, which would mean more exposure for your products. It’s still a numbers game. The more auctions you have running, the more earning opportunities you could capitalize on. • A Featured Store would allow you to reduce the size of the eBay banner appearing in your every auction. This would give you the chance to work on your page and bring the focus of your visitors to the items you will be selling. • Ebay provides a certain level of seller protection and dispute resolution for potential problems you might encounter with your buyers. Though these are great advantages for your online business, please bear in mind that they do not come without cost. There are also other disadvantages that are attached to having your own eBay store. • Ebay stores don’t come free. A basic store setup would cost $15.95 per month. A Featured Store status would cost an even higher $49.95 per month. And the king of all kings, an Anchor Store, would require you to spend an onerous $499.95 per month. • Having your own eBay store would pressure you to perform well when it comes to your sales. Though some may consider this as a benefit since such will motivate the seller to plan his course of action, the dangers will be experienced when you fail to earn enough profit to cover the cost of your subscription. • People go to eBay expecting the best deals in the online market. You have to compete at this level, otherwise, the moment people would see the going rate for your auction, they’d immediately hop to the next item up for sale. • You’d be bound by eBay’s selling policies. You cannot go around some of these restrictive policies, otherwise, you account can get suspended, or worse, terminated. Establishing an eBay store is a solid choice for a business model. But you have to determine your goals as well as your marketing plan. Would an eBay store help you accomplish them? Or would selling your own goods in your own website, or through some affiliate automation program like , or be better for your online business? The choice is yours. NOTE: You have full permission to reprint this article within your website or newsletter as long as you leave the article fully intact and include the “About The Author” resource box. Thanks! :-

Making Your Paid To Post Blogs Monsters Of Monetization

There’s a term now applied to blogs which are actually making an income for their owners: They’ve been “monetized.” Sounds a bit like sanitized, but it’s closer in spirit to “commercialized” and what it really means is that someone is actually paying to have links to their businesses posted on those blogs, or in some cases paying to have reviews of their products and services posted there. That’s right, you can actually get paid for placing someone’s link on your blog or for giving your opinion about whatever they are selling. It sounds simple, but there is one caveats involved, especially concerning the paid links. Once you have figured out how to get around it, you’ll be ready to monetize. > Google Isn’t Happy About Some Kinds Of Paid Links Google isn’t happy about a lot of things, but they seem to have taken a more unfavorable stance than usual about paid links. The reason makes sense: people with enough money can simply buy enough links to guarantee them a good Google ranking, and then they will make even more money. And Google’s reputation for sorting out the best-viewed websites from the rest, based partly on the number of links which connects to those sites, will be compromised. So if you want to delver further into setting up some paid to post blogs in which you are being paid to post somebody’s links, there’s a Google solution: simply make sure that the links you are being paid to post have rel=”nofollow” attribute to the href tag. The Google SE will then know not to assign the same weight to these links and they will not help the advertiser’s SEO rankings in any significant way. Google claims it can tell the difference between links you are paid to post on you blog and links put there to garner higher Google rankings. Whether that is true or not, you don’t follow Google’s suggestions with you paid to post blog links, there is a chance that Google can boot your blogs from their SEO index as well as your paying customers. So why not sidestep the issue completely by making sure your advertisers add recommended coding to your paid links? > Finding Paid Advertisers For Your Paid To Post Blogs Instead of trying to sell your blog to the hundreds of advertisers who might find it a good place to promote their products, you can take advantage of the many sites whose services bring advertisers and bloggers together., contextuallinks, and will all invite you to submit your paid to post blogs to them, and if they accept you, will contact their advertising clients with services and products which might be a good fit for your blog topics and readership. You don’t have to find the advertisers, and they don’t have to find you. You can just get down to the business of monetizing with them. > Maximizing Your Monetizing But if you want to maximize your monetizing, you’ll need to learn how to find the best offers for the space you are selling on your paid to post blogs. Another website,, will give you the help you need in that respect, and you’ll be on your way to turning your paid to post blogs into monetization monsters!

Why People Fail In Internet Marketing – Explained!

Ask yourself right now if you are making the kind of money you at least think you deserve by marketing on the Internet. Do you believe submitting Internet marketing articles have not worked for you an inch? Have you started to believe that joint venture partnerships are just for the rigid gurus? Better yet, do you now believe it is not for you? Think again. The number one reason many online marketers are failing to live-up to their expectations or to their approval standards is because in many of us, focus and goals are two words not continually mentioned every day. How many times have you been let to believe that success and making thousands of dollars a month on the Internet comes with some outrageous talent? You may think that talent is one of the factors that separate you from many other Internet marketing millionaires. Guess what? I did the research and by surprise, there is no proof of talent without practice. Without what many of us call deliberate practice, there is no way you can achieve greatness in a certain niche, sport or in other activity without practice. Study the life of Michael Jordan and better yet, study the life of the many already public sports and business celebrities, like Tiger Woods. If you compare Tiger Woods and Michael Jordan, these guys had exceptional talent because they practice and started in a very early age. Michael Jordan before he was 10 years old, and Mr. Tiger Woods, he started playing with a golf club when he was just 4 years old. No wonder, right? Can you achieve success in Internet marketing if you are instructed as a little kid to work and do kinder garden duties on your PC? Perhaps starting to understand the keyboard and the broad uses of the PC today in the 21st century can be the difference. What are the possibilities of success if you are born between 4-12 years of age already interested in making money and 20 years later you are still interested in keeping money coming in from the Internet? Would you have great chances of being financially successful with all that experience? There are greater opportunities as a fact. Would you be marketing an Internet marketing article and sharing us with your story? Or would you be working in the local K-Mart 8 hours a day at $5.25 an hour? I think the first one. So what are the reasons people fail in business? There are many, however, there are three important ones that will always ring the bell today or overtime. They are Passion, Goals and Practice. If you do not practice what you are doing, whether it is selling private label resell rights or publishing Internet marketing articles to expose your bargains and specials- how can you expect to find how good have you become on your field and industry? An important point to always have in mind is that success never comes to you, you go look for success. I do not think 99.99% of lottery weekly players can confirm that for sure! If you do not find your passionate business, you will run out of enthusiasm and desire for keeping your business income sources afloat- go for a niche that you love working on. With goals, everything that you write makes much difference than what you do not write- the tension on getting things done is quite different, always write your goals. Then surely, practice your business skills whether they are private label resell rights or publishing Internet marketing articles, it all comes to deliberate practice for achieving greatness in business.

Problem Solving Systems

When you have an E-commerce inventory based business, you are going to have customer issues. That itself is undisputed fact, the sooner you realize it the better. Items or parts will be broken or missing. The shipper is going to damage something. Or the customer is not going to like something and they are going to tell you that it’s all your fault. When I first started selling in E-commerce; this use to really bother me a lot. After doing some research I found out that it is a normal part of business. You simply cannot make everyone happy all of the time. So how do you deal with it? Actually you deal with it one customer at a time but you have to have a system. Thinking through potential problems is a great way to start. You have to actually plot it out on paper the things that could go wrong or get broken and write in a solution to fix it. This for-thought will keep you from having the “fireman” principle. That is, you spend a lot of your time putting out fires and stressing over them. You do not want to get into that mode of operation. Probably the biggest factor is a dent in your encouragement. Realizing that these things do happen; make a big difference. Planning for them is key. Here is how you do it. Take every product that you carry and look at all the parts of that product. If you can order the individual parts or make individual parts as spare inventory, do so. This gives you a plan in case a part is defective or damaged in the shipping process. Have a form for your accounting that covers a replacement part cost and shipping. You will want to track how much things cost you to replace and ship. This can easily be forgotten if you are in the fireman mode. Have some extra stock on hand for replacements. Have a return shipping method laid out so that you can make return labels for the customer to attach to a box that might need to be resent back to you. All the big shippers have this option built into their websites and you can easily go to the tracking number for that customer and get a return label. If you have the item fulfilled through a warehouse, they also have that capability. Make sure you put a return policy in your website that covers a restocking fee if someone wants to return something because they do not like it or ordered the wrong item. This will also force you to think about a return policy since you will eventually have one. Make sure you add a testimonial or two to that policy, it’s free and it’s like adding insurance onto your page. Hopefully this article has helped you with a little thought about developing your Return or problem “system” Systems are the key to piece of mind when you are in business. All large businesses have them and so should you

Work Smarter — How To Streamline Your eBay Business

Automating the Processes Imagine a tool that eliminates most of the busy work associated with running your eBay business. According to Dave Cotter, that was the idea behind his company, After talking to hundreds of eBay sellers and hearing the same complaint again and again — people were spending too much time running their e-businesses — Cotter and co-founder, Greg Harrison, were inspired to create a tool to automate the processes involved. 4 Advantages to Auction Automation “The point behind automating your business,” explains Cotter, “is that it really allows you to go in and spend some time writing your listings. That is where you’re going to really get a high return.” In other words, spend your time on creating quality content, not on what ought to be routine maintenance. With the right automation solution you can simplify the time-consuming components of your business: • Manage Your Inventory. An automated system keeps track of your inventory: how many items you have in stock, how many you’ve sold, how many are awaiting payment, how many are awaiting shipping. So you never again need to worry about selling more products than you have. • Manage Your Customer Service. With a good automated system you can customize automatic email templates to send your customers promotional notifications. You can also set up automatic correspondence to request feedback, confirm orders and receipt of payments, and notify your customers of their orders’ shipping status. • Manage Your Listing Process. You no longer have to design a listing for each item you put up for auction. You can simply choose from a set of listings — you only have to put in the text. Once you do, your listing is automatically moved to the Active Section. When it sells, it’s moved to the Sold Section so you can see that it’s awaiting shipment and where it’s going. And your shipping labels print automatically. • Manage Your Profits. An automated system calculates your eBay fees, your PayPal fees, your shipping fees. It lets you see not only whether or not you’re profitable over all, but which products are profiting you and how profitable they are. Time is Money — Is Your E-Biz Costing You? Many eBay sellers are so bogged down with all the details of running their business that they don’t even know whether or not they’re making a profit. They only know what’s in their PayPal account versus their checking account — they don’t have time to break it down any further than that. Encourages Cotter, “You’ll be shocked at how much more fun you have, if you start to see your profits increase and really understand what products sell and how to make smarter choices about your business.”

Time And Talent

Are you using your time and talent well? Have you targeted those skills you have and used them to your very best advantage? One of my favorite motivational speakers, Zig Ziegler tells a story about one such man who did not. There are lessons to be learned for anyone who is serious about succeeding in their work on the internet. For the sake of brevity I will paraphrase much of the story about a man who failed to use his time and talent well. He tells of a man who lived in a small southern community and was well-known and respected in the area. One day he was trading at the local general store purchasing some food and other items. The clerk had been washing some vegetables and her hands were still wet when the customer gave her a bright, new twenty-dollar bill. She noticed that some of the green ink came off on her hands, and just for a moment she wondered if it might be counterfeit. She had known the man well for many years and dismissed the very foolish idea from her mind. But later after he had left, her concern grew and she called in the local sheriff to examine the money. They decided to pay a visit to the man’s house. There they discovered in the attic his equipment for making counterfeit money. There was an easel, some paint brushes and a can of green paint. This man was a brilliant artist who was hand painting twenty-dollar bills so well that they could be passed undetected unless the receiver had wet hands. They also discovered several beautiful paintings in the house that were later sold for very large amounts of money at auction following the conviction of the counterfeiter. The paradox is that it took him about the same time and effort to produce one of these valuable paintings as it did to make one fake twenty-dollar bill. So as you can see he could have been a very successful artist if he had only used his time and talent well. It is my hope that this article will give you pause to assess your use of time and talent as you work on line. Use your talents and develop those other skills you need by reading, studying and practicing. Best of luck with your promotional efforts. — Larry Johnson Note: (This article may be reprinted in your newsletter or on your site by leaving the resource below box intact.)

Maximum Efficiency, Minimum Space: Space Saving Tips Everyone Can Use

High rent no longer implies lots of space. With urban sprawl on the increase, land in and near cities is at a premium and structures seem to be getting smaller and smaller. Whether you’re dealing with an apartment, an office space, a restaurant, or medical clinic, trying to fit everything into a small environment without feeling “cramped” can be a challenge. Such a challenge, as a matter of fact, some people hire professional organizers to help them out! But you needn’t waste your money doing that. Here are some tips to help you maximize your space in almost any environment: First, assess your closets and storage spaces. Efficiently organized closets—in which all available space is utilized—can make a huge difference in making the rest of the room feel spacious, and you won’t waste time trying to find things stacked behind a bunch of clutter. If you do have the money, we suggest having a company like California Closets create customized, built-in closets. If you don’t have the cash to spend—or would like to do it yourself—you can purchase individual shelves and organizers from hardware stores like OSH, and then shop at The Container Store to pick up the rest. Second, in almost any given room whether it be an office, a bedroom, or a classroom, computer desks tend to take up a significant amount of space. Cramming several desks into a small office does little to help people work efficiently. We suggest making use of the increasingly popular wall mount computer station. More affordable than many desks, wall mount computer stations allow for more computers in a room without taking up all the space of the desk around it. We found affordable, high quality wall mount computer stations at Versa Products, Inc.—an online company that ships its products for free (we love that too!). Third, bathrooms and restrooms are another source of wasted space. Most have little storage for toiletries, but not enough room to build extra cabinets. Our solution… we suggest purchasing freestanding or built-in cubbies. They’re less deep than cabinets and small items can be easily accessed and retrieved. That brings us to kitchens and employee lounges. The key to organization in a kitchen is to make sure every low cupboard has a rollout. Often, cupboard and under counter space isn’t used efficiently because stored items are difficult to reach. Adding rollouts allows you to use the entire space and access anything stored quickly and easily. Another great organization tool is a label maker. Available at almost any office supply store, they’re inexpensive and allow you to label everything from plastic bins to canisters to boxes to binders. Studies show that people are more likely to put away items if they can be easily found again—meaning clutter breeds more clutter and organized environments tend to stay organized. It’s important, when organizing, to have a place for everything. Labeling storage boxes will make life easier from finding past tax forms to decorating for the holidays.

Processing Credit Cards For Your Online Business

Online Payment Security If you are new to online business, you best bet might be to outsource credit card processing. PayPal is the best example of outsourced credit card processing. Online vendors using this service don’t have to worry about buying or renting credit card processing machines. In addition, they don’t need to create a merchant account because PayPal is the gateway. More established businesses usually opt for an in-house credit card processing solution. There are two basic methods of accepting credit cards online, real time processing and deferred processing. Real Time Processing The biggest advantage of real time credit card processing is that there is no delay in the buying process. The customer immediately knows if the order went through. This method is especially effective with companies selling downloadable products such as audio, video, or e-book. As soon as the credit card is authorized, the customer can download the product. The real time processing fulfills the need for instant gratification. If you are looking for automation, real time processing is for you. It requires more complex set up than deferred processing, but once it has been set up, credit cards are processed quickly, efficiently, and most importantly automatically. Real time processing simplifies selling online because customers receive instant feedback. For example, if they enter an incorrect credit card number, the transaction will fail and the customer is notified instantly. Declined credit card transactions are immediately reported back to the buyer. Secure payment gateways are the most important components of real time processing because they provide a secure connection between your website and your merchant account. Some of the largest secure payment gateway providers are authorizeNet and VeriSign. How does payment through a secure gateway work? ·Your customer adds the product to the shopping cart. ·The connection enters secure mode, as the customer is required to complete payment information. The customer’s browser encrypts the data between the web server and the customer computer. ·The website forwards the encrypted payment information to the secure payment gateway. ·The payment gateway forwards the encrypted payment information to the vendor’s acquiring bank account. ·The acquiring bank forwards payment information to the customer’s bank account. ·The customer’s bank responds to the payment request. It either approves or declines the charge. ·The payment gateway received the response and forwards it to the vendor’s website. ·Order completed or failed message is communicated to customer. Please keep in mind that the above process is highly simplified version of the actual process. The entire transaction described above should take less that ten seconds.

Traffic Secrets For Your Online Business

Domain Names A great domain name will complement your traffic building efforts. Register a domain name that’s easy to remember. Stay away from long hard to spell domain names. Also, avoid domain names with hyphens and numbers. Ask yourself, “Will people remember my domain name?” Test the domain name with your friends, family, and existing customers. Ask them about their opinion. You might love the domain name, while others would struggle with spelling or remembering it. If you must have the hard to spell domain name, buy the misspelled version too. Domain names are cheap to register. It’s worth buying domains that might be mistyped or misspelled versions of your primary domain. For a small investment, you can correct your customers spelling errors. Make your domain name easy to read. Which of the following is easier to read? or Capitalizing the first letter of each word helps your reader. The easier it is to read the easier it is to remember. Don’t buy the .net version of a domain if the .com version is no longer available. Having the .net version only is going to result in loss of revenue for your business to the business that owns the .com version of the domain. Directories Submit your site to directories. There are several major directories such as “The Open Directory Project” you should consider, but don’t ignore the smaller niche directories either. A listing in a directory will result in a link to your site. More importantly, the link is from a relevant directory category. Another advantage of links from directories is that they are one-way links pointing to your site, which is considered more valuable than reciprocal links. Hosting A reliable web hosting company has to be part of your traffic building strategy. There is nothing more frustrating than clicking on a search result that leads to a website that is offline. Selecting an inadequate hosting company could result in loss of traffic. You work hard to drive traffic to your site. Don’t let a substandard hosting company undo your efforts. Some directories offer free listings while others only offer paid listings. Paid listings usually result in faster listings while free listings can take months or longer. In addition to the financial commitment to getting your site listed in directories, there is a significant time commitment. Directory listings can be easily outsourced on websites such as Another alternative is to hire a student.

Using Internet Marketing Strategy Can Double Your Sales Overnight

Do you have an Internet marketing strategy for your online business? You should. Internet marketing and Internet advertising, when done properly, can drive traffic to your website and practically double your sales overnight. In fact, advertising your site may be the only way for you to compete with larger, more established competitors. While there are many different forms of Internet marketing strategy that you can employ, one of the easiest and most reliable forms is results tracking. When you track the results of your Internet advertising campaigns, you can quickly learn what works and what doesn’t work. For obvious reasons, this method is much better than a random hit and miss advertising method, which can turn out to be quite costly, not to mention ineffective. Of course, this form of Internet marketing strategy isn’t anything new. Direct marketers have been using results tracking for years, and it can easily be adapted for the Internet. The key is to come up with a way to measure the results of Internet advertising accurately. If you’re tracking is not accurate, there is little to no point in doing it. To make sure their tracking results are accurate, many direct marketers use a trick known as split testing. Split testing uses a specific key or tracking device to associate a sale with the advertisement that produced the sale. For example, in a print ad, the key or tracking device that may be used could be a specific phone number or extension. When a customer utilizes the number or extension, the marketer knows exactly which ad drove the customer to seek out the advertised product or service. If the same ad produced repeated sales, the marketer knows that the advertising is effective and worth doing again. On the other hand, if the ad didn’t even produce enough sales to pay for the advertising, then the marketer knows not to try that again. The same split testing method used by direct marketers can easily be adapted and incorporated into your Internet marketing strategy, allowing you to determine exactly how effective or ineffective your Internet advertising is. To track the success and failure of Internet advertising, most Internet marketers typically use some sort of tracking software to associate the key with sales. A simple way to do this is to develop two web pages that feature two different ads. You can then track the sales results of each ad to see which worked best, and if necessary, adjust your Internet marketing strategy accordingly. For example, let’s say that on one of the pages, you received a total of 2,000 page views and 20 sales. This means that you have a success rate of one percent. Not bad. This is the average for both direct mail advertising and Internet advertising. Now that you have this information, you have statistics you can rely on. You can test other pages to see if they perform better or worse. You can also adapt the original pages to see if your changes have any effect on the sales outcome. For example, try adjusting headlines, graphics, text, and anything else you can think of. Then, compare the results of these changes to the original results. After you have tested different variations of your Internet advertising, you can quickly determine exactly what works and what doesn’t. Your Internet market strategy and any future advertising that you do can then be adjusted accordingly. If you succeed, you may be able to double your sales without throwing away good money over and over again on advertising that doesn’t

What Your Traffic’s Telling You – 4 Things Web Analytics Can Teach You

Brick-and-mortar stores often change displays, move goods around, and put impulse items beside checkouts. The reason behind these changes is they’re analyzing customer traffic and studying behavioral patterns to understand how consumers shop. As an online retailer, you need to study your customer traffic as well, in order to increase sales. Listen: Your Customers Are Talking There are a number of web traffic analytics companies, such as and, that analyze your customers’ shopping patterns. They follow your customers’ clicks to and through your web pages and provide you with valuable info on how your customers experience your web site: 1. You see which keywords bring you, not only the most hits, but also the highest conversion rates. People often find the generic words they use bring them a great deal of traffic, but that traffic averages a shorter stay on the site. The longer visitors spend on your site, the more likely they are to buy something. Analyzing that data allows you to see which keywords are effective for you. 2. You see the average amount of time users spend on your site. Due to latent conversion, this is a good indicator of how business will be in the coming months. If your users are taking their time, looking at things carefully, that tells you they’re really interested and will likely come back to complete the transaction. 3. You see if your traffic’s leaving as soon as they hit your landing page. If they are, you know you have a problem. As soon as users get there, you want to reinforce to them they’re in the right place. Says John Marshall, founder and CEO of, “Make sure the keyword the user clicked is associated with, and strongly connected to the copy in that landing page, and throughout the experience. Just paying attention to that could probably get you a 20% to 50% improvement in your conversion rate.” 4. You see where people are exiting your site. This is especially important when you have customers leaving in the middle of checkout. If you see a high rate of users, with full shopping carts, leaving on a particular page, you can pinpoint what’s costing you sales: • If they’re exiting on the page where you explain shipping costs, you might see your shipping appears higher than your competitors’. • If they’re leaving halfway through filling out the buyer’s information, you might consider that your buyer questionnaire is too long. Web analytics puts you in a position to see what’s working on your web site and what isn’t. It highlights where you need to make changes, and then measures how effective those changes are.

Need Money To Start A Home Base Business Opportunity

I wrote this article to help explain why you need money to start a home base business. One of the main reasons is because; and I Quote “It Takes Money to Make Money.” So let’s get to the heart of the matter. If you are interested in starting a home base business and say you don’t have any money to join or start a business than you will FAIL before you Start. What do I say to help you with this problem! You will find a way to invest in your future if you are truly interested in changing the QUALITY of your LIFE! Otherwise you really don’t want to do this. So if you are truly committed to making money in a home base business opportunity, you will find a way to get the money to invest in a business. You see it’s NOT about whether you have money, it’s about whether or not you are motivated ENOUGH to TAKE ACTION. So there is a BIG difference between WANTING something and WISHING something. MOST people are just WISHING for money, a better life, and nicer things. But they do not want to go through the EFFORT and DISCOMFORT of acquiring them. You see, what it all comes down to is this; Have a dream with a highly motivated reason WHY to want something to be successful. You will always have external obstacles and forces that will tell you that you can’t do something. So You have to Know why you want it, Deep down inside, that You really Want it! Think about this; If you are a GROWN adult over 25 and you do not have a few hundred dollars to start a home-based business than something is SERIOUSLY WRONG with the way you are living your life. I don’t want to sound really rude but this is the facts of life. And what you need to do is take a Serious look in the mirror and ask yourself; “What is it I Truly want out of Life? What is IT?” Whatever your answer is, that will be your motivation to find the money to start a home base business opportunity. Now you must do this for a reason. Not mine and not anyone else reason but your reason why. This reason must be Big enough and motivating enough to Drive you to your success. Because you will, Have obstacles and hurdles and setbacks in your journey to find the life you always want all your friends and family to be jealous of. This is one of the True Secrets to success that most millionaires have done to create their lives of envy to everyone else who dreams about success. Think about it; how did the rich and famous get rich and famous. Did they say, I don’t have no money to start my business. No! They started with nothing and gained knowledge to create their one success. My best example is; It took Thomas Edison a thousand tries to make the light bulb work, so what was his reason why. To build an empire in the electrical business. All I can say is once you make up Your mind to find the money to start a home base business opportunity, the doors will open and You Will become successful. I have been in network marketing for about 2 years now and it took me about half of that time to learn this on my own. And heck I am just a stupid machinist with a blue collar skill. I just got tired of of making my bosses dreams come true so I found my reason Why and Took Action. Guess What? I am successful today and I’m happy I did it!

Leadership Is The First Step To Success

Have you ever heard of a business where there is no leader or in a more technical term, a boss? Perhaps it is quite inconceivable, since it highly significant in every field that one directs them towards their goal. For instance, if you want to employ a change in system within your business, a leader would have to stand out for you to get through the swamp. Changing an entire business won’t come easily especially if the employees do not have faith with the capacity of the senior who is leading them towards their end. But, doing so is never really that impossible as you have thought it was. The part played by leadership If you are a part of an organization, you may have noticed how important it was that the subjects have faith on the capacities of the leaders since they are supposed to be the living models that the subjects must look up to. Actually, in every area where people are involved, there’s a great need that someone be responsible enough to lead everyone, because if not every organization would be distinguished as futile for they won’t be able to achieve any goal that they have set. Putting it under the setting of employing sudden change within a business, the subjects or the employees would anticipate for an improved, sensible, effective decisions and regular if not absolute communication from the leader to the employees. During these moments the employees expect more from the leaders such as confidence, support and commitment. When all things has been said, it all boils down to the trust of the employees to the leader which in the future might bring them better working relationships and would possible strengthen their confidence with each other. Consequences of poor leadership Suppose it is inevitable that every leader would possess the essential leadership skills, then you ought to familiarize yourself with the ramifications of this possibility. It is but normal that when the leader is not able to exude any act of leadership that the employees begin to assume that there won’t be any positive outcomes with their relationship. There are certain incidents when the organization gets clouded by distrust and the chance that the employees would act in an illegible manner that they start to be apathetic with the goals of the organization. Feeble leadership would only result to the deficiency of hope which might probably go on for too long and in turn would lead to the organizations inevitable decline. Leadership then is very significant in every organization because with its absence the whole team under the organization won’t be able to function accordingly and they will not be able to operate with a harmonious relationship with one another.

Why Article Marketing Establishes A Continuous Stream Of Prospects And Web Traffic

Writing articles and using them to promote your website is one of the most effective strategies in internet marketing today. Here are the reasons why. 1) You’ll attract visitors immediately Publishing your articles on websites and directories can instantly attract thousands of visitors to your website. These people click through links in your author signature – the space provided after your article to promote your business. It is not uncommon for articles to exceed one thousand views in one directory alone. When submitted to multiple directories, the result is even more remarkable. 2) You’ll exponentially increase your reach Submitting your articles to directories and ezine resource sites increases the chances that your article will be reprinted by hundreds of website and ezine owners. Each of these publishers could have audiences of thousands of readers, exposing you to many more people than you would have reached alone. 3) You’ll position yourself as an expert in your field Writing articles establishes you and your company as knowledgeable about your industry. By educating prospects, you’ll earn their trust as a professional that knows what you’re doing. People buy from people they trust. 4) You’ll improve your search engine position Search engines such as Google place great importance on the number and quality of links pointing to the websites they list. By creating quality, educational content and syndicating it across hundreds of websites, you’ll notice an improvement in your search engine ranking within weeks of publishing your first articles. 5) You’ll earn long-term traffic When you run an ad campaign, you only receive visitors during the time your ads are running. By writing and promoting articles, you place permanent links on dozens of websites that will refer visitors to you for years in the future. Article writing is a long-term investment in the success of your company.

Making Business Easier With Autoresponders

In the online world of business, an autoresponder can do a lot for your company. Also referred to as mailbots, email and on demand, and automatic email, these tools can help you put your business on autopilot and spend more time doing other things. Autoresponders are great to have, as they are designed to automatically respond to any email they receive with an instant response Over the years, autoresponders have increased quite a bit in popularity. They are best known for their automatic email responses, which will save you a lot of time. By using one of these programs, you won’t have to spend countless hours answering emails again. You can feel free to do other things and always know that your customers have access to the information they need anytime they want it. To set your business on autopilot, all you need to do is get your copy ready and load it into your autoresponder. Once a potential buyer or current customer sends your autoresponder address a message, the information he or she is seeking will automatically be delivered to them. Autoresponders are very quick – delivering information via email in a matter of seconds. Autoresponders can also help you send out free courses, articles and information, reports, information regarding your products and services, price lists, welcome and thank you letters, confirm orders, and tell others about your advertising rates. You can preset information such as this into your autoresponder, so it will automatically send the information out whenever someone requests it. Unlike mass email messages, autoresponders can be set up to your specifications. You can send personalized messages with them as well, which will make your client feel as if the email was made specifically for him. Autoresponders will also follow up with emails as well, to ensure that you get a sale. The better autoresponders out there will notify you each and every time someone has requested your information, so you know when you have potential customers. You can also update your autoresponder messages anytime you wish. From time to time as you get new products or information to send to your clients, you can update your log. When running a business, it’s very important that you keep your customers up to date. This way, your customers will know that you have new products available and ready for purchase. If you have a good relationship with them, they will be anticipating your new offers. If you run a business over the Internet, an autoresponder can make life a lot easier. You can let your autoresponder handle a majority of the tasks, including technical support and sending out information about your company and your products. These days, autoresponders are the best tools for online business – as they give you plenty of free time for other things.