SEO Web Design: How To Use SEO Book Information

SEO web design is essential for high search engine listings, and the right choice of SEO book can be use to achieve that. There are many SEO books on offer online, but most seem too much alike and appear to provide the same information. The best type of SEO book is one that provides graphic examples of how successful sites have become successful through effective SEO web design. Search engine optimization is a subject about which very few have a true understanding. It starts with your website, and the way that you arrange your pages into the site as a whole. To most people, SEO is the use of keywords on your site, and I still read webpages and blog postings that promote as many keywords in a web page as possible. If it’s not the more the merrier, then it’s the 1% – 3% keyword density fallacy. Follow that and your site will disappear off the listings! There is too much written online about SEO that too many people take as gospel. Let’s dispel a few myths and bring some reality into the whole subject of search engine optimization. Take a look at the term for starters. Search Engine Optimization. What does it mean? Optimize your website for search engines? Why? Surely you should optimize your website to provide the best possible information to anybody who visits it! And that is what search engines such as Google are now insisting on. It is no longer easy to get high search engine listings without good relevant content. Now, 1% – 3% keyword density is keyword stuffing. In a 700 word article, 7 – 21 keywords are excessive. Google and the other major search engines look at text relevant to the keyword, rather than repetitions of the keyword, as being good content. Too may repetitions will be punished. That being so, it also difficult to design web page for a high listing. That is because there are so many web pages with good content: keep in mind that it is individual web pages that are listed and not complete websites. There must be other aspects of modern SEO that are relevant to high listings, but what are they? Well may you ask. That is what many SEO experts that offer their services at high prices online would also like to know. There are, in fact, certain aspects of your website design that are totally relevant to your listing position, and they have nothing whatsoever to do with the content on each of your pages. This where the right book information can help you – if you buy the right book. This type of information is so valuable that nobody is going to give it all away free. Many sites provide a lot of free SEO information that could help you to improve your search engine listing, but only if you are also aware of the other factors that could destroy it. I have read a lot about Google PageRank, and how you cannot get your web pages listed without a good page rank. Nonsense. I have web pages listed in the 10 on Google that have no Google page rank, at least according to the Google PageRank indicator on the Google Toolbar. Page rank is not necessary, but it helps. However, if you apply other, more important, aspects of search engine optimization to your web pages then PageRank become relatively unimportant. On the other hand, if you do not apply these SEO techniques, PageRank becomes paramount. It is common sense. Google does not put more emphasis on one aspect of optimization than another, and while external links are important, they are not critical, no matter what you read. Google states that they give a great deal of emphasis to incoming links from other relevant web pages, yet pages can be listed highly without them against stiff opposition. How is that? It is due to good onsite optimization, and a great deal of thought put into the design of a total website, rather than web pages individually, and the way that onsite links are designed. SEO design is not a matter of believing what theory SEO book information tells you, but of personal experience, unless you are reading the right SEO book. So get rid of preconceptions and don’t believe all that you read. It is easy to get listed on Google in less than 2 days if you know how to do it, and also to get listed in the top 10 in two weeks if you go about it the right way. Stop bleating and get your head down. Study the subject and don’t complain if you fail. Others don’t so find out what they do and you do the same: if they let you!

Toys For Her

Are you going to be an aunt or an uncle for your friend’s baby girl? Or are you going to be a grandma or grandpa? Or are you finally expecting a baby girl of your own? As human beings, in any culture, we send gifts to the people close to us. In this case, close to the heart of the one we are close with. Being given titles like, aunt, uncle, godparents, grandparents, and parents, you should know what to give to your little angels. Toys are essential in a toddler’s growth. They are the best teachers in this certain age. You don’t want to give a set of encyclopedia or a bulky dictionary to a one year old, and give those rattles, light- and sound-emitting devices to the three or four year olds. Even when companies and manufacturers have already placed labels and notices at the bottom of the boxes or printed on the tags the corresponding age the play item is fit for, adults still tend to grab the first thing they see in a toy store display and won’t bother to question if it is the appropriate gift to give. Here are some helpful tips to help you find a suitable gift for a particular age group. Months old > Rattles – babies enjoy these because of the sound it produces. Choose ones with vivid colors like red, blue, and yellow so that the baby would easily notice them. > Walkers – are important in the baby’s growth and exercise. This trains them how to walk even at a young age. Buy the ones with features that produce sounds and emit lights because babies love these and they are educational too. > Mobile – this will help the baby catch forty winks peacefully. If you buy this for sleeping purposes, make sure that the color is pastel and light. Otherwise, you can buy those with striking colors for playing purposes. 1 – 2 years old > Toys with punchy buttons, like a mini cash register, animated laptop with the alphabets are educational for the toddler. This will acquaint her with the numbers (0-9) and the alphabet (A-Z). > Toys which produce sounds like the nursery rhymes and recorded pronunciation guides are also fit for them. > Those with different colored lights are also proper. They introduce the primary and secondary colors to the toddler. 3 – 5 years old > Barbie dolls – are hot for this age group. Girls love dressing them up and displaying them in their racks. > Coffee or Tea Seats – they love it when they put their dolls on the seats and place a plate of bagel and a cup of tea beside it. Kids really are imaginative. > Anything educational would do.

Learning How To Use A Signature Pad

If your company has used signature pads in the past you probably know exactly what you are doing. But of course, there are some people who are new to their business, and have no idea on how a signature pad works. To make things worse, there are many companies, such as retail stores, that rely on signature pads day in and day out. As an owner or employee of any kind, you need to know the ins and outs of the signature pads that you use. As you can imagine, if you do not know how to work one of these, you cannot expect anybody else to turn. There are many things you can do to alleviate these problems. Luckily, learning how to use a signature pad is not as hard as you may think. When it comes down to it, using one of these devices is not brain surgery. The first thing that you want to do when you buy a new signature pad is to look over the directions. Once you have a better idea of where you stand, you can then move forward with learning about all of the details. You will then be able to train others how to use the signature pad. Your signature pad should come with step by step instructions on how to get things set up, etc. As mentioned above, if you have used a signature pad in the past, you will not have any problems at all. This is especially true if you order the exact same device. For those people who cannot seem to get things right, there is no reason to get upset. There should be a customer service number that you can call, and from there, they will be able to walk you through the process. Overall, learning how to use a signature pad is an easy process for the most part. Do not let the learning curve scare you away from buying.

Promote Breast Cancer Awareness

According to, “Every three minutes a woman in the United States is diagnosed with breast cancer.” Breast cancer is a serious illness that affects a significant population and should not be disregarded. Research concerning breast cancer prevention and early cancer detection is constantly conducted, but some people are still uninformed about how to protect themselves against this disease. So, how can you educate your employees, clients and patients about breast cancer? One simple way is by recognizing Breast Cancer Awareness month in October. Throughout the month, give employees, clients and patients promotional products that send a message – tell them to learn about breast cancer and the ways to detect it before it takes another life. Breast Cancer Awareness Month is filled with different activities to help people learn about the disease. One of the events that takes place every year in various cities around the United States is the Breast Cancer Three-Day. This walk allows breast cancer survivors, their family and friends a chance to walk together to raise breast cancer awareness. The event raises money to help find the cure for breast cancer. This year, why not give out pedometers to employees, clients and patients to encourage them to train for this event. With each step taken, they can think about the lives that could be saved by participating in this event. Another promotional product that can inform people of breast cancer awareness is a gift of chocolate. Now, you may think this sounds silly, but there is some logic behind it. Not only do a lot of people enjoy chocolate, but dark chocolate is filled with antioxidants that help ward off cancer. Ok, it may not be as good as a salad, but hey, it’s fun! Give employees these tasty chocolate bars with the slogan “Don’t be in the dark! Educate yourself about breast cancer,” printed on a sheet of paper with the time and date of the Three-Day that is near your city. If you don’t think your employees will like the chocolate, create a similar gift with one of our antioxidant-filled green tea samplers. This is a creative and tasty way to create awareness about breast cancer. Breast cancer awareness can be promoted in a more traditional manner as well. One great promotional product to consider is a pink car magnet in the shape of a ribbon. These pink ribbon magnets may not seem original, but they are a great way to raise awareness everywhere you go. The magnet will be seen by everyone who drives by. Whether you discuss breast cancer through the giveaway of a promotional product or by sending out a memo reminding employees about the importance of Breast Cancer Awareness month, you are spreading an important message and educating people about breast cancer.

Quit Your Job And Work From Home Now With A Home Mortgage Lender

No sane person would choose to be employed by a soulless corporate entity forever. The mediocrity of an 8 to 5 job is stifling, to say the least, and eventually escaping wage slavery is the dream of many. Still, people go through it every single day for obvious practical and economic reasons while dreaming of ways to break free from the bonds of labor. Who Says Benefits Are Only For The Employed? Of course, not everyone is lucky enough to get away from the ball and chain of employment strapped around their ankles. But for the lucky few with the bright enough ideas and the chutzpah to pursue something out of the ordinary, the rewards are infinite. Imagine running your own business. You can work in your own time, your own pace, and your own personal space. With a home mortgage lender, you can even do it in your own home surrounded by all your creature comforts without having to leave your nice, big recliner. That alone is worth all the effort. You Don’t Have To Go At It Alone Starting a new business can indeed be daunting. It is risky and sometimes foolhardy. But when you really think about it, you’ll never know until you try, right? It takes a lot of focus and a lot of determination with very little room for error, which means for the first few days, weeks, or months, all your energy has to be channeled into running your business and making it grow. If you’re determined to run that business from home, a good home mortgage lender can take care of the home front for you while you concentrate in building up your business. You obviously will need all the help you can get and finding a home mortgage lender you can trust is the best help you can possibly hope for. Do The Legwork Though it’s always a good idea to try something new, sticking to something even remotely familiar is a wise move in terms of a business venture. After all, you can’t expect to succeed in anything you don’t know anything about. Research is the key. Find out the best ways to market your product and expand your network. Find out what your target market need and expect. Find out how far you can take your product and what your limits are. And while you’re at it, do your research on home mortgage lenders. After all, you need an investment, not a liability, and home mortgage lenders can be any one of those if you’re not careful. Taking It Slow Taking the time to do the grunt work and not making any rash decisions or impulse purchases is not procrastinating. You are simply making sure that no stones are left unturned on your path to success. Do not be convinced to do otherwise. With these in mind, you’re well on your way to starting your own business. All you need is a single good idea, nerves of steel, and a lot of patience. With any luck, you’ll finally have the perfect boss – yourself.

You Too Can Have Your World Revolve Around Internet Marketing With A Home Business

If You have any knowlegde of internaet marketing, There are many home business opportunitys out there. Even if you don’t have any internet marketing experience there are many experts out there who you can learn from. The internet is full of books,CD’s and software that is simple to use and learn from. Any one with the the right tools, knowledge and drive can make a good living with an online business. You just have to use trial and error and find what works for you. In todays world and market, many people have websites and are in need of marketing. A website without a marketing plan is a website that will see no potential for profit. You need to have many visitors going to your website in order to show any kind of profit. It is very simple zero marketing will equal zero customers and with out customers a business will not succeed and will go out of business. A very well executed internet marketing plan will bring customers to your website. That is every businesses goal. You can have a home business that does just that, marketing peoples home businesses and you can start with your very own home business. When companies see your advertisements, they will want to know how good you are. The short answer is that they were able to find you through an unsolicited means. Before you get started you have to understand that old style marketing involved getting your name in front of people who were in need of your services. In this case, it is just about everyone with a website. The old saying of not caring what they say, as long as they get the name right, was focused on the shotgun approach to marketing. Also considered playing the odds. Sending information to everyone you could think of and hoping for return percentage large enough to justify the expense. In todays market this approach rarely works with an internet business as the market is so large and there are thousands of companies to choose from that unindating them with information will turn them away in most cases. Instead you will want to use the targeted approach with will more likely get their attention and in return get you noticed. Many marketers are happy with one percent return on 10,000 ads, which is still only 100 expressing any intrerest and if you can close or get that 10 percent to buy it comes to 10 sales out of 10,000 contacts. By focusing your effort on only the 1,000 businesses that actually use your service, a one percent return still equals 100 and a 10 percent sales rate still equals 10 sales, but you saved the money for 9,000, which would have otherwise been wasted. Another form of marketing, guerilla marketing talked about in 1984 in the book Guerilla Marketing reveals how to achieve marketing on a limited budget. This type of marketing is ideal for small businesses. It focuses on the virtue of customer service and quality. What they do is the company uses personal contact and sales the person, not the product. It delivers a product or service on time that performs the function that it was promised to perform. And the word of mouth will take over from there. Copyright © Kristiane Pritzel

Why Choose Joint Venture Brokering As A Business Opportunity

Whether you’re an experienced business person with good networking skills, or if you feel that you’re better when it comes to general business skills than you are with any specific product or service, or even if you have no experience in the business world whatsoever but are looking for a straight-forward, easy to operate method of running an online business from home, then a career as a Joint Venture Broker could be for you. A Joint Venture Broker is a vital figure in the world of business, bringing other companies or individuals together in a sort of two tier affiliate system, producing results for everyone and generating potential unlimited income streams in the process. If you’ve previously been a member of an affiliate program, you’ll know how important networking is. Co-operation between businesses/individuals, enabling each to refer potential customers to others, can be vital to effective marketing. Yet a new business can waste a lot of time finding the right affiliate program. A Joint Venture Broker can sidestep the whole affiliate program by introducing compatible businesses directly. The job of a Joint Venture Broker is to seek out parties with compatible interests and get them together to increase sales for both. This works like a two tier affiliate system, with the Joint Venture Broker taking a percentage of profits on all sales which occur as a result. To be successful, a Joint Venture Broker has to research the market and be good at identifying companies whose products or services complement one another but with the massive resource of the internet this has become an incredibly easy to do process that anyone can do. As a Joint Venture Broker, you could develop unlimited income streams for yourself, setting up as many partnerships as you want. There’s no website required and no product required, so your start-up overheads are low. All you need to be a successful Joint Venture Broker are good networking and communication skills and an awareness of what customers want but these can be learnt and some packages on the market even tell you exactly what to say to prospects. With so many opportunities available for the skilled Joint Venture Broker, it’s a wonder that more people don’t pursue this line of work, but we shouldn’t forget that, for many business owners, even joining an affiliate program seems too complicated. These are precisely the sort of people who need the help of a Joint Venture Broker if they are to make their businesses a success. Being a Joint Venture Broker is a rewarding job because not only can you generate unlimited income streams for yourself, you can also provide genuine help to other people and ensure that their businesses stay afloat. You can provide a better option that the ordinary affiliate program, one which is of particular advantage to the new home business owner with limited networking experience. If you’d like to generate unlimited income streams in a business with no product required, a business which depends simply on your own skills and effort, working as a Joint Venture Broker may be for you. With no website required, no product of your own and without a huge marketing campaign it’s easy to get started, so why not begin today?

The Pitfalls Of Email Marketing

Email marketing gets a bad rap. The controversy about email marketing is a quagmire that leaves many business owners in confusion in its wake. According to a new study by the Direct Marketing Association, email marketing delivers the highest return on investment of all media available to marketers. The study also projects that email driven sales in the United States will show a compound annual growth rate of 14.9% between 2006 and 2011. But, statistics like that only bring about real understanding when the outcome of email marketing impacting long term customer-relationship-based revenue streams is fully known. Patrick Valtin*, sales & marketing expert, president of M2-TEC USA, INC. and founder of one of the largest consulting company in Europe called U-MAN BELGIUM claims email marketing is highly profitable if done correctly. The main mistake is trying to convert a prospect when embarking on email marketing, he says. The direction one should take is instead is trying to attract a qualified prospect. Attract first, don’t try to convert. It’s actually common sense if you think about it. What if some one came up to you and said BUY THIS with no enticement as to what it was and what it could do for you? Would you buy (convert)? Probably not. But say a girl scout comes to your door with a tray of cookies for you to pick one to sample. Did she entice you, attract your attention first? Yep, mostly likely. And how many boxes did you buy? And moreover, how many will you buy year after year after year on a regular basis? Those emails that do attract your attention and entice you by putting that cookie in front of you to nibble on – those are the successful approaches. That begs the question if they already are opt-in prospects, do you still have to attract – aren’t they already qualified prospects if they are in your database? Not always, according to Patrick. Patrick points out the best ROI approach to email marketing is to promote to inactive prospects and sleeping customers in your data base with the purpose to get them active – to turn them into (entice them to be) regular, loyal customers. Sleeping customers should also be treated as prospects. Old, inactive prospects were curious enough to inquire into your company to begin with. That is the crucial point as Valtin explains. “The biggest false data out there is the saying ‘they were just curious’ as to the reason a prospect didn’t close. Look up curious in the dictionary – it is interest.” So curiosity IS interest. It is up to you to entice them even further so they become “sold”. Sold equates to being a repeat customer. Valtin goes on to say that the ways to first attract prospects are done with classical marketing techniques before email marketing comes into the picture: pay-per-click advertising, search engine optimization with your website, direct mail marketing – the “more traditional” forms are the channels used to attract. Then once you get a prospect or even a first-time customer you can start email marketing to them. Once your prospects are on your opt-in list, you have to entice. Just on a different level. You have their interest – now hook them. Three common mistakes in email marketing are: • Trying to sell through the marketing email. You have to cut the gradient to attract and then convert. The question is: what will motivate them to join your list? • Making the subject line too ambiguous; using trite phrases that are actually considered SPAM. What you have to watch, Valtin also warns, is “too hot or too juicy is looked upon as SPAM by search engine spiders.” And • Not being consistent with “From” address line. From very beginning, the “From” line should be consistent. Even here there is a need to have instant recognition. With customers receiving an average 400 emails per week and checking their email an average of 4 times per day, it is no wonder that email marketing has taken off. But don’t fall in the trap of using it incorrectly. According to Valtin, when you screw up on email marketing lines with prospects or customers, you get cut off and most likely don’t get another chance. It’s too easy to junk your email address and be shut off from further communication. Three Valtin tips for being successful in email marketing are: • Make the subject line personalized. “How would you like a free weekend in Acapulco” compared with “Dear Jane, how would you….” increases by 200-300% your chances it will be opened. (Note: opened not converted…but attracted.) • Make one-time customers into repeat customers. Offer an exclusive newsletter only for customers with highly valuable content. • Have an option for people who subscribe to your newsletter to systematically send it to a friend which acts as a referral and consequently per Valtin, makes it viral. SPAM legislation still requires those friends to opt-in before you can start emailing to them, but the referral raises your credibility and will give you more bang for your buck! Valtin says there are many more principles to learn about email marketing. Having studied marketing and sales trends for the last 35 years, he packs a lot of lore under his Belgian skull. Understanding the outcome of email marketing impacting long term customer-relationship-based revenue streams is his forte. He teaches email marketing at marketing boot camps organized by Joy Gendusa, CEO of PostcardMania, and Marsha Friedman, CEO of Event Management Services, Inc. to business professionals nationwide. “Permission-based email communications can solidify existing relationships, initiate new ones and convert one-time clients into long-term customers,” Valtin advises. “Relationship-building emails leverage the investment you are making in all other forms of marketing, allowing you to grow your business more efficiently.” * Patrick Valtin is a renowned international consultant/trainer, specialized in human resources and business performance. He managed a consulting and training business for 18 years, directly trained 60,000 people in more than 25 countries. He is the author of The NE ERA SELLING® System: a down-to-earth, effective approach to constant sales success; and The RECRUTECH® System, a practical, result-proven recruitment procedure. Over 40,000 sales professionals have been trained by Patrick Valtin, in more than 20 countries around the world. Professionals having attended Patrick’s sales seminars include representatives of: BMW, Renault, Peugeot, Mercedes, Toyota, Ford, Century 21, Electricite de France, Gaz de France, France Telecom, Assurance Generale, Zurich Insurance, AIG, Motorola, American Hospital Supply, Travenol, Unilever, Lendl, Coffee Lavazza, etc.

What These Online Business Women Wish They Had Known

Recently I had the opportunity to interview two successful online business women. Both of them are targeting the natural family living market and had some great advice to share. We discussed some of the things we did right, and some of the things we did wrong in the past year in our businesses. This information is extremely valuable to a woman who is just starting out so I’m going to share the highlights with you now. The List Firstly, one thing that was outlined is the importance of building a list sooner rather than later. So many people who launch a website decide to start collecting email addresses from their visitors as an afterthought, as a way of generating additional revenue once their site is established. But after hearing several online business owners express regret that they waited to collect emails and as a result lost out on a lot of income, I now am convinced that offering a newsletter or ecourse is a top priority for anyone as soon as they publish their site. If a newsletter sounds intimidating, try a 5 day ecourse instead. Or simply place an opt in box prominently on your site, preferably on every page, that offers something valuable to your visitor in exchange for their contact information. Then when you are ready to begin sending out a newsletter, you already have subscribers. The fact is that the majority of people who come to your site will not buy anything from you. But if you get permission to contact them again, the chance of them eventually becoming your customer or at least buying something through your affiliate link is very good. Focus! The second thing these ladies agreed on is the importance of focus. Don’t get distracted in your business and start launching new websites if they don’t fit into your overall business plan and meet the needs of your target audience. We only have so much time in a day and only so much energy. Getting involved in too many site projects means that our “bread and butter” websites will not get the attention they deserve. That might mean that you need to sell a website or two to develop a laser tight focus. Doing so can actually boost your profits fast. Never Be Content With Your Content The third thing these women were doing right is by providing their target market with excellent and informative content. Content that kept their readers coming back for more, that kept search engines happy, and that sold their products for them. These women were constantly adding valuable content to their site, newsletter, autoresponder and blog. Great content also serves as a kind of business partner for you, drawing media and potential joint venture partners. In addition to writing their own content for their websites and blogs, they also purchased high quality private label rights articles and used that to create additional content for their virtual real estate empires. The interesting thing about a successful online business is that although it takes focus, work and dedication, it really isn’t rocket science! The principles are actually quite simple to implement. You just have to be armed with the right information.

Selling On eBay The Right Way Makes The Most Money

Selling items on eBay is a great way of making extra money in Australia as well as most parts of the world. The old addage does apply here though: 20% of the sellers are making 80% of the profits. In order to ensure that you are making the most money from eBay you need to know how to sell effectively. Selling effectively versus just selling on eBay can make a lot of difference. By implementing the below tips I would constantly make at least 25-50% more than other people selling the exact same items on eBay. Sometimes I found that I would make more than 100% more! Firstly, I’m assuming you already know how to list an item to sell on eBay. If you don’t eBay itself has a great step-by-step tutorial how to do this, just visit their site. Now here are the must do things in order to ensure that you are getting the best price you can when selling items on eBay: 1. Make sure you put a very detailed item description on your auction listing. Google the model/brand name & number of the item you are selling & get all the details including technical specifications (if you are selling electronic items), or any specifications available for this item. Check as many pages as you can & if selling in Australia, make sure you check the Australian sites as a priority as the item you are selling may have slightly different specifications in other countries. If there are product reviews about the item, its a good idea to copy these as well (just make sure you reference back to the site – don’t do this if the review is copyrighted) or you can just add the URL with the words “for a full review of this product, click here”. Never just list the model/brand name & model number as the chances of getting a good final bid price is lower. Bidders like to see all the details of the item they are bidding on. Yes, its true that there are some bidders out there that will already know all about the item you are selling & thus will bid on the item regardless of whether you have the details there or not, but there is also a big group of potential bidders who are just looking for a similar item – e.g. they might just be looking for a video camera but aren’t set on one particular brand or model, so they browse the different options available. If you have everything they want to know about on your auction description, then they are much more likely to bid compared to if you just had the name of the item. 2. Use an HTML editor like Microsoft Frontpage or Dreamweaver to create your auction listings. This way you can make the listing look professional & attractive to potential bidders. You could use the HTML editor on eBay but I always found this to be a little restrictive in its use. Its a good idea to create a template that you can use again & again for different listings. Have a look at what other sellers are doing (those that have fancy auction listings) & see if you can do something similar. Then copy the code from the HTML editor into the “Enter Your Own HTML” box on the sell page of eBay. 3. Take lots of quality pictures of the item & include them in the auction listing. Make sure you take good close ups of the item from many different angles so that bidders know exactly what they are bidding on. I have always found that my listings with good quality photos did so much better than other sellers listings with no or few or bad quality photos. Using a digital camera with 3.2Mp & up is good enough. If you can, avoid using the camera on your mobile phone as most camera phones take bad quality pictures. Take at least 6 good quality photos. 4. Following on from the above point, do not use the upload photo feature of eBay because not only does this add to the cost of your listing, it also resizes your photos reducing the quality & visibility of your item. Instead, go out & get a web hosting account – there are many cheap options available. Upload your photos (you may have to do some resizing of the photos using whatever photo editor you have – do not resize them to too small – I usually make the photos no more than 800 pixels wide & whatever height), & upload them to your web hosting account. Then, copy the link locations into your HTML editor. The easy way is to browse to the actual photos on your website & then right click to copy image & then paste onto your auction description in your HTML editor. 5. Make sure you include detailed information on the condition of the item. If its brand new, write that its brand new, unopened & make sure you put this in the title of the listing. If its used, describe the condition in as much detail as possible. 6. Spend some time on the title of the listing. Don’t just list the name of the item, include some of its key features, as many that will fit. Once again, not everyone knows about an item just by its name or model number. If you specify key features in the title they are more likely going to view your auction. 7. Avoid using reserve prices and high starting bids. If you are really afraid that you will be forced to sell the item for much lower than what you require for it, then a higher starting bid is the better of the two evils. Reserved prices put people off as they do not know what your reserve is. They think it might be high & thus do not bother bidding. But if they know upfront what the start price is, then they are more likely to bid if they are comfortable with that start price. At least they know they have a chance of getting the item at that price versus having a reserve price. To be honest, 90% of the time I have always found that having a start price of 0.99c achieves a much higher final bid amount than having a higher start price. This is because people get involved with the auction and the innate competitiveness built in many of us, causes us to push the bid higher if we are competing with other people for the item. Also once someone bids at any price, they watch that item over & above other items listed. If they are outbid, they generally think “what’s another $1 or $5.. I can afford that to get this item” & so the price goes up. Make sure you do the top points though, as these will help you get informed buyers who are keen to get your product. There are many more things that you can do to ensure that you get the best price for your listings. The ones I have described above I believe are the key ones but there are others that definitely help. You can find many guides to selling more effectively on eBay. In any case, selling on eBay can generate you a great deal of extra income if you sell effectively and this can definitely done by all Australians regardless of whether you have initial startup capital or not.

Must Have Accessories For Your Next Gardening Project

If you enjoy gardening, you are not alone. Each year, millions of Americans grow a garden. If you are interested in becoming one of those individuals, you may need to purchase some supplies. These gardening accessories may not only make gardening easier, but they may also help to produce better results When it comes to gardening accessories, there are a number of different items that are included. To start a garden and maintain it, it is likely that you will need gardening supplies. To grow plants or food, you will need to have seeds. To help your seeds flourish, you may want to have plant food and other feeding supplies. The gardening tools and supplies that you need will all depend on what type of garden you are interested in developing. Despite the difference in supplies, there are many common accessories that you may wish to have. The first step in starting a garden is to pick a space. Since your plants, flowers, or food will need sunlight, you will want to select an area that receives an adequate amount of it. This area can either be large or small, depending on the size of your garden. You may also want to make sure that this area is not in the way of your other activities. Developing your garden in a fairly secluded area will help to reduce the risk of destruction. To get started, you will need to have a number of important gardening tools. These tools should be used to dig a hole for your seeds and to create a smooth ground surface. Popular gardening tools include, but should not be limited to, weeding forks, surface rakes, shovels, and hoes. If you do not already have these tools, you will need to purchase them. Most of these garden tools, along with other gardening accessories, can be purchased online or from most department stores or home improvement stores. Once you have created a safe gardening area, you will then need to start planting your seeds. Your seeds will all depend on which type of garden you plan on having. Many gardeners choose to have a flower garden, plant garden, or a vegetable garden. It addition to having one or the other, you may also want to incorporate plants, vegetables and flowers all into one. You can easily obtain seeds by visiting your local home improvement store, garden store, or department store. For hard to find seeds, you may need to resort to online shopping. Depending on the type of flowers, plants, or vegetables you planted, you should begin to see results in a few weeks. Plant food and special soil may help to increase the appearance of your garden. While most gardeners prefer to use plant food, it is optional. In some cases, you may find that your plants, flowers, or vegetables will grow just as well on their own. Plant food and premixed food soils can be purchased for an affordable price at most retail stores. Gardening is a backyard activity that many enjoy themselves. If you are a parent, you may also want to include your child. Depending on their age, age appropriate gardening tools can be purchased. These tools are similar to most traditional tools, but they tend to be safer. In fact, most play gardening tools are made of plastic and have dull edges. To purchase these gardening supplies for your child, you will want to visit your local retail store or shop online.

You Can Build Your MLM Business Anytime!

Too often I hear comments about how “I can’t build a business right now…it’s the slow season”. I look at it this way: “If people are looking for an excuse for why they can’t make money, there’s always one available. They’ll say: – You can’t make money in November/December because people aren’t interested in looking at a home business during the holidays. – In January everyone is broke from the holidays. – In March and April no one has any money because of tax season. – In the summer, people are all on vacation. – In the fall, people are distracted with back-to-school. – In the winter, it’s the holidays. Blah blah blah. My take? Horse pucky….business is only slow if you are. IF you work consistently….spring, summer, winter and fall….you will learn it’s NOT the month, it’s NOT the season, it’s what you DO that counts! “You will hear many people say that business slows down in the summer …so why is that? Did it slow down and people noticed it, or did people start saying it so it became their reality? In my mind this comes back to: “whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.”- Napoleon Hill I have had some of my best months in the summer, all it takes is consistent action on your part…remember: “A straight path never leads anywhere except to the objective.” – Andre Gide. Remember to stop once in a while and re-explore your goals. Are the actions you are taking right now bringing you closer to them? There is NO SUCH THING as standing still. You can only go forward or backwards in life, so keep moving forward. If you are in network marketing/MLM, direct sales, affiliate marketing, or any other business for that matter; you will find that your business will slow down when you do, and it’s not long before your income follows. Even though it is summer continue to put forth a concerted effort, and you will LOVE the momentum this builds for the fall. Also think about this ever shrinking planet we live in…with the internet you can build in whatever season you want…it’s always winter somewhere!”

How To Find The Right Blogging Platform For Your Needs

Choosing which blogging platform to use is one of the most important decisions that you can make as a blogger. The right platform can make blogging a breeze, and the wrong platform can make blogging a chore. Because the program that you use to blog with is such a powerful part of your blogging experience, it is well worth putting in the time to find a platform that provides your ideal balance between a user-friendly interface and a flexible framework that allows you to make your blog look and feel unique. Finding the right platform isn’t always easy, but with a little bit of contemplation and a little bit of research, you will be on your way to finding the perfect blogging platform. Deciding what your priorities are in terms of ease of use versus customization. Most highly customizable blogging platforms, like moveable type, are a bit more difficult to use than very automated platforms like wordpress. If you are new to blogs and to internet technology, you might want to sacrifice the ability to create a custom background design or to integrate a unique font into your template in order to find a program that will be easy for you to use. On the other hand, if you are a veteran web designer with knowledge of html or javascript, you will probably find the limitations of a user-friendly platform to be frustrating. There is no such thing as a blogging platform that is objectively the best platform, because every blogger has unique needs. The blogging movement is very much about individuality, so it makes plenty of sense that there would be many different platforms available that are designed to meet the needs of different kinds of individuals undertaking different kinds of projects. This diversity is a good thing, because it means that you will almost certainly be able to find a program that suits your level of technical aptitude. However, the fact that no two bloggers need the same thing from a blogging platform can make your search for the right platform a bit tricky. When you are reading reviews of different platforms, try to keep your priorities in mind and do your best to take into account the position that the reviewer is coming from. For example, a negative review written by an accomplished software designer who complains that a popular platform is too limited may tell you that the platform in question is ideal for a beginning blogger. There is no such thing as the perfect platform for everybody, so instead of looking for the “best” platform, look for the best platform for your specific criteria.

Niche Marketing Is Your Key To Avoiding A Common Business Blunder

Niche marketing occurs when you intentionally focus your marketing efforts on a targeted portion of the Internet or another similar market. These targeted portions, known as niche markets, provide a product or service for a defined group of customers who have very specific needs. Niche marketers address the need and market accordingly. For example, many people sell clocks. But, how many of them sell clocks that are shaped like animals? Selling animal-shaped clocks is niche marketing. Of course, clocks are only one example. Once, you get thinking about the kind of products and services you want to offer, you will realize that the possibilities for niche markets and niche marketers are virtually endless. As long as there is a need for a product, there is demand and potential in the demand. One of the biggest mistakes that new Internet entrepreneurs make is ignoring the concept of niche marketing completely and focusing on big markets that appear to be big moneymakers. Though this may seem like a good idea at first, it is usually not the best option. The problem with this tendency is the level of competition that is often encountered. Those who are already established in the market are experts at what they do, which makes it almost impossible to compete with them when you are still learning the ropes of running an online business. With niche markets, you can significantly increase your chances of success. Because there is less competition, people will actually be able to find your website, and in turn, buy your product. Instead of being at the bottom of a search engine index, your site can be right at the top. This will increase your chances of getting new customers, and more importantly, new sales. Niche marketing can also help you get traffic to your site in other ways. For example, when using pay per click campaigns, niche marketers can choose to use keywords that have less competition and in turn, provide consumers with more opportunities to click on the niche marketer’s site. By targeting a specific group of people, you can actually increase your odds of getting a sale. Niche marketing can also lessen an online business’ advertising expenses. Instead of promoting your products and skills to a wide customer base, you are focusing on a specific group of people. This means that you can advertise and market your goods in places that these targeted consumers frequent. So, instead of wasting money on ads that none or only a few of your potential customers will see, you can pay money for an ad that will be as effective as an ad can be. If you want to avoid one of the most common business blunders made by new marketers, consider niche marketing. Niche markets are everywhere, providing you with the ability to monetize your website in ways you never imagined. All you have to do is find your niche and act on it.

Learning From History: 5 Common eBay Mistakes

Errors in Judgment Certain mistakes are common among eBay sellers, even those with experience. But avoiding them can result in higher close rates and better final prices. Lynn Dralle, of, shares the five top mistakes she sees eBay sellers make: 1. Writing a Bad Title. Look at the keywords other sellers are using for similar items, and use every relevant keyword you can—make the most of your 55 characters! Avoid wasting characters on punctuation, and using come-ons like L@@K to get people’s attention. 2. Setting the Wrong Starting Price. Look at lots of Completed Items listings and see what your item is going for. If you start too high, you may lose buyers’ interest. 3. Posting an Inaccurate or Incomplete Description. Failure to include the details of your product, such as size, condition, markings, age, or history, will result in numerous questions and emails. And shoppers will feel less confident bidding without having all the information. Make sure to note any damages or defects as well, to avoid many unnecessary returns. People will be more likely to trust you if they see you’re honest and up-front right away. 4. Putting Up Bad Photos or No Photos At All. Use a background or shoot outside in indirect sunlight—no one wants to see your living room or your messy desk in the background. If you sell clothes, don’t attempt to model them yourself, or put them on your children—buy a mannequin. Advises Dralle, “Keep your environment out of it. It makes your auctions look more professional.” 5. Putting Up an Auction at the Wrong Time. Both time of year and time of day affect the success of your auction. You won’t get a lot of bids for a toboggan if you decide to sell it in August. While if you sell video games, you might find that ending an auction at twelve noon results in a lot fewer of your potential buyers being online than ending it at twelve in the morning. Sufficient Knowledge “At the base of all these mistakes is research,” explains Dralle. “You’ve got to do your research.” Look at eBay’s Completed Items listings, and use their Marketplace Research. Or try a third-party tool like or, which can help you figure out the best way to list your items. An informed seller is always going to see more success, more closed auctions and higher profit margins.

Planets, Moon, Mercury

When most of us think of astrology, we think about our natal sign and not much else. Do you know what some of the major influences are though, that define these Zodiac signs. First and foremost is the Sun. It is the center of all life and represents a person’s personality and spirit. It is the planetary ruler of the sign Leo The Moon, on the other hand, gives us our Soul. The Moon is the ruling planet of the Zodiac sign Cancer. It is very much associated with the mother and with maternal instincts. In Chinese astrology, the Moon represents Yin, while the Sun represents Yang. Mercury rules over Gemini and Virgo. It is the planet of the mind and of communication. In other words, it is the planet of the idea and the means to communicate the idea. The planet Venus rules over Taurus and Libra. Venus is associated with characteristics and principles of harmony and beauty. It is of course, concerned with love. It is also concerned with the pleasure we derive from personal possessions. Mars is the ruling planet for the dynamic Aries, and to some astrologers, Scorpio, although modern astrologers now determine that Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio. Mars is the planet that is concerned with the things you want, and how you go about getting those things. Jupiter is associated with pleasure and enjoyment. It is the ruler of Sagittarius and is also associated with principles of growth, religion and higher education. Saturn is the ruling planet of Capricorn and is associated with principles such as reality and restrictions, boundaries and rules. Saturn was traditionally the ruler of Aquarius until the discovery of the planet Uranus. Neptune is the ruling planet of Pisces and is associated with deception, illusions, spirituality and psychic phenomena. The planet Pluto is the ruling planet of Scorpio and is associated with the concept of transformation.

What To Look For In An Affiliate Program

Are you looking for an opportunity to make money? Look no further. Join affiliate programs, which offer a unique and rewarding way to multiply your revenue streams. However, not every affiliate program is suitable and worth looking at. There are some key things that you need to know about affiliate programs before you decide which is the one to join. Firstly, check who is the target clientele of the affiliate program. Some affiliate programs are meant for special category clients, such as sports, retail, gambling, wholesale, etc.
Choose those affiliate programs which are likely to have affiliates such as you. Next, check out the plan the affiliate uses. Is it PPC, PPL, or PPS? The pay plan that you select is critical, depending on your business goal. Some affiliate programs offer tiers, such as referrals programs. These affiliate programs will be an advantage to you, because you will make money off your referrals’ sales proceeds, as well as your own performance. Pay attention to the commission that is paid. If one program pays 10% and another pays 30%, obviously you would sign up with the one that pays more. Still on the subject of commission, take note what is the minimum payout, and how it is paid to you. It could be a check in the mail, a wire transfer, and some affiliate programs pay by PayPal. It is also useful to check around if the program has any history of bad commission payouts. Of course, the most sensible thing to do is to stay away from such company. In short, you need to use good judgment. Ask by submitting questions to a representative of the affiliate program if you have any queries about an affiliate program that you are interested in. Do not join on impulse but be careful in your selection. This is to ensure you do not miss out any important details of the program. Remember, if you take a little more time to decide, you will make the right choice and join a great affiliate program.