Tips To Succeed Using Google Adwords

Google Adwords is a highly well known and widely used online advertising program that helps an Internet Marketer to succeed within a short span of time. We take a look at some useful strategies to succeed while using Google Adwords. Google Adwords is the most popular and sophisticated pay-per-click programme for advertising on the internet. Unlike regular search engine listings, which are free listings according to “relevance”, as defined by the particular search engine involved, Adwords are small text ads which usually appear to the right of the unpaid listings. Advertisers bid on specific “keywords”, which determines where the ad is displayed. However, unlike other search engines, where placement is completely determined by the amount of the bid, Google uses a complex calculation which also takes into the account the popularity of the ad. Thus, an ad which gets clicked on a lot can end up in a better position than one with a higher bid. That’s how Google rewards the ad for relevancy, so it pays to create an ad that will invite clicks. Advertising with Adwords has many advantages. First, the ad is displayed immediately, as opposed to waiting for sites to show up in regular listings, which can take months. This is because Google chooses on which site to advertise and not the advertiser. Second, these ads can be highly targeted, meaning you can make sure you’re only paying for clicks by customers who are sincerely interested. Third, Adwords allows you to run several ad campaigns simultaneously, so you can test the results and experiment on the fly to constantly improve the quality of the ads. You can even track the “conversion rate,” or the actual number of sales generated by a given ad. This is highly important for PPC marketing. The primary step is to come up with the most effective list of keywords. This is extremely important, because if you bid on the same ones everyone else is bidding on, you will end up with very expensive clicks. You can use any of the many keyword search tools available ( has a popular one) to determine which keywords have lots of searches but not too much competition. You could also use AdWords Analyzer software for this purpose. If you bid on enough low-cost keywords, you can do as well or better than if you had placed an expensive bid on a popular term. You can also place a limit on your budget, so that you can control how much your total expenditure is per month. You can also specify certain words you do not want included, so that you don’t attract a lot of clicks from people looking for something related that you don’t offer. If you are starting out with Google Adwords, I will teach you a fairly simple technique that will save you from spending a lot initially on clicks. Under Networks where your ads should be shown, you need to disable Content Network and activate only Search Network. Normally, you get more targeted visitors with Search Network compared with Content Network. When you are dealing with more targeted visitors, then your click through rate (CTR) will increase and wasteful clicks can be avoided. The Google Ad itself consists of four lines: a title of no more than 25 characters, a description with two lines of up to 35 characters each, and a line for your URL, also limited to 35 characters. The title is what really attracts attention. It should include the keyword you’re targeting, and should be as striking as possible so as to stand out from the crowd. If it’s truly attention-getting, it will get more clicks than other, duller ads higher up on the page. Some suggest that it should be in all caps but Google TOS does not allow it, and include a price if possible. The description should include the USP – Unique Selling Proposition for your product, and also include enough information to discourage clicks by unqualified customers. Make sure they know what you’re selling and what to expect, as well as what sets you apart from the competition. Finally, make sure the URL listed in the Google Ad takes the visitor to the most relevant page in your site for what they’re looking for. Make sure the link is up to date and functioning correctly. That’s it in a nutshell, although the nuances are quite a bit more complex than we can deal with here. Many resources are available on the net which go into greater detail. But now that you understand the basics, you should be armed with the information you need to explore one of the most potentially lucrative marketing tools on the internet. The great news about using Google Adwords is that a website is not a must. Anybody with a little ingenuity and some imagination can succeed in making money using Google Adwords. But, let me also add here that having a website is, definitely, a distinct advantage even though it is not a necessity because of another extremely popular concept known as squeeze pages. Through squeeze pages, your revenue potential through PPC marketing increases exponentially.

Online Shopping Sales

Some people might get an advertisement about online shopping sales with their credit card statements but they are camouflaged to look like normal ads. There is always a telephone number provided so that people can phone in their order, but if they want to look at the product up close and at every angle, the advertisement will probably have a web address printed on it that will list these online shopping sales that are being offered. The paper advertisement might be part of the weekly newspaper circular that advises the public of the online shopping sales of favorite mass merchandising chains. What people do not realize is that there are extra bonuses to be found through the online shopping sales that they would not be given if they walked in the door of the same mass merchandising chain that is just down the street from them. Most people will let an online retailer know if they are interested in receiving updates of the online shopping sales at their particular retail site. There are rules for sending out sales offers through internet mail and many people deplore the spam tactics that some retailer use to market the things that they say are online shopping sales. The ones that send information that is already requested are following the rules and feature online shopping sales that are perfectly fine. People might visit the stores in person and know that the sale prices are typically dressed up prices and not actual discounts that they want people to think they are. They might have visited online retailers who sell the same things but at prices that are a lot lower than they found in the brick and mortar type stores. The online shopping sales are usually lower than anywhere else because retail shops have lower overhead on retail sites that they establish using the internet framework. There are no rules for using double coupons on the internet. Customers can enjoy the low prices offered on the online shopping sales as a discount and turn around and still use a code for up to 10, 20 or 50 percent off the amazingly low sale price that is offered. People sometimes are able to double their great buys and stock up on things that their families use everyday. Knowing where to look for online coupon codes is part of the fun of shopping online. The internet contains a lot of information and quite a bit of it pertains to online shopping and saving people money by posting various online shopping sales and discounts that people can not get anywhere else. Picking and choosing between the bargains found through internet retailers is another benefit of the online shopping sales that are not advertised.

Using Autoblogging Software To Build Your Online Income

While the term “autoblogging” might apply to the thousands of car enthusiasts who are devoting their blogs to their passion, it is more correctly used to describe the latest mini-phenomenon in the larger phenomenon of blogging. Autoblogging is the blogging equivalent of the robot-run assembly line. Autoblogging eliminates the need to write or cut and paste your own blog posts by using certain autoblogging software tools to build your blogs automatically. One of the biggest advantages of using autoblogging software is that it will let you go from maintaining a single blog to creating a host of them. In doing so you can become a blog force in several different online markets, and maximize your chances of making money. But you’ll have to develop the proper attitude and choose the proper autoblogging software tools. * Different Expectations The simple fact is that as quantity increases, quality may suffer, and the use of autoblogging software to expand your Internet presences may not produce the same personality and audience devotion in the logs you manage yourself, so don’t be disappointed if it doesn’t happen. There are other perks to autoblogging. But having a dozen readable blogs built with autoblogging software, even if each of them generates just two or three thousand hits every month, still translates to a tidy sum of traffic. And while you may miss the accolades from an audience who stopped by just to read your words of wisdom, turning your automated blogging software traffic into a revenue stream will help ease the sense of loss. * The Critical Autoblogging Software Tools The best platform for autobloggers is, without question, WordPress. WordPress is open source, so you can change it to suit your fancy, and use it on your domains. Because it’s open source, WordPress is loaded with hundreds of free plug ins and themes. Autoblogging would not be possible without a piece of autoblogging software called the RSS aggregator. Almost all other autoblogging applications, like posting data feeds or articles to your automated blogs, depend on your having an RSS aggregator. WP o Matic is a WordPess plugin that lets you use the RSS feeds to create your blog posts automatically by typing in the feed’s url and choosing in which of your blog’s categories you want the posts to appear. If you want the word on your new blogs to get out, you’ll need a way of submitting your latest postings from each of them to and the other social bookmarking sites. These sites are where Internet users store links to sites they think are useful, and the links car be viewed according to their topics or tags. One of the key autoblogging software tools is a social networking script which will get your latest blog entries out to the bookmarking sites. Finally, an autoblogging software tool often overlooked by many bloggers is a language translations script. If you really want to become an Internet marketing presence, your blogs should be available to everyone on the Internet, regardless of their language. * Start Small and Let the Autoblogging Software Do Its Work Once you have mastered the art of using the autoblogging software tools with one blog, and have seen your traffic grow to the point where that blog could actually generate a regular, if modest, income, you’ve accomplished what you set out to do. Now you’re ready to set up your own blogging empire!

Office Rental Singapore Soars

The current office rental Singapore office had increased tremendously. Office rental space in Singapore is currently facing a shortage of supply. This is due to several redevelopments or retrofitting of commercial office building. Many buildings in the prime district are redeveloping for residential usage. The high influx of oversea companies, especially financial institute, moving into Singapore had also contributed to the office rental in Singapore to soar. For company looking into expanding their office space in Singapore, finding a suitable space is becoming a challenging task. Some companies had opted to move towards High tech building or business park zone. Due to the tight supply of office rental in Singapore, some companies had also decentralized their operation, moving backend operation out of the central business district. There are still ample office spaces in the industrial or business park zone. For some companies, the current office rental had double and even triple when come to renewal of lease. The days of tenants paying low rental and enjoying large space are over. Tenants that do not choose to renew the lease will also need to lower their expectation of the new office that they will be moving to and at the same time paying higher office rental. Shophouse office had become a new popular choice for many companies. Shophouse office rental Singapore is typically commanding half of the traditional office space. With careful planning and interior design, shophouse office can be renovated to be an office with taste. The popular shophouse offices in Singapore are located at Amoy Street, Telok Ayer Street and Tras Street. With the high office rental in Singapore, tenants need to have better creativity usage of office space. Open concept office which optimized office space is employed by most tenants. For some companies, moving out of the Central Business District to the fridge of business zone becomes the number one choice. Others are moving to the business park paying lower rental without compromising the corporate image. However, they do need to compromise on the location as most business park do not residue in the central of Singapore. Most of the business park and high tech building are located either at the east or west side of the island. With this office rental trend, the rental of suburban and business had also increased. The current office rental in Singapore had already surpassed the 1996/1997 office peak. However, there is still room for upwards movement. It is forecast that it will stabilize in 2 years times when new office buildings are ready. This upward trend is due to the shortage of supply and the continuous strong demand. The demand will continue to increase as Singapore economic foundation and strong infrastructure for doing business are attracting many foreign companies to invest in Singapore. Although the office rental in Singapore had push up the business cost, there are many companies continue to expand in Singapore. This does not affect the competitive of Singapore in the Asia region.

Secretaries Selecting Magazines

Many secretaries assume several responsibilities when they accept a position of employment at a company. Some have no problem with greeting visitors or ensuring that the mail meter has enough postage on it for any given business day. Many companies have included secretaries selecting magazines for the front lobby in the job description and some of these secretaries take their responsibilities very seriously. The secretaries selecting magazines will never think to ask their boss about what kind of magazines to furnish. They will naturally select magazines that are pleasing and ones that will provide enjoyable reading for clients as they wait for their appointment time to roll around. Many clients come early when the word spreads that there is a good selection of reading material in the lobby. As the crowd begins to waver in the middle of the month, the secretaries selecting magazines will pause and look through the internet sites for coupon offers and other discounts on other magazine choices on certain websites. They might even walk into the lobby and thumb through a few back issues to obtain the coupon codes for a certain magazine. If people begin to take magazines home with them at the end of the day, the secretaries selecting magazines will have no other choice but to remove them early in the afternoon and know very well that they must be returned to the lobby on the following morning. It seems that the responsibilities for secretaries selecting magazines can be a vigilant task at times, and one that could lead to hard feelings if the office staff does not understand why their precious magazines disappear every afternoon. The secretaries selecting magazines really do have the company’s best interest at heart. The secretary will remove old issue each month and have a new assortment of magazines to replace them. They will try in earnest to replace the magazines with titles that other people might find especially appealing. Office gossip might lend a hand in letting the secretary know that the boss is an avid golfer, and soon everyone can start enjoying delightful issues of Golf Digest. The secretary might even try placing a few sports accents in the lobby on the months where the secretaries selecting magazines pick magazines for football, baseball or the well-received Sports Illustrated issue that every man in the office must glance through every time they start to walk in or out of the front door. When the swimsuit issue is in the lobby, the secretaries selecting magazines know very well that they will have to anchor that issue down, because it disappears every year and is never returned to the lobby.

What You Need To Know Regarding T1 Long Distance Service

T1 technology provides a better option for communication than the technology available over what is these days called POTS (Plain Old Telephone System). The crucial difference between the two is while T1 depends on digitization of voice and data, POTS depends on analog conversion and re-conversion of the same. Digitization of traffic and use of optic fiber cables makes this new system approximately sixty times faster than the conventional phone system. The capacity of carrying high volume of traffic also makes this line many times more efficient than the older one. In fact a single T1 line is capable of supporting twenty four simultaneous conversations in place of only one which the older system is capable of. Moreover, in this new system, the channels are not restricted to any specific telephone. Instead they are considered as a pool and whenever there is a requirement, a particular channel gets busy. The moment it is free it reverts to the pool and is once again to the requirement of another user in the system. Thus a 24 channel T1 connection can service about 100 to 150 users without any of them having to wait for a free line. This speed and flexibility and greater load carrying capacity make it a worthwhile option of communication in today’s fast moving world of business and commerce. Another very important facility which T1 long distance service offers is that it can avoid the local telephone provider and can directly connect you to your long distance provider. Long distance dedicated T1 services usually are toll free services. That is, the caller does not have to pay anything for the call. The receiver enjoys this facility by paying a monthly subscription which depends on the usage. Many business establishments are opting for this new system even though installation of it is a time consuming and costly process and the monthly usage charges are also not cheap! The current scenario of long distance telephony has become extremely competitive and the rates are tumbling down steadily. So, negotiate to the last penny and try to squeeze the maximum concessions you possibly can from the service provider. They claim of an extremely high ‘availability rate’ of 99.99%. In simple terms it means that out of 100 hours of usage, you will be able to use the system for 99.99 hours without any breakdown. Do not forget to include in your contract a punitive clause if the service fails to keep up to that level of efficiency. If you browse the net, you will find that there are many telecom consultants who claim that they can provide you with complete solution ranging from choosing the option which best suits your need to choosing the provider and finally negotiating the best rates possible. They also claim that they can substantially reduce your telecom bills by intelligent choice of schemes and providers. It is not a bad idea to interact with a couple of them to verify whether they can really cause a difference.

Online Auction Sites And Home Business Opportunities

Online auction sites can be a great home business opportunity. These sites specialize in the buying and selling of merchandise, new and used, as well as services. The most well known site of this nature is E-Bay, but there are numerous other sites out there available for home business opportunities. Online auction sites work for home business in several ways. There is an opportunity to sell items from your own online store, or from your personal inventory, or you can become a reseller on these auction sites, or an affiliate of a company that uses wholesale drop shipping. If you already have an online store as a home based business, then using an online auction site to sell your products can increase your profits and marketing options. This option allows you to show your products for a very low price and find more buyers for your items. Online auction sites are a great way to hold a yard sale on your computer. If you have piles of stuff that you have been meaning to get rid of, this is an excellent way to make money from it and start a home business at the same time. Most people have items that they have not used in years but that are still in great condition. Books, sports equipment, video games and consoles, and quite a bit more are all regularly sold on these auction sites for a profit. An auction site reseller is someone who has made a home business out of buying low and selling high on these sites. Finding great bargains and then reselling them for a profit can be a very profitable home business, and with the variety of items that are available on these auction sites, finding bargains to resell is a breeze. Wholesale drop shipping has created a whole new type of home business on these auction sites. This concept allows you to offer items on auction sites and online stores that give you a profit with no shipping involved once a product is purchased. The affiliate company takes care of all shipping and customer service, so your part is small yet profitable. No matter which way you use the online auction sites, making a profitable home business by using these sites is not complicated. There are numerous home based business opportunities on these online auction sites, and making your home business a success by using these strategies is a good bet. Whether you start a home business as a reseller, or an affiliate of a wholesale drop shipper, these auction sites can greatly improve the profit from your home business. Copyright © 2007 Joel Teo. All rights reserved. (You may publish this article in its entirety with the following author’s information with live links only.)

The Three A's Of Women's Magazines

In an express way type of day with work, kids, house chores, spouse chores, pets, activities and email all needing attention, amazing women still find time to read. Its not a lot of time. Most women don’t have time to read War and Peace or the long winding novels they did during carefree days, but do find stitches of time sewn into the fabric of a day for at least a few hundred words. Women’s magazines were made for just such times. Containing articles, essays and photojournalism, these magazines add a little edification to already full days. Because time is precious the secret is to pick the best magazines to fill the void with things the reader really wants to see or know. The best way to do that is judge by the three A’s. Age The first thing magazines do to define themselves is select the age of the target group they are writing about. Age determines language use, writing style, topic selection, the types of advertisements and cover art. There are age appropriate magazines across the spectrum of life time. From Tiger Beat, the guilty pleasure of pre-teen girls with star crushes, to Modern Maturity for women who have lived long enough to know those crushes never last, there is a magazine or two written just for the age. While age may not determine all the reader’s interests – a 60 year old can just as easily have a crush on Orlando Bloom as a high school freshman – the lexicon, usage and style should be something the reader is most comfortable with. Audience Before subscribing, it might be best to buy a copy or two of the magazine off the rack and see if the audience it was written for is a match to your taste and style. Audience adaptation is what magazine writing is all about. Each publication uses a profile to determine the types of women who will best enjoy the article. Just because a magazine covers the same topic does not mean it was written for the same audience. For women who are a little more formal and have dinner parties where well dressed people sit at a long wooden table with napkins in their lap while using their indoor voice, Martha Stewart’s Living may be just the magazine they need. For others who serve chips, dips and finger food to friends who eat while standing around a music filled room or sitting on the kitchen counter Rachel Ray Everyday is more likely to give better tips. Like shoes and car seat covers, magazines should be a good fit. Appeal In the sniplets of time women have to enjoy themselves with an article or two the key question becomes, “what topic appeals too you?” Some women are life-long learners who want to read about new developments, world issues and travel essays. The New Yorker would be good for them. Others are business oriented and want to make the most of their family finances or get support for women in business from others who are also in the mix and they might enjoy Pink a magazine for women in business. Many simply want to escape and be entertained and there is no shortage of offerings for them from Entertainment Weekly to People. There are plenty of choices out there for whatever may best enhance a woman’s life and time. Magazines are not written to take away someone’s time. They are published to make it meaningful and enjoyable. They actually add to life. By selecting a magazine that fulfills the three A’s of your life your reading can always be the best of times.

Promotional Strategies For Your Online Business

Tag – You’re It! Make it easy for your website visitors to tag you. Help your readers to spread the word about your content through social book marking and social networking. Provide links to social networking site on the end of your articles. Social book marking sites enable readers to share your book marks publicly, tagging them to help others to find them. When you have great articles on your website your readers will tag them so other people can find them. Press Releases Keyword rich press releases are similarly effective to writing articles. PRWeb is one of the most popular press release systems. A press release is great tool to announce a change to your company such as the redesign of your website or to announce a new product. Your press release could result in an interview with a newspaper or magazine editor. Historically, press releases were aimed at news editors. Today, press releases are aimed directly at web surfers. Your job is to write an interesting press release with quality content. You only have a few seconds to convince the reader that your press release is worth reading. Your title and the first couple of sentences are the most important components of a great press release. Focus on what your audience wants to read not what you want to write. Page Elements Write catchy page titles. Perform a search with some of your most relevant keywords. Examine the first page results, and see which one grabs your attention. Write down the most captivating page titles, and see if you can write better ones for your pages. The same is true for your Meta description tags. Even though, some search engines no longer list Meta description content it won’t hurt to have a catchy description. Name your images with your keywords within the image file name. For example, if you have images of candles on your site, name the image files such as “candle-product-name.jpg,” or “candle-product-description.jpg.” Search engines might give you traffic based on your image file names. With minimal effort people performing an image search could land on your website.

Potential Domain Investing Risks

All of us buying domain names for several years now can share a few stories on the satisfactory return on investment that we’ve had. Nevertheless, when considering investing in more domains (or simply holding to the ones you already own) there are some factors to evaluate on the durability and appreciation of those assets. The following are potential domain investing scenarios where the asset could depreciate in value: * Internet market consolidation – In a mature Internet market consolidated into a few dominant leaders, there is a possibility of encapsulating the user (think of AOL) into a user experience controlled by the roles set out by those leaders. In this scenario, users could be led to a new form of browsing dominated mostly by “proprietary” keywords owned by influential players. * Excess domain supply – Opposite to an Internet market consolidation, in the event of an open Internet with relaxed domain extension creation protocols (read ICANN) the market could become saturated with domain extensions. In this scenario domain supply goes ad infinitum. When users have the availability and Internet knowledge to browse through .whatever, then could lose value. * Increased user knowledge – Many of the wealthiest domain investors rely on type-in traffic at generic domain names as its major source of revenue. The current user, unaware of the existence or nonexistence of a website is wrongly trained to type in the topic they are searching for and add the “.com”. Thus, owners of generic term domain names are currently earning millions of dollars from this practice. These domain names are usually resold based on yearly earnings multiples ranging in average of 8 to 15 times. However, as users grow more tech savvy, there’s a possibility that the type-in water well dries up. * Widgets and applications – Similar to the first point, as Internet widgets and applications proliferate user browsing behavior could change. A user that interacts with the Internet through a collection of widgets and applications could reduce its dependence on traditional domain browsing (think Facebook apps). * Evolution of television – currently, there are powerful companies pushing for the creation of an interactive television experience, studies show that users are ready. Depending on the extent to which televisions supply the tools for browsing the Internet, users might find themselves interacting in a whole new way detached from the need of domains. * Liquidity – Domain names have very low liquidity. As a result, investors facing an urgent need to sell their domains will most likely see a huge decline in the selling price from the actual domain worth. This by itself reduces greatly the amount of investors and investment money available by traditional and wealthier investors. The constantly evolving Internet technology poses many more risks in the way a user interacts in cyberspace. A recent example of how a domain extension’s viability was seriously questioned is the .mobi extension in response to the launch of the iPhone and the way the cellphone allowed for regular browsing, rather than limited mobile browsing. When deciding to purchase a domain name as an investment, the investor should consider the above factors and understand that domain investing is a high risk investment with a strong chance of having a relatively low durability. New Top Level Domain process Studies on Television Interactivity,1370,-1019-41365,00.html Post on domain liquidity .mobi problems with the iPhone

Tips For Commercial Success: Writing Sales Letters

For many marketing specialists, writing sales letters can be difficult. In a few paragraphs, you need to sell not only a product or service, but the company as well. You need to convince the recipient that the company is in the best position, and has all the credentials to produce the best product or service to meet the needs of its prospective customers. If there seems to be no need for the product or service, you have to create the need for it. Moreover, you need to do all these to sell a product or service to a potentially saturated market that has little or no time to read sales letters. What constitutes a great sales letter? A great sales letter should not only be brief, it should also be rich in content and easy to understand. It should also be properly formatted and addressed. Not only should a great sales letter have all these traits, it should also translate into actual sales for the company. Why should a sales letter be brief? Few people have time to actually sit down and understand every single word of a sales letter. You might want to rave on and on about how much research your company has conducted so that it could produce the best product or service. You might want to enumerate all the prizes that your product or service has received. All these can be good in backing up the credibility of your company and the reliability of your product or service; however, you should give more attention to your customer. Use this rule of thumb when writing sales letters: customers do not care about what you know, until you let them know that you care. This means that your credentials mean nothing if you have a product or service that no one will need. Your sales letter, therefore, should emphasize your customer’s urgent need to purchase the product or service. Customers, moreover, do not want to be pushed into a pile of random names; customers do not want anonymity, and most of the time, they want to be recognized. When addressing your sales letters, address your customers by name, and avoid using generic salutations such as “Dear Sir” or “To Whom it May Concern.” Such greetings can make people feel lost in a crowd of other customers, and chances are, a sales letter that begins like this can also be lost in the pile of junk mail. If possible, have your CEO or a major player in your company sign the sales letter personally. This adds a special touch to the letter, and can make it appear that the CEO himself or herself is appealing to prospective customers, and aims to meet their needs. If mass signing of thousands of sales letters is not possible, you can affix a scanned signature, or include a picture of the signer on the letter itself. The language of the sales letter should also be exciting, but not sensational; and understandable, but not condescending. In general, you can lose or win a customer within the first few words of your letter, so choose your words carefully! You do not want to annoy customers by a prospective deal that sounds too good to be true, and neither do you want to alienate them or make them feel small by talking to them as though they were children. Practice your letter writing tone by making sample letters for your friends to read and critique. Lastly, make your sales letter attractive but simple. If you are selling a product, show not only the product, but the product being used. If you are marketing a service, show people availing of the service, and, if possible, show a few testimonials of people who have already availed of the service before. Use only high resolution pictures: low resolution pictures are not only unattractive, they show a low level of professionalism, and can make you appear less reliable and credible than you claim. Writing sales letters can be difficult, but with more practice, and with market studies to back you up, you can find yourself writing them without a hitch. Study sales letter formats and employ them, and make your sales letters always appear neat and professional. Use good language and be brief: say all that you can as soon as you can, and soon, you may find the profits coming your way.

My Power Mall Business Evaluation

I have looked at numerous on-line money making opportunities over the last 10 years and very few have been truly free or that actually provides a product or service that would be of benefit to me. Today I am looking at My Power Mall (MPM). Here is the basic information. You will get a free power mall when you sign up. You will receive a rebate on all of your purchases. You can give away free power malls to anyone and you will receive a commission on all purchase up to 9 tier levels deep. You will receive all of the tools needed to become successful in your new business. Sounds good so far, but then all of them do sound good in the sales letter.
The first thing I looked at is there any store in the system that I would actually use? Having the ability to shop on-line at a bagel store in Nebraska would not be of benefit to me. You have the ability to shop on-line at places like Sears, Target, PETsMART, Starbucks, Hickory Farms, Ralph Lauren, Overstock, Wes Marine, Old Navy, OfficeMax, Gap, Circuit City, and K Mart just to name a few of the over 1000 of stores available and you receive rebates on everything you purchase. I shop at some of the stores listed and when I looked for a large price markup on the items for sale I could not find any. I have seen other on-line stores that increase the price per item so high to compensate for the commissions paid that anyone that does any type of price comparison would never shop at that on-line store unless he or she lived in a very small town and the nearest store was over 50 miles away. That type of opportunity would limit my target market and I would get very few if any commissions on sales. Is it really free? If I have to spend 30 bucks or so per month to maintain an active account then I do not consider that opportunity to be free. If I have to purchase some type of mailing list or do any advertising to get a minimum number of people signed up under me to maintain my active status then again it is not free. Does My Power Mall have any qualification minimums? Nope, no mandatory minimums, no meetings, no selling required, no activity requirements and the company guaranties that their will never be any. If you take a look at what they are offering you can see why this is true. Only one on-line store exists. Everyone that has a power mall uses the same set of computer programs and the only thing different is your ID number is being used to determine who gets commission for the sale. Once you set up a database to keep track of member ID numbers it is not much more costly to keep track of 1 member as it is to keep track of 100,000 members. No programming staff is required to help members customize the malls or extra computer space to take care of all of the different malls. No approval process, as soon as you sign up you will have your mall ID within seconds. No selling. This is right at the top of my list of things that I do not want to do. I hate selling. I don’t want to send out sales letters to all of my friends or even people I do not know. I like to write articles and I do have web sites for my articles on allergies, heart disease, diamond and so on. When I write an article on allergies or diamonds I do not tell the reader that you need to go out and purchase this vitamin because, or go to this jewelry store and buy diamonds. I like to write article that contain useful or interesting information. I do put adds for one or two vitamin companies or jewelry companies on my web sites and if the reader wants to purchase something then great and I do get a commission on the sales. This may give away my age but quite a few years ago I went to England on business. I was out with some people from work and the topic of blue jeans came up. When asked how many blue jeans I owned I told them I had about 6 pairs. Right away they thought I was rich. Why, because at that time blue jeans were very hard to come by in England and were going for about $150 each. My cost was about $30. I sold them my blue jeans for $100 each. American products are still very hard to come by in a lot of foreign countries. My Power Mall group has made arrangements with a company to send just about everything they sell to just about any country. It will cost extra for the shipping and the customs paperwork but if a customer from Uruguay wants to purchase Craftsman tools from Sears it can be done. One last thing, My Power Mall donates a percentage of profit to non-profit organizations. They even give you the option of signing up your favorite non-profit organization for a win-win situation. Can I recommend this company? I have just signed up with them and I do not have enough history with the company to give you a fair and honest report so you will have to check back later. They have passed all of my tests but you need to take a look at them yourself and see if they pass all of your tests.

What Is Your Stress Level?

Everyone responds to stress in different ways. Some of the changes in one’s life can be the leading cause of one suffering from stress. There is an interactive tool that measures one’s stress level according to the number of changes one has recently had. This score will give a rough estimate of one’s current stress level. You will also be able to find out if you are out to experience other health related problems due to one experiencing stress in the next twelve to eighteen months. This has been known to help individual’s suffering from stress to better prepare oneself in handling future outbreaks of stress. If you experience short term or acute stress , you find yourself being awaken during the night and finding yourself very irritable and quiet edgy. One suffering from high levels of stress for longer periods of time may find they are more prone to having or developing serious health problems. High blood pressure is often related to stress. A low immune system can be brought on by stress , and cause your body not to be able to fight off infections or other diseases. Once you have encountered stress , you are bound to encounter depression ; asthma or heart disease. When the interactive tool is used in measuring one’s stress level, one may find that they could be experiencing low; mild; moderate; or high stress levels. An individual suffering from moderate or high stress levels , they are more prone to encountering other stress related illnesses. This interactive tool is only an estimate of one’s stress level. Often the way an individual handles stress depends on several important factors. One’s resiliency to cope with change is significant in changing one’s lifestyle. This individual needs all the support and love they can get from their family and friends. There are many events that can cause one to suffer from stress. If you find that your stress level is high or moderate, one may want to consider trying to avoid situations that may cause an increasing amount of stress in one’s life. It is important to learn how to handle the stress that one may already be suffering from. It never hurts to lean an open ear or lean a helping hand to an individual that is suffering from stress in one’s life. Often the one suffering from stress finds comfort for oneself when they can share their inner most thoughts with another. Help your loved ones to enjoy a healthier lifestyle by helping them to eliminate stress in their lives

Why Small Contractors Must Evolve

EVOLVE » to develop gradually To transform your business from a start-up into a successful $4 million construction company. To realize the solutions that solve the problems of start-ups differ greatly from the solutions that solve the problems faced by larger contractors. To realize that the skills and habits you need to get your business off the ground are completely different from the skills and habits you need to run a large company. Your business skills must evolve. If you are going create a successful business, you must evolve the way you do business. You must change the way you: » Handle your employees. » Handle money. » Handle clients. » Track performance. When you started your business, you only needed construction skills and a fire in your belly. When you chose to grow your company to $400,000, you were forced to develop marketing and staffing skills. You had to find a way to get more leads and a way to find good workers. You had to evolve. When you decided to grow beyond $400,000, you were forced to develop performance management and financial management skills. You had to find a way to keep your employees productive and a way to protect your money. You had to evolve. When you decided to grow beyond $2 million, you had to develop networking skills, selling skills, and leadership skills. You had to find a way to build relationships, land good work, and motivate your team. You had to evolve. The journey from start-up to successful small business is a treacherous one, filled with many challenges and major problems. If you fail to evolve, to continually improve the way you do business, you will not complete your journey. Sooner or later, you will run into a challenge you will be unable to overcome. You will be left with the choice of staying where you are or going back to where you came from. You will remain a slave to your company. Evolving means trying solutions you are unfamiliar with. That means deliberately tossing aside previously effective solutions and finding new ones. Are you willing and able to do that? Find someone who can lead your through the journey. Someone who can predict challenges you will be running into and explain the solutions that will help you overcome each. Find a mentor, a peer group, an association, or a professional. Find someone who can help you evolve as a businessman. You must be constantly evolving!

Manufacturing Yourself

Ever think of the perfect thing to sell online but only to find that you cannot find a decent supply? You check into drop shipping, but the margins are dismal. Plus all the drop shipper’s out there are a shady bunch and you wonder if your order will really get filled. So then you go and try to buy it straight from the manufacture to find out you need to become a distributor or buy in large quantities. Although buying in large quantities may be ok, you not quiet sure the idea is going to do well online. So, then you move to ordering from a light bulk shipper, and it doesn’t work either. So the next move is to try and import the product. But the problem with that is that you have to order in large quantities again it’s a big-money problem. So what do you do? The most obvious idea, is to create your own solution and the best solution is produce it yourself. Think about this for a minute, if you make your own inventory, then you control your own inventory. You only run out, when you don’t make yourself more. You don’t have to worry about price increases, your in complete control. You will find better ways to control costs and lower your price to manufacture your item. This happens naturally and you should not focus on this part in the beginning. Making your own items tends to give you great quality and you will stand out from the rest of your seller group. This is an outstanding way to think outside the box. Once you establish yourself as an expert other manufacturers will find you. Another good advantage of manufacturing yourself is you learn how to add features that buyers want and you can time the market better. This is an outstanding feature, you can respond to market changes in real time. So what are some things that you can manufacture? Wood items, metal items, jewelry, children’s items, personal items, etc. At first you may not think you can do this. You think you need large machinery and big spaces. But you can start in your garage even with one small machine and go from there. The key is starting with your idea and then developing the details. So the big question is how do you do it. First off, I look at my hobbies and look at the things that I am interested in. If you are really into a sport or hobby, chances are you will be passionate about marketing it online. Keeping the passion going is important when you are optimizing and marketing your site. Secondly, look at different machines that are out there that you can lease or buy outright. I know of several individuals that own milling machines and market niche items in their spare time. They carefully document their work with pictures and video to add credibility and attention to detail. Avoid the traditional ads you see about manufacturing franchise business that you can purchase and set up yourself. The best bet is to go 100% original and create your own market. The sky is the limit and there are many opportunities to explore. Look for our next article for more detailed information and ideas.

Marketing Digital Products With Resell Rights – How Do You Do This?

There are all kinds of digital products with resell rights that you can get to sell. However, marketing digital products with resell rights can be hard to do when you don’t know how to do it. One of the most important things that you can do is to educate yourself on how to market on the internet. You won’t be able to learn this in one day. Your education will be an ongoing process no matter how long you are in business. So what is the best way for you to start marketing digital products with resell rights? First, you need to decide what type of marketing you want to do. In other words you want to find out how much of a budget you have to work with. This will help you decide whether you need to use the free marketing methods or the paid marketing methods. The free ones will take you more time to start seeing results. You will get faster results and start making money sooner if you can use some of the paid advertising methods that are available. So this is very important for you to figure out before you start marketing. Once you know what your budget is you will be able to start marketing easier. Traffic is what you will need to make money. Let me tell you some ways that you can use to start marketing digital products with resell rights so you can start making some money. You want to use more than one method of advertising so that if one way doesn’t work for you then you can have other ways that will. These are some of the free marketing methods that you will want to use even if you do use some of the paid methods too. One: you want to write articles or hire someone to write them for you. This is definitely one form of advertising that you will want to use no matter what. Article marketing is and always will be the one form of advertising that will work. It will take a little time for you to see results with it but it will be well worth the wait. Once you have an article you will want to post it to your website, blog, and send it out to article directories. You will have a resource box at the end of the article with the product that you are selling. Other people can then use your article with the resource box to post it to their newsletter or website. Two: you want to get involved in forums and start posting answers to other people’s questions or asking your own questions. You will have a signature file that you can use that will be posted each time you make a comment or ask a question. These posts will be picked up by different search engines. Here are a couple of paid methods that you can use for marketing digital products with resell rights. One: you can use pay per click advertising such as Google Adwords. This is a fast way to see results. However, you want to make sure that you educate yourself on how this is done before you do it. That way you will end up making money instead of losing money. Two: you can buy solo ads with someone who has a list of loyal subscribers to their newsletter. This way they will only see your resell rights products and not a lot of other ones with it. No matter what you use for marketing digital products with resell rights it is important for you to educate yourself on all of the different ways. You want to use more than one method at a time. This way you have a much better chance of making money faster. Summary: Marketing digital products with resell rights is hard to do if you don’t know how to do it. The best way to start marketing is to learn about all of the different ways that you can advertise the resell rights products. This is very important for you to do if you want to start making money.

Second Tier Affiliates

Have you been dealing with affiliate programs that won’t accept your application because your site isn’t perfect or that don’t provide you with enough tools to wow your readers into buying? If you’re looking for an affiliate program that takes it to the next level then you’ll be interested in reading on… From: Jos Van Helvoirt It’s your first time filling out an application for an affiliate program. You fill in your name, address, business, then WAIT! It wants to know what your website is like and says it will only accept a site that is top notch and already working. But you only have a domain name and a great idea that is going to make you serious money… that is IF you get accepted for the affiliate programs in your niche market. Has this happened to you? The frustration of getting denied for an affiliate program just because the company is worried it will reflect badly on their company is a real hurdle that marketers have to get over. Actually, let me rephrase that… it’s a real hurdle that marketers had to get over until Russell Brunson’s TheSecondTier was introduced! You never have to worry about getting accepted by the Second Tier, even if all you have is an idea for a great website and don’t know the first thing about getting started. Plus, it recently underwent a complete information and visual makeover meaning it has more tools that are easier to use than ever! The reason Russell allows anyone to be a part of the Second Tier is because of his unique philosophy that affiliates should have the resources they need to learn to be more effective internet marketers in addition to promotional tools that help sell the products. Hence TheSecondTier is not just an affiliate program but an affiliate training center. What other affiliate program would teach you: • How to choose the right product for you to promote – One of the biggest mistakes that almost all affiliates make when they first start out, is that they try to promote too many things at once. This video will show you exactly how to choose the right one or two products that will make you the most money. • How to set up an “Affiliate Squeeze” page – Less then 2% of all affiliates use this powerful technique, but after you implement it into your affiliate promotions, you will see your commissions grow exponentially. • How to drive targeted traffic to your “Affiliate Squeeze” pages for FREE – Once you learn this simple (and free) concept on how to drive traffic to your “Affiliate Squeeze” pages, you will be able to start literally writing your own paychecks. • How to build an huge targeted opt-in mailing list – You will learn how easy it is to build an opt-in list, and use that to exponentially increase your affiliate commissions EVERY week! • How to strategically place “Affiliate Land Mines” and watch your profits EXPLODE! – Follow this one simple strategy and you will start getting checks in the mail every month! • How to dominate your Pay Per Click ad campaigns – It’s very powerful if you learn how to do it right. This video will walk you through the process to get high converting PPC ads! • How to use teleseminars to close ten times the clients in 1/2 the time – One of the secrets to selling a lot of products as an affiliate quickly is doing teleseminars. I was nervous when I did my first few, but now I can’t stop because every time I do one, my affiliate checks from that day are anywhere from $2,000 – $15,000 (and it’s a lot easier then you’d think). • How to broker JV deals and make a fortune on your 2nd tier – Many of our affiliates earn thousands of dollars each month from the efforts of others. These videos will show you exactly how they find super affiliates to add to their second tier. • How to protect your commissions from thieves while increasing your conversions – One of the number one concerns that affiliates have are people stealing their commissions. You will learn the techniques that will protect your links and also guarantee that even the worst thieves will gladly give you their commissions instead of keeping it for themselves. • and a whole lot more…. The information provided will make beginners feel experienced and experienced feel like experts. You are given all of the tools and training (like training videos, audio advice straight from Russell and the affiliate managers’ blog) – all that is really needed is the desire to learn and try. For years affiliate marketing has been growing in popularity as a way to make a residual income. The ease of setting up a site once makes it very appealing for anyone from college students with no money to retirees looking to keep a constant flow of cash coming in. Unfortunately, only a small percentage of people who think about affiliate marketing take advantage of it because they don’t know where to start and don’t have money on hand to pay for a product that teaches them how. That’s why Russell made the decision when he created the Second Tier that anyone who wanted to be a great affiliate marketer would have everything they needed completely free. Plus, his affiliates have access to other unique incentives and tools like a two tier system that gives them a commission when someone they refer sells a product and rewards for top selling affiliates. To be a part of this one-of-a-kind program visit the link below and fill out the form without worrying about getting denied and get instant access to the affiliate training center of your dreams! All the best, Jos van Helvoirt